I think it was last year I wrote about the woman above who was the largest woman to ever give birth. I guess that should be largest person, because the only men I have heard of giving birth have been really skinny. Well, it turns out there are many many people who find this woman sexy. Yep, the same people who think there really are celebrity star whackers. Speaking of which what happened to Randy Quaid, he has been quiet lately.
Anyway, this woman charges $20 a month for people to watch her on a webcam all day. Yes, for just pennies a day you too can watch this woman eat and eat and eat. She eats 15,000 calories a day. Her goal is to become the world's largest woman. You know what? I think I discussed this before when I wrote about her giving birth, but what kind of future is she giving her kids? Seriously, she is trying to kill herself, doing it publicly and her kids must know she is doing this, so what kind of lessons are they learning? If you were a parent and tried to kill yourself in a more traditional way, would Child Protective Services maybe take your kids for awhile? Well, how come they don't investigate this woman? She is doing this on purpose. I guess you could compare it to smoking because that is also probably killing yourself slowly, and they do not take away your kids for that.
Oh, and in case you are wondering how much she makes via webcam? About $100K a year. I know, and no traffic to get to work!