And Lindsay Lohan wonders why she cannot get anyone to give her a job, let alone take her seriously. Somehow Lindsay got invited to a V Magazine party. Since they are a fairly decent magazine, I am wondering why they had to go down so low on their possible guest list to have her show up. At the event, once again, hosted by V, a V photographer tried to take Lindsay's photo. Well, with Dina right next to her, Lindsay launched a glass at the photographer, but missed and ended up hitting a cocktail waitress. Instead of apologizing or seeing if she hurt the waitress, she just pointed and said, "Not you. Him."
Who tosses a glass at a party full of people? She could have seriously hurt someone, but she does not care. She does not care about anyone but herself. Dina does not care either. The only thing Dina cares about is making sure she gets her commission and protecting the one person who makes sure Dina does not have to have a real job.
Later, Lindsay hit someone in the back of the head as she moved to a different part of the bar. When the party ended a bleeding woman was removed via ambulance, but no one is sure whether Lindsay caused it.