Four For Friday
#1 & #2 - Which former almost A list singer threatened to walk off the show for which she was recently hired, unless she got a raise and top billing. She did this because of a new hire to the show she cannot stand.
#1 & #2 - Which former almost A list singer threatened to walk off the show for which she was recently hired, unless she got a raise and top billing. She did this because of a new hire to the show she cannot stand.
Posted by
ent lawyer
1:20 PM
Labels: blind item , Four For Friday
Only one more week. I'm sad now. I don't want it to end.Normally I would have put Jennifer Aniston on top. This honor is more rare than anything else in Hollywood. Her movies don't do well, but she still deserves this. Congratulations.
Justin was there and she even got him to shave.
Ali Larter and her baby doing some grocery shopping.
Brooke Shields makes her debut on Broadway in