Friday, July 29, 2011

A Quick Note

Hey Everyone,

Enty asked me to let you all know that unfortunately there will be no blog today, due to unforeseen circumstances. He sends his apologies and hopes you all have a wonderful weekend.


P.S. Why don't I leave you with a Your Turn?

If you had $1000 to spend this weekend,what would you spend it on? Let's pretend bills and tuition don't exist for this one.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Scarlett Johansson Turns Down Marine - Sends Stuff She Got For Free

Considering the track record of Scarlett Johansson in all things which most of us would consider nice, it is no surprise she turned down an invitation to the Marine Corps Ball. Yes, Betty White also said no and there have been others too, but if anyone needed to show she is not some kind of shrew when it comes to nice, it is Scarlett. She has the reputation of not being friendly to her fans, of stiffing people who bought charity things involving her, and she still has not gone to Haiti like she said she would. This would have been a great thing for her to do. Instead though she sent a note and a case of champagne which she identified by name and which is probably now headed to the Ball gratis or at least they will reimburse her with a matching amount. Seriously? Who in the f**k sells an ad while they are rejecting a date? Scarlett, that is who. Always looking out for herself. Oh, and cheeky? Seriously?

I feel incredibly honored to have been invited to the Marine Corps Ball by Sgt. Dustin L. Williams. Not only does Sgt. Williams deserve recognition for his bravery, selflessness and dedication to the United States and its people, but he also displays a cheeky talent for film making.Sgt. Williams, unfortunately due to prior commitments I will not be able to attend the Ball with you this year but I am sending you a case of Moet and Chandon with gratitude. In my absence, I raise a glass to you and all the men and women of the U.S. Marine Corps, past and present, in thanks for your continued commitment to preserving the safety of our nation. -- Scarlett

Amy Winehouse's Family Says She Died Of Withdrawal

Can you actually die of alcohol withdrawal? Apparently if you are the family of Amy Winehouse this is exactly how their daughter died. They said that she went cold turkey and had not had any alcohol in almost a month and her body could just not handle going without. They said Amy's doctors advised her to go without booze in a more gradual process. Huh? So, what Amy's parents are saying is that when people go into rehab for alcohol abuse, the clinic gives them booze while they are there and slowly reduces it to nothing? Of course they also said that Amy has done no drugs at all for three years. I guess they are not counting pot since she was photographed smoking pot several times in the past three years.

I understand why they want to put their own spin on her death, just like Keith Carradine's family wanted to when the star whackers got him in Thailand. By the time the toxicology report comes out, this will be older news, so maybe their version of events can stick. I think when the final reports are released, we might get an answer to something else too.

The Battle Of The Unrealistic

It has been awhile since the tabloids just went bonkers with some fake news, but this week, OK! devoted an entire cover to crap while Star Magazine just made some fake news a blurb on its cover.

I really thought OK! would be the first to have Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux married and her pregnant, but apparently Star wanted to take the lead on this one. According to Star, the couple has already set a wedding date. Uh huh. Yeah, because Jenifer jumping into marriage is what she does. It will probably be a shotgun wedding too. The cover photo of Michael Douglas smoking is kind of tragic though so that would be a cancer scare.

The big fakery of the week occurs with OK!. According to them, Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez have been talking and people are plotting to get the couple back together. Are these the same people that are trying to kill Randy Quaid? Considering that I am not even sure Ben's career has recovered in the seven years they have been apart, I doubt they will get back together. Oh sure, I can see them getting together for one night of fun, until Ben realizes that a night with Jen is not fun and goes home to his wife and kids.

Talk Show Hosts Who Chase Criminals For $1000

Apparently the security at the Marriott in downtown San Francisco sucks. I say this because at 2:30 a.m., yesterday, Alex Trebek woke up while a woman was in his room stealing stuff. He shouted at her and when she fled, Alex fled right after her. Now, here is where I guess we learn that Alex is probably not a guy who is sleeping naked. If he was, there would probably be no chase, because you would have to have a conversation with yourself about whether you should chase someone naked, or if you have time to throw on a robe and what happens if you do not catch the burglar and you are in the hallways naked and someone sees you and takes a photo and it ends up on the internet and your career as a game show host ends because people think you are some perv walking down hotel hallways in the middle of the night looking through peepholes or hoping someone will want to spend some time with your 71 year old self.

