Saturday, December 03, 2011

Renting Toys?

Called the Netflix of toys, Toygaroo allows parents to make sure there are plenty of Christmas gifts for their kids at just a fraction of the price of buying. The catch? You have to give them all back. Granted, most kids seem to only play with toys for a little while before they get bored, but how do you tell your kids after just a few weeks that they need to give back their toy? What happens if the toys break? Eventually it seems all toys that kids get break, so that would seem to be a problem. Also, what does the company do with the returned toys? Are they disinfected? This is not a DVD or game that is easy to reuse and probably has not been licked and sucked and puked on, this is a toy so I wonder how many times it gets reused.

The company says they sanitize everything. Uh huh. They also say that if something breaks, that parents can buy it at a discounted cost. Yeah, but what if you are parent #6 in the chain. Are you paying the same as if you were parent #1? The cheapest option is a box of four toys which is $25 a month and has a retail value of $112. Is it worth it? Would you rent toys for your kids?

Deliverance Actor Bill McKinney Has Died

The man who made Ned Beatty squeal like a pig in Deliverance has died. Bill McKinney passed away on Thursday due to cancer of the esophagus. He was 80. Although best known for his role in Deliverance, Bill McKinney worked for most of his life in films and television and was working right up until last year when he appeared in How Do You Know.

Angelina Jolie Being Sued Over New Movie

At the current pace, Angelina Jolie might want to rethink directing movies. While she was shooting the movie, her permits were pulled and several governments were upset at her for the subject matter of In The Land Of Blood And Honey which deal with a love affair between a Muslim woman and a Serbian soldier. Now, the author of an article written back in 2007 is suing Jolie and the production company because he says that his article was the basis of the film and he has not been paid. The two do sound identical. According to Radar, here is a synopsis of the argument in the case.

"The Subject Work’s main female character is subject to continuous abuse and rape by soldiers and officers in the camp. In addition to being raped continuously by soldiers and officers, she is forced to become a servant at the camp headquarters, a duty assumed by very few of the captives. The Motion Picture’s main female character is also subject to continuous rape by soldiers and officers in the camp and subsequently becomes a servant at camp headquarters."

Sounds pretty similar to me and I would not put it past Angelina Jolie to steal an idea. She did steal a husband. Twice. Well, one husband and one living together with another woman, guy.

Why You Should Hope For A Kris Humphries Annulment

If we ever want to know the ins and outs of this 72 day fiasco of a marriage between Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries, I think Kris getting an annulment is the only way to make it happen. If it is granted, then it is like there is no marriage which means there is no pre-nup which means there is no confidentiality clause which means Kris can say exactly what happened the entire time they were together without fear of getting sued. Now, he is obviously doing this to get a payoff. He can get it from a tabloid or he can get it from Kim Kardashian. The wallet that is bigger gets Kris. So, if he gets the annulment and nothing ever happens after, then you know Kim won. If he gets the annulment and you get tabloid stories daily, then you know Kim lost.

For those of you who have not been able to find the remote control and have been forced to watch an episode of Kim & Kourtney, do you remember the episode where she first talked about Kris? I seem to recall that earlier in that episode or the one before, she was still with that Australian guy and the next five minutes she is in love with Kris? Not a chance.

National Enquirer Blind Item

WHAT sexy reality star’s athletic ex-boyfriend has a penchant for transsexuals? The single and never married footballer’s dirty little secret was the main reason she left him!

Taylor Armstrong Book Deal Is Official

Shortly after the death of Russell Armstrong, I told you that Taylor Armstrong was working on a book deal which would include all her "abuse" photos. I put abuse in quotes because I still don't know if I believe her. You know that I am such a hater of domestic violence and that I will constantly bring it up if someone does something like that. It just seems though that there are doubts not only from her cast mates on Real Housewives, but also because of the pictures people saw before which were supposedly the result of plastic surgery and not abuse.

