Monday, January 30, 2012

14 Pound Baby Born Without Surgery Or Epidural

Kendall Stewardson has some experience with big children at birth. 15 months ago she gave birth to a boy who weighted 12 pounds 1 ounce. She went for much bigger this time. Over the weekend she gave birth to a boy who weighed 13 pounds and 13 ounces. That is less than a quarter pounder away from 14 pounds. What is amazing and what appears to be newsworthy about this whole event is that Kendall did not have any kind of epidural or any kind of surgery. She felt that both would be bad for the baby so did it the old fashioned way. Less than one tenth of one percent of babies weigh more than 11 pounds so the fact she had two within 15 months is amazing.


  1. I have to say, that baby looks too big. not big in a healthy way.

  2. So if the baby is big enough to drive the car himself, would that change your answer for the "Your Turn" carpooling question?

  3. @Cake - hahahahhahahahha

    I have to say, my second one was 11lbs even. I didn't have diabeties or any of the other problems, she was just kinda big. Having said that, I had an epidural AND a C-section. Her little sister was 10.3 and I did the same. The doctor said the magic words to me that started with "Afraid about damage to the pelvic floor...." I signed up right away for the C-section.

  4. Oh my, this poor lady and her ladyparts! She is more of a woman than I will ever be! She must have ovaries of steel.

  5. $10,000 says this mother has diabetes.

  6. Anonymous10:31 AM

    Oooochie. lol

  7. Holy fuckballs, that is a huge baby *LOL*. I would probably have asked for every drug known to man myself...*L*

  8. Big Mama- No Way! My first was 9lbs 9oz and second was 11 lbs 3oz. I didn't have diabetes either. I had the epidural...but not the C-section. (Maybe you should be "Big Baby Mama"!!)

  9. That is like giving birth to a 3 month old!

  10. (Cake, that was in response to your first post... but could be for both, I suppose. ELEVEN POUNDS?!)

  11. That baby is ginormous! I bet she had gestational diabetes.
    You know what is funny about that in my case? I had gestational when I was pregnant with my first, my daugter. Well, they put me on the diet plan and warned me if I went off it I'd have to get insulin shots. That scared the shit out of me, so I did EXACTLY what the nutrisionist told me to do. I didn't gain enough and she was only 4 lb. 15 oz.

  12. Cake - wow, thats a big ol'baby. Congrats on being able to skip the c-section. I am too old and not brave enough, plus I am on the short side so a baby that big was a bit horrifying. I have a great grandmother who had 12 kids (or something like that) all of them over 10lbs with one being 14 lbs and she had them all at home with a midwife. I am soooooooooo not cut out of turn of the century birthings.

  13. He looks like one of the midgets in the Lollipop Guild.

  14. Dang. My hoo-ha hurts just thinking about this. I wonder if the baby was late?

  15. EmEyeKay- thanks..yep...sure was..his nickname is "Chunk".

  16. My husband is sleeping on the couch. He can get calluses on BOTH hands!

  17. Anonymous10:43 AM

    My wife and I's first child was 10 even and she did it naturally as well. We were shocked at the amount and kind of drugs that women recieve during childbirth and neither of us wanted to have that occur to our kiddo.

    3 years later we have an amazing son.

  18. If I were her, I would've asked for a couple stitches down below, just in case my lady bits didn't heal all the way....and for me to birth a baby THAT big, I'd have an epidural, a C-section, and would smoke a joint on the way to the hospital....LOL

    1. YES! I'm 29 weeks now, and this story makes me wonder if it's too late to, ya know, change my mind..

  19. My first kid was 11 pounds 4 ounces, boy, 22 inches. My second kid was 11 pounds, 10 ounces, 23 inches, girl. I did have epidurals but I didn't have C sections. Nor did I have gestational diabetes.

  20. My Grandma's first baby was 13 pds 8 ounces, born at her farm (this was about 80 years ago) in the middle of winter. They had to pull the midwife up on a sled. She had 4 more children all smaller, but she did tell me people told her the first was the smallest and she said she wanted to hide from Grandpa when he got that twinkle in his eye, lol.

  21. Holy shite. It's interesting everyone's telling about having big babies and not having gestational diabetes, that was my first thought.

    I was almost 10 pounds (one oz shy) at birth, a nurse friend recently told me my mom probably had the diabetes, just wasn't diagnosed. My younger brother was 8 pounds, btw.