But, Alex must be a pj kind of guy and he took off after the burglar when at some point his Achilles tendon snapped. Yeah, that is painful. Alex did tell security and they caught the woman in the hotel but she had already disposed of Alex's cash and some jewelry. How? It must be in there somewhere.

Today's Blind Item

If you think your relationship lacks affection or intimacy and think you are the only one in the world, then this will make you feel so much better. This married couple consists of two solid B- movie stars. Never above the line stars, but generally the second lead for him, while the actress has been a female lead, but only in indies is it ever more than just fluff. The couple is so sterile that when they see each other even after several weeks apart, all that ever happens is an awkward hug hello. No kissing or touching, and definitely no sex, which when you consider one of her roles is rather surprising. Staying together for the child/ren?

Jenny McCarthy Says Buh Bye To Oprah

Do you know how bad things must be at OWN that Oprah cannot even keep Jenny McCarthy on her network. It is not like the world is all clamoring for a Jenny McCarthy talk show, but apparently in the year since Jenny signed on with Oprah and OWN, things have got out of control and Jenny hated the direction the producers and OWN were taking the show so she jumped ship to NBC. Do you hear that Kirstie Alley? There is a time slot available now on OWN for a talk show. According to FOX News, Jenny and OWN just did not agree on anything. How hard is it to do a talk show? Line up some guests and let Jenny go out there and do her thing. I would get frustrated if the entire process took a year too.

National Enquirer Blind Item

WHICH A-list actress banned the director’s bisexual wife from the set of their last film because the woman wouldn’t stop hitting on her?

Even though the star’s also an admitted bisexual, she was creeped out by the woman’s unwanted attention!

Lindsay Lohan's Half Sister Recording An Album

Do you remember Ashley Horn? She is the now 16 year old teen who found out just two years ago that Lindsay Lohan is her half-sister. Instead of feeling pain and hurt and shame that Michael Lohan is her father, she has instead chosen to follow in the footsteps of Lindsay and Ali by making some really bad music. OK, well I don't know for sure if it is bad, but, lets face it, what are the odds are that it is good. With that being said, if it is good or at least sells a lot and makes money, Michael Lohan would swoop down faster than Paris got naked for Lindsay. One way to make Michael or Dina pay attention to you and pretend to love you is make money. To me she kind of seems like Rebecca Black.

Kim Richards Does Meth?

I did not think Kim Richards was really a meth addict. She does not have the normal signs. Usually when you see a meth addict they can't stay still, their teeth (which they are losing) and fingers are stained and would be tough to go through an entire day of filming without going insane. Brandi Glanville says Kim does meth though and does it in the bathroom which would explain how she could at least make it through a day of filming.

Real Housewives has apparently become like SNL. You have cast members and then you have featured players. Once you become popular enough, you get to be a cast member and the way to do that in Real Housewives is to start a bunch of fights and be the person everyone talks about. With Camille getting along with everyone and not willing to have sex with her tennis pro on camera, there really was not going to be much drama. So, enter Brandi Glanville and Dana Wilkey, who seems to only be on the show to promote another show and is a friend of Taylor's.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Today's Blind Item

What married Hunger Games actor is having an affair with his much younger female co-star? She is in love. To him it is just a hookup and he already has told others he has his eye on another female actress in the movie. Umm, what about your wife?

Random Photos Part Two

Congratulations to Selma Blair who finally had her baby after a three year pregnancy.
Ashlee Simpson cuddles up to her new BFF, Nicky Hilton.
Alicia Silverstone takes her baby to work.
Beyonce shows up to
Kelly Rowland's release party, but did not pose for pictures with Michelle Williams or Kelly.
Christina Aguilera is a world hunger spokesperson. How about a cruelty to makeup spokesperson?
Dr. Who cast in Los Angeles. It was packed.
The Biebs and her dad get matching tattoos.
Johnny Galecki meets the fans.
Julianne Moore believes in very safe walking.

Random Photos Part One

The world's thinnest home. At its widest, the house in Poland is 4 feet wide. It does drop down to a little over two feet wide in places.