Well, Taylor's book is now official and will be out in February which means Taylor will be making the rounds talking smack about Russell again all for the sake of money. Oh, and because her story is pretty boring on its own she throws in other celebrity abuse situations and talks about them and gives advice. Seriously? I can't stand this person. I am sorry if she was abused, but the only reason she is writing about it is to make money. Full stop. She will say she is a single mom raising her kid and needs to make a buck. Fine. Just make sure that what you are saying about the girl's father is true. Oh, and if you need money so badly, stop throwing parties for 250 people.

Mindy McCready And Her Son Found Hiding In Arkansas

Last night, U.S. Marshals raided a house in Heber Springs, Arkansas and found Mindy McCready and her son Zander hiding in a closet. No charges have been filed against Mindy as of yet and her son was placed with Arkansas Child Protective Services until he can be reunited with his maternal grandmother. I always like when people go the hiding in the closet route. Do you think the police are just going to walk right by the closets without checking? That perhaps you can hide behind enough clothes that you won't be seen? Oh, and I am sure that hiding in a closet and having the police storm the home was a wonderful experience for the 5 year old kid. Who puts their kids through this? And now she is going to have twins? Police had been staking out the house in Heber Springs because it belongs to Mindy's alleged boyfriend. That is not the same thing as saying the father of Mindy's soon to be born children.

Brooke Mueller Arrested For Drug Possession

Brooke Mueller is back in Aspen and this time she was not thrown against a wall and threatened with her life, but she was arrested for coke possession. I don't know if she still has someone who lives with her and watches her every second of the day, but she needs to. She is never going to get clean. I think Brooke is much more likely to end up dead than Lindsay Lohan. At least as far as drugs go. Lindsay could die in a car crash from drunk driving or something, but I don't think she would overdose. Brooke is on that very scary edge of life as it is and for the sake of her kids I keep hoping she will crawl off it. Despite her obsession with Mr. No Teeth, Charlie Sheen, Brooke seems like a nice person and is probably even nicer if she is not whacked out on drugs.

Brooke topped off her arrest for coke possession, with a charge of 3rd degree assault. Nice. Well, it is the holidays and it just would not be the holidays without drugs and assault.

Friday, December 02, 2011

Random Photos Part Three

Wicked opened again last night in Los Angeles. Surprisingly it got some stars to show up. James Tupper and Anne Heche showed up with her son.
Candace Cameron Bure was there.
Kym Johnson and the worst outfit of the night were there.
Even Molly Ringwald showed up.
Ann Hathaway and her soon to be husband now make their daily appearance for paps.
Blake Lively on the set of Gossip Girl.
Yves Garcelle gets a close look at Delta Goodrem's breasts.
Elisabeth Shue is back on television and back to being invited to everything.
Jason Bateman and Olivia Wilde make out on the set of their new movie.

Random Photos Part Two

JJ Abrams and Katie McGrath at a charity event last night.
Apparently if you are on Joe Jonas' Christmas list you are getting something from Roots.
Jamie Oliver will sell you that Shamwow for just $20.
Jessica Simpson looking prim and proper with Jessica Seinfeld and
later defying the limits of her bra straps and physics with her sister.
John Stamos still looking good.
Khloe Kardashian on the way to the gym.
Liev Schreiber spending quality time with his kids. No Naomi in sight.
One day Miranda Kerr is in Los Angeles and now she is in Australia. Very busy life.

Random Photos Part One

Three parts today.

Pamela Anderson parties at a Playboy event in Mexico City, while a guy does a crossword next to her.
Prince Harry back in London and doing what he does best, partying.
Paula Patton and what looks to be plastic in Tokyo.
A rare pap appearance of Robert Downey Jr.
Zoe Saldana at an event last night.
Sarah Jessica Parker looking at Elizabeth Taylor's jewels.
Sam Trammel introduces Kevin Alejandro to Random Photos.
Tom Cruise might want to think about a new deodorant.
Victoria Beckham looking great in London.