    I feel bad for her ladyparts and fear for mine

  22. And what was she eating will be interesting to follow these children and see how they develop.

  23. I had gestational diabetes with my first and full blown diabetes with my second and both babies were tiny. As long as mommy and baby are healthy and get good medical care the size itself doesn't really matter.

  24. Being 6 feet tall, my Dr. tested me repeatedly for diabetes. I finally tested positive when I was 9 months. 3 1/2 weeks later, I had a 10 1/2 lb. baby girl. She is now 26 with her own daughter. 5 foot 9 inchs and 125 lbs. I only gained 20 lbs. and did it all naturally. Afterward, I was given lots of painkillers so they could repair all the rips. Could never have another child. I should of had a C section. My sister same height, had a 3lb. boy. He is now 6'2" 180 lb. and played college football. She had a c section.

  25. I was scared to deliver my first baby (which was natural) but my sister pointed out that a womans body is actually designed to do this, no mater how horrible or scary it may seem. Some how that made me feel alot better. She also advised me not to listen to horror stories that people love to tell first time expectant mommies. I always tell them that it was great, didn't hurt much and recovery was a breeze. No reason to freak them out.

    I love hearing all the other mommies out there who had such large babies. I get made to feel a bit of a freak at times. I had one woman basically call me a liar when I said I didn't have gestational diabeties.

  26. "DES MOINES, Iowa" --- well, that sums it up.

  27. 1st baby, 10lb 2oz toxiema, but no diabetes

    2nd baby 10lb 4oz no diabetes or toxiema

    Had emergency c section with the first on and planned section with the second and had my tubes tied at the same time. I was afraid the next one would be close to 11lbs. I am 5'2", so i looked like the broad side of a barn when i was pregnant.

  28. I'm six feet tall so my huge wasn't as huge as other people's. My son is now 17 and 6'5" and my daughter is now 15 and 5'11".

  29. Good LAWD. I wonder how tall this woman is. Doc just told me I can expect my baby to be in the high 7 pound range (I'm 5'1") and that sounds about right to me. If I were told anything above 8 pounds, I think I'd freak the fuck out.

  30. Anonymous11:46 AM

    Not understanding why "Des Moines IA" sums it up. It's a nice city inhabited by a lot of good people. Never met anyone from Iowa that I didn't like.

  31. Anonymous11:53 AM

    You know what's not good for a baby? Weighing 14 fucking pounds when its born. Dolt.

  32. Anonymous12:04 PM

    I weighed 10 pounds 2 ounces when I was born, but I was really, really late. Doctors tried everything to trigger labor, no go. I must have been hanging on with both hands. They finally delivered me via C-section, seven weeks late and with my mom nursing two ribs I broke trying to make more room for myself. Sorry, mom!

  33. I had induced labor, which went on for hours, no epidural, but did have an episiotomy (sp) and only a 5lb 13 oz baby. I passed out and woke up to my Dr. whistling Mack the Knife while he did a little stitching.
    I tip my hat to ladies who have large babies.

  34. OMG!!! That is a big baby!!


  35. Hey Texshan, I was 2 weeks overdue and my brother was 3 weeks. I hadn't even turned, they tried to turn me internally, wouldn't budge. So they prepped my mum for a caesarean and I turned and engaged between the prep room and the operating theatre and came out naturally. My brother peeled when he was born, had the best skin. How about you?

  36. 1st one was 10lb 10 oz no diabetes. I delivered naturally. I tore both up and down and around. It wasnt right until repairs were done after my 2nd child. Also natural and drug free. I dont recommend it.
    That baby looks fat. Babies are usually born looking scrawny then fill out. Im betting theres something behind his size.

  37. Anonymous12:44 PM

    Feraltart, I wasn't budging. They tried to induce labor three different times, and absolutely nothing happened. I hadn't turned, either -- when they finally cut my mom open, the top of my head was right there pressed against her skin beneath the knife and they actually cut me, too -- I had to have three stitches in my head the day I was born. Turns out I had jaundice and some problems breathing on my own (my heart rate dropped to nearly zero during delivery), so I spent the first week of my life in an incubator.

    My brother was actually two weeks early -- this was in the days of not allowing a woman who had had a c-section have a vaginal delivery afterward, so they took him early to make sure that didn't happen. He still weighed over seven pounds, though, and was perfectly healthy. Totally undramatic, especially compared to me.

  38. Like I said, Dr said damage to the pelvic floor and recomended a c-section....I said yep.

    My 11 lb baby was just as fat looking as the one in the picture. I had a healthy pregnancy and she is normal if not small for her age (3) Just because a baby is fat does not make it something mom did anymore than an unusally small baby makes it something the mom did. Some people just have big babies. It is in my family history and it sounds like it is for alot of other women here as well. I myself was an 11 lb baby. Oh, and despite my grousing about my weight on here periodically, I am not unusally large person. I weighed 140 when I got pregnant. Sometimes it just happens that way. I applaud the woman and hope she and the baby are happy and healthy.

  39. I'm pregnant with my first baby right now (due in July) and this scares the crap out of me! I was a big baby and so was my partner and I've been freaking out about delivering an 8lb baby but 14lbs?!! No way in hell. I'd be walking like John Wayne for the rest of my life. No bueno. lol As for the natural childbirth, my mom had it with all three of her children but I'm getting the epidural. I wouldn't even have a tooth pulled without drugs so considering the size of the baby and his/her exit path... yea I'm taking the drugs! :D

  40. I hope she is doing keegle excersises.

  41. BUT....BUT....HER VAGINA!!!!!
    *runs away screaming*

  42. Big babies=higher risk of neuroblastomas and Wilm's tumors. Jus' sayin'.

  43. WTH was she eating while preggers?

    Totally on board with the diabetes comments.

  44. Kegels? Try free weights!!!

  45. Jesus I'm due in July!
    I was 8.5 lbs but was 3 weeks overdue.
    Hub was 8lbs so this better be a nice normal sized baby! I'm 5'6" and only wear a UK size 4.5(6.6/7) This child can not be big, although it is being quite exact, measuring bang on what it should be every scan!

  46. She deserves a medal or some kind of reward. Hell, any woman who gives birth does. When you think of the size of the hole we push a human - A living, breathing HUMAN through, it's a miracle.

    I was one of those who honestly felt I was dying during childbirth. And if I didn't think I was dying, I felt as if someone had chained me to the back of a car and forced me to run for miles and miles. "Labor"? More like "hard labor without any time off for good behaviour."

    That is one healthy looking baby! Precious!

  47. Naturally? Dear God.

    My little one was only 8lbs 7oz and I got an epidural as soon as possible. Those damn induction drugs make you cramp so badly - they were worse than the actual contractions. I ended up with an emergency C-section anyways, which I thank my lucky stars for since his head measured in the 97th percentile (my husband has a giant head too). He was a touch over 21 inches (he's still a very long boy) too.

    I totally am on board with the gestational diabetes comment too - hopefully the little guy is healthy. It's usually not healthy for babies to be this big when they're born.

  48. When my niece was born in 1988, there was a baby at the hospital whose birth weight was 16lbs. I shit you not. This was back in the day when they still had that "observation room" for babies, where everyone stands at the window and coos. When I saw her (or maybe it was a him), her head was tilted to one side and the cheek covered the shoulder.

  49. LOL @ jax. That was my thought too.


  50. Anonymous8:45 PM

    $5,000 this woman ate like it was going out of style. That baby looks like it already has Type II diabetes. That's not a "big" baby, that's an obese baby and there's a huge difference.

  51. Hi Jac! When are you due? I'm due on the 16th of July. Sounds like we're around the same stage in our pregnancies. I'm so nervous but excited as well!!

  52. Hey do any of you smarties know if there is an actual correlation between parents birth size and babies? I was 6 lbs 15 oz and I believe my fiancee was between 7 and 8 lbs. I'm due in April, and I've gained almost no weight (but I was heavy before I got pregnant so it's ok). My ob-gyn says the baby is growing well, I'm hoping he's an under 8-pounder. my vagina :-/

  53. That is a BIG boy.

    My first was 8'10" (GD) my second was 9'3" (NO GD). The first was c-section after a failed induction the second was natural (and face up). And they wouldn't give me an epidural or drugs because he was in distress. (It really should have been a c-section; we almost lost him.)

    That baby is huge. Since my 9+ pounder is now 18 and looks like he lives on air and angst, I wouldn't make any judgements about this little boys future shape.

  54. @principessa - I was told it goes towards the mothers birth weight and the fathers adult size. I was an 11 lb baby and my husband is 6'4" and around 280. I nearly fainted when they told me that. You are probably fine though.

    And to the person who keeps insisting the mother ate too much and that the baby is obese: You are not their doctor, you don't know. My 11 lb baby is normal now and on the slim side. She and I both retained water which gave her a puffy face. She looked just like that baby. Quit judging without facts. Some people really do have big babies, period!