Kevin Jonas reminds Kellan Lutz and Katie Cassidy they have very little of their 15 minutes left.
Kim Kardashian sans makeup.
Katie Price attempted to set a world record yesterday and it was not for most hair extensions on one head. It was for biggest book signing.
Meanwhile, her ex is dating an Alexis Arquette look-alike.
There is probably a naked cheetah somewhere in the world.
Mila Kunis borrows from Black Swan's wardrobe department for the Moscow premiere of Friends With Benefits.
Nahla is having a very good day.
Renee Zellweger communicates with her new guy.
Another shiny leather outfit for The Hoff. He must squeak when he walks.
Vanessa Hudgens gets caught smoking.
And tries to get the pictures deleted.

It's Fail Time Again

It is that time of the month when the fail videos of the month are compiled and put into one glorious video.

Would You Buy It?

This almost way too lifelike, Casey Anthony latex mask is on eBay and the top bid right now is about $2,000. About 100 people have bid on it so far, and with the publicity it is generating, the bid could go way up. There is no way I would want this in my house because it would keep me up at night. Would you buy it? Wear it at Halloween?

Texts Between Mom And Daughter During Norway Killings

I don't know what I was expecting when I read the texts between a mother and her daughter while the daughter's life was in danger from the gunman in Norway. I guess I expected more panic, but in the texts, there does not appear to be that much. They both seem cool and calm despite the fact there was 90 minutes of shooting. I have several friends who live in Norway and I know there are lots of readers from the country too, and even though I feel like I am a million miles from there, and had no reason to suspect my friends were on that island, I still did not feel 100% at ease until I spoke to them.

The daughter who wrote these texts is fine. Many others were not. It is amazing to see that even during moments of high stress and a mother who is worried about her daughter, they still have time to bicker. The mom wants to know the daughter's travel plans for the next day even though the shooter is still firing away. The daughter replied that she really did not have time for that at the moment.

John Ramsey Gets Married Again

John Ramsey gave an interview to The Enquirer and says that he just got married, five years after his wife died from cancer. That in itself is probably not worthy of a post, or all that interesting to me, but in the article they talked about how Jon Benet would be turning 21 next week. Can you believe it has been that long since she was found dead? Oh, and the other thing I found interesting was that he admitted that he did hook up with Natalee Holloway's mom. How strange is that? Two people who both lost their daughters in really mysterious circumstances hook up.

Taylor Armstrong Says She Was Abused

In the new issue of Kneepads, Taylor Armstrong says she was physically and verbally abused by her soon to be ex. She says that Russell Armstrong would call her names, shoved her, pulled her hair, grabbed her and threw things at her. When Kneepads contacted Russell, the only thing he denied was the hair pulling. He blames the show. I blame him. He says the show pushed them to the limit. Then do not do the show. No excuse. I don't think Taylor is the greatest person in the world, but Russell always seems like a d**k and this proves it. I think Taylor did the right thing in leaving. It is kind of strange that she is all into this anti violence thing but threatened people with violence last year while at the same time she was apparently being subjected to violence. Hopefully their daughter did not see any of it.

Talk About Bad Timing

If you had any doubts about who did the breaking up in the recent Jesse James/Kat von D split or the Kristin Cavallari/Jay Cutler split, then you can now rest easy. I think I told you earlier in the week that the guys were responsible in both cases, but this kind of seals the deal. Last week, Kristin posed for Life & Style in wedding dresses. I doubt she would have done that if she knew a break up was coming in the next two days. No one wants to look like an idiot and he made her look like one but unfortunately her PR team sucks so the only thing that came out to support her was that Jay was controlling. Well, he cannot control an offense or a football so I guess he liked to control Kristin.

As for Jesse and Kat? It will probably get lost in the shuffle of her million other tattoos, but Kat got a tat of Jesse James' face right before he said they were splitting. Wow. I wonder if she told him it was finished in the same conversation he told her they were finished. I wonder if he said it to her in German. I wonder if he reads Mein Kampf to his kids. I wonder if his kids will grow up to be normal. I wonder how many porn stars make the trek out to Austin every week to have sex with Jesse. I wonder if Sandra ever sees his kids any more.

Lauryn Hill Calls Rohan Marley, Mr. Marley

Guess what? Turns out that Lauryn Hill wants all of us to know that Rohan Marley didn't dump her while she was pregnant with his baby. Nope. He dumped her while she was pregnant with another guy's baby. So, now I guess, much like Steve Buscemi's character in Billy Madison, I have to cross off Rohan from the bad guy list. Oh yeah, I threw out a Billy Madison reference. That one scene alone is worth the rest of the movie.