Your Turn

Graham Norton has a new show beginning this weekend called Would You Rather. After seeing the promo about a million times during the past week, I was fascinated with a couple of the questions. I have heard that despite the questions in the promos for the show that most are really not that great. This one though is a conundrum. First time using that word on the site. I am pretty excited about that. I might have to take a screen shot of that and put it up on my refrigerator right next to antithesis.

All those book learnin' words and now I throw out this question. Would you rather be forced to watch your parents have sex every night for a year or join in for one night and be done with it all? I personally would numb myself with alcohol, close my eyes and cry myself to sleep every night for a year. That to me would be far more preferable.

Cats Love Ice Skating

Who knew that cats admired a triple axle so much.

Ted C Blind Item

Poor, poor Smokey Shooter. First, he and his gal couldn't really work out the domestic thing, then he and his honey called it quits, oh, no!

They were such a cute couple. But you'll either be really sad or really happy to hear Smokey's wasted no time in moving on from his ex lady-love. Only problem being his new love interests all seem to have the same two complaints about the good-lookin' actor with a fair amount of movie cred:

Actually, make that one and a half complaints, because some gals aren't so bothered by one of this dude's, uh, problems, as it were. Namely, that he's just too big. And we're not talkin' just the guy's ego, honeys.

Add to that sometime painful attribute the fact that Smokey has a fondness for solving his flatulence issues while in bed with his various women.

Result? Some gals pretend not to notice. Others scold Smokey with mock disbelief. Few are so upset they don't give Smokey another go. In fact, make that all.

Which is probably why Smokey's never seemed to really care about giving his women warning, once he finds himself on the verge of breaking wind.

OK, I understand why a lotta gals put up with crap like not lifting the toilet seat, but, why more babes don't give this babe grief for acting like he's in a Jim Carrey movie is beyond me.

Does size really matter that much?

And It Ain't: Ryan Reynolds, Hugh Hefner, Leonardo DiCaprio

Ed O'Neil Is Up For Married With Children Reunion

With the exception of Arrested Development and I am starting to worry if that is a good idea, I am against reunion shows because they never work out very well. I think though that a Married With Children reunion would be great. It never really had much of a story line so you can pick up with them anywhere at anytime and I think everyone would feel right at home. Ed O'Neil was asked by E! if he would be willing to have a reunion and he said he would be up for it if everyone else would do it. I think that despite Christina Applegate and Katey Sagal having their own shows that they would be willing. I think they loved it and would not shy away from it. Make it happen.

Four For Friday - Happy Homemaker

This B- list television actress has been in this space before for some not so model behavior. She is on a hit show for this almost network and wants everyone in the world to think she is the perfect mom and girlfriend to her B list actor boyfriend who is also on a hit television show. Our actress has gone through a series of relationships with men and at the end she always makes it seem like the boyfriends were the awful ones and she was perfect. The realities? She sets aside time for sex with her boyfriends. They get three times a week but she only schedules it for 30 minutes. If you are late then that is your fault. When 30 minutes is up, she is up too. She considers it a necessity rather than fun. Oh, and don't forget that pre and post sex shower. Food? She only eats four things. Seriously. Just four. Chicken, rice, Total and apples. Nothing else. No seasonings or spices. If you are with her when you eat, then she insists you eat the same thing too. One of the actresses on her show who is getting to be almost A list said that if given the opportunity she would slip a chocolate bar or pot into the homemaker's food just so she could actually live a life for two minutes. Red carpet events? She tells her dates what to wear. Why do guys put up with it? Because she latches on to them and does not let go. They don't have a choice. If you ask her out and she says yes, she will be texting and calling and doing drop ins before you can say boo. She does not let go and it is very tough to get her out of your life.

#1 - Actress
#2 - Her boyfriend
#3 - Co-star who talks smack
#4 - Television show

Elisabetta Canalis Shoves Mehcad Brooks - Tells Him To Leave

Apparently Mehcad Brooks must have recited one too many lines from E.R. because last night Mehcad and Elisabetta Canalis got into a huge fight in her apartment lobby. No fighting behind closed doors for these two. According to Radar, they did it all in plain view of everyone who watched them yell at each other and then watched Elisabetta shove Mehcad before running back up to her apartment getting all of his stuff and dumping it right there. She also said that she never wanted to see the a-hole again and that he should never contact her again. What is she doing here anyway? Didn't she have a job in Italy as a television host or newscaster or something before she hooked up with George? Does she think she is going to make it big here? I don't see it happening.

National Enquirer Blind Item

WHICH gorgeous film starlet is calling her Oscar-winning relative a real-life “Mrs. Robinson”? The 20-year-old actress is furious that her famous family member constantly flirts with her hunky TV actor boyfriend!

The Real Lisa Marie Presley Sues Elvis' Estate For $130M

Over the years, Lisa Johansen has popped up from time to time to cause havoc and destruction in the Presley family. It is kind of funny actually and when I think of Priscilla being distressed I am not terribly sad about it. It is only through some bad timing on Elvis' part that Priscilla has anything at all right now. Anyway, Lisa has always claimed that she is the real Lisa Marie Presley and was shipped to Sweden when Elvis died to protect her from kidnappers. She says that Priscilla is her mother and that the Lisa Marie Presley we all know is a fake. Did you know Lisa Marie Presley has two of the shortest celebrity marriages? There was the whole Michael Jackson thing and then I had forgotten she was married to Nicolas cage for something like four months.

Anyway, Lisa J is married and has four kids and once wrote a book discussing her claims that she is the real Lisa Marie, but was sued by her publishers because she never got a DNA test. Back in August, Lisa J visited Graceland during death week and she says she was harassed so she is suing for $130M. Back in 1992, she actually got away with pretending she was the real Lisa Marie Presley while at Graceland and she got let into private areas and walked away with a whole bunch of stuff. Do the people at Graceland not know what Lisa Marie looks like?

Tracey Gold Has Great Bondage With Leonardo DiCaprio

Tracey Gold is making the press rounds to talk about her new show which premieres tonight. It is all about getting help for women who have eating disorders. I don't know if I can watch it. I can watch a lot of strange things on television but I am not sure I can watch someone purposefully not eating and seeing how skinny they are and what they are doing to their body. I think MTV once did a True Life about the topic and I just could not take it. Anyway, during an interview with The Hollywood Reporter they started asking if she kept in contact with her Growing Pains co-stars. I think the answer is pretty much no, but she says that she sees them at reunions. So, if you are only seeing them then, are you really keeping in contact with them. If you go to a high school reunion and see people from ten years ago, is that keeping in contact with them?

Tracey was asked about Leo and this is what she had to say. "I have a great bondage with Leo. He's busy, but I know if he saw me, he'd give me a big hug. He saw my husband at a Lakers and came running up to him."

So, is this some Freudian slip? Was she hammered? It is a very interesting way to say bond with someone. Did Leo used to tie her up? Does she want him to? Here is another reason I think she might have been hammered. She just says Lakers and not Lakers game. Two goofs in one sentence? Leo and Tracey Gold doing the bondage at a Lakers.

BuzzFoto Blind Item

She might be incredibly beautiful, but this C/D list reality TV star is very insecure about her body. Her publicist only allows photos of her to run that have photoshopped her into a nearly perfect Barbie doll.

Mindy McCready Can't Decide How Pregnant She Is

Last week when Mindy McCready kidnapped her child she was about five months pregnant, maybe six. She was perfectly capable of going down to Florida, getting her son and bringing him back to Nashville. She says she does not plan on ever returning him despite a court order that she was supposed to return him by last night. Her reason? She says that her lawyers are working it out and that because she is now 7 months pregnant she is no longer allowed to travel so needs to stay in Nashville. Umm, so it would be ok if the baby's dad came and got the son? No. How about Mindy's mom who also shares custody with the dad? Umm, no. So, it is not about traveling, or how many months pregnant you may or may not be, it is about stealing your child. The court awarded custody to her mom and the baby's father for a reason. How is Mindy making any money to afford lawyers anyway? If this were you or me, we would already be in jail. The FBI might get involved and then Mindy would be in really bad shape. Giving birth in a federal prison. Nice.