Anyway, Ms. Hill as she refers to herself released a statement which can be seen above. Basically she is saying the kid is hers and hers alone and she implies but does not actually say that she and Rohan were on a break when she got pregnant. I guess that means they were not on a break because she is pretty clear about everything else she wants us to know. I wonder who the dad is. I wonder if the dad knows he is the dad. Anyone who had sex with Lauryn Hill between 9 and 10 months ago, please step forward. So, Rohan you are forgiven.

Thanks Christina.

National Enquirer Blind Item

WHICH famous political heir dumped one actress mistress for another while still living with his soon-to-be ex-wife?
The serial cheater may have finally found true love, because he’s already talking marriage and his kids adore her!

That Whole Gene Simmons And Shannon Tweed Thing

I will admit that the Today show meltdown of Shannon Tweed when describing her relationship with Gene Simmons did make me watch at least the first few episodes this season of their show. There was some talk about how it was all for ratings and everything was still good between the pair, but after watching some episodes, it looked pretty real to me. In last night's finale, Gene proposed to Shannon which they have been teasing the whole season. Earlier this week, Shannon said the proposal was the most shocking thing she has ever seen in her life. It still has not got her back in the house though and she has repeatedly said there is only a slim chance they will get back together. I say that Gene is probably still out there being Gene. The season also showed what a prick he can be and I cannot believe she put up with that level of prickness for 28 years. Can you imagine what it was like when he was not closing in on Social Security.

Hef Is A Two Second Guy

I am sure that way back in the day, Hugh Hefner lasted a good 30 to 45 seconds when he was having sex, but father time, and a need for that afternoon pudding have combined to reduce Hef's staying power to about two seconds. It is also the amount of time he can stay awake so it works out well. Crystal Harris was on Howard Stern yesterday morning to throw Hef further under a bus and to push the driver out of the way so she could go back and forth over him for a bit.

In addition to saying that Hef lasts two seconds, she also says they only ever had sex once and that Crystal never saw him naked because Hef does not take his clothes off. Despite agreeing to marry him, Crystal says she was never turned on by Hef. I guess this is why Crystal decided to not get married. She probably figured there would be no other women who could take her place and she would be the one who was supposed to have sex with him every night.

BuzzFoto Blind Item

This B list singer who has done some film work keeps several rabbits in her backyard. She loves raising rabbits and takes great care of them. Her next door neighbor, this C list child star owns a dog that came and killed three of the rabbits. This has caused really bad feelings between the neighbors, especially since the C lister refuses to take responsibility.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Random Photos Part Two

Some things to keep in mind next time you are playing golf with Will Ferrell.
Tel me when you have seen a photo of Shiloh or Zahara, not in a good mood.
Mark Ronson at the Amy Winehouse funeral.
Kelly Osbourne was there with her tribute beehive.
And Amy's backup singers.
Ben Affleck sports the Tom Cruise hairstyle. I would have also accepted the hairstyle made famous by the low shower pressure episode of Seinfeld.
A first time appearance for Brian Geraghty.
Bar Refaeli's new guy gets a photo of Bar(on the right) kissing another woman.
David Beckham looking good in New York.
Also in New York is Denise Richards. Hmmm.
George Clooney was not in New York.

Random Photos Part One

Two parts today.

Heidi Klum changed out fits three times in two hours. Here is outfit #1,
#2 and
Huh. A picture of Coco where she is dressed. That is a new one.
The Jackson family announced they are going to have a concert. Why did they pick Wales? Probably the only place that would let LaToya on the bill.
Kirstie Alley on her way into Letterman.
Keri Hilson manages to carry her own umbrella.
I stand corrected. Apparently random people are waiting on the street for their chance.
Leo and Blake try to remain apart at a concert. That is Blake in the hat on the far right.
Nicole Murphy and Michael Strahan still going strong.
Ryan Reynolds shows off his sign language skills to Peter Saarsgard.
Tim Robbins is selling a new record. Interested?
Vanessa Hudgens gets whacked by a random bag.
Most random photo ever. William Shatner and Henry Rollins.