Britney Spears Is 30

I remember Ben Affleck counting down the days until Britney Spears turned 18 and they could have sex. Not saying it did not happen before then, but I know he made a big deal of waiting until she turned 18. That seems like just yesterday but today Britney is 30. I am not a birthday poster but 30 for Britney is something. We have seen her go from Mickey Mouse Club innocence to really young teen who sold sex in school girl outfits to pretending to be a virgin with Justin Timberlake to being involved in a love triangle with Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan to doing drugs to having one of the most public meltdowns the celebrity world has ever seen. Who can forget shaving off the hair or the pink wig? Who can forget her checking in and out of several hotels each day. The burn and crash of her relationship with K-Fed, who in Britney's honor will be eating 30 birthday cakes today, all of them chicken fried and counting his blessings that Britney is the one who is paying for them. There have been shady managers and the Adnan. Does he still live in the US? We have seen her go from great stage performances to the worst television performance to performances now that could be and look to be done with no emotion and no actual singing or dancing on Britney's part. We have seen her discover America's gas station bathrooms in her bare feet and seen every Starbucks run she has ever been on. We saw her do the whole Las Vegas wedding thing where she married a guy we all confused with George on Seinfeld. It seems to me the Britney we have now is a carefully managed, orchestrated, heavily medicated and a shell of what Britney once was. She has created a lot of drama and gossip in her 30 years and I would expect nothing less of her in the future. Happy birthday Britney!

Is Salman Rushdie Sexual Napalm?

I watch Top Chef every week. Everytime I watch the show I ask myself how Salman Rushdie ever managed to be with Padma Lakshmi. I put it down to Padma just having a thing for old guys. I mean her boyfriend who just died was even older than Salman. But after Padma, Salman ran through a string of women in their 30's even though he is 64, and now a woman in her 20's is saying that Salman broke her heart and that he was un-chivalrous. Seriously, I know the guy is an author and he probably has a few bucks, but he is not gorgeous so I figure he must just have some kind of charm that is like a magnet. Do any of you find him sexy? The woman above is Devorah Rose who is doing the complaining about Salman. They met over the summer and went on a date or two and Devorah says they had a romance and Salman says they did not. He did write on her Facebook that he had a great time on their date and that she looked "hottt." Yes, the acclaimed author went with the three ttt ending to hot. So what is it about Salman? Is it the fact he had a bounty on his head? Is that still active by the way? Do you collect if you kill him? I know he was in hiding for a few years so maybe that improved his game. Maybe he worked on pickup lines those years in hiding.

MMMHop Beer

If I told you there was a new beer about to be launched called MMMHop, who would you think you created it? Well if you guessed the brothers Hanson you would be correct. Isn't it amazing that as you see MMMHop or MMMBop that you can immediately sing that song? Damn that song was catchy. Considering how many kids they have, I think a family business would be good for the brothers. Put all those kids to work. The beer, which is going to be an IPA is going to be released next year. In an interview with the NY Daily News, the brothers said they are going to make records still, but really wanted a way to get some free booze in their lives and to find a way where they could get hammered every night but make it seem like to their wives they were actually working. Oh, wait, maybe that is what my reasoning would be if I created a beer. I would not mind having my own tequila or vodka. I think that would be great. Just my luck though that if some company wanted me to endorse a product it would be like wine coolers or something. I would have to pretend to drink them and like them and knowing that no matter how many I drank I would never get drunk and would cry myself to sleep knowing I was endorsing wine coolers. I hate the wine coolers that pretend to be booze but are still the same liquor content as a beer. You find that a lot at places that only have beer and wine licenses.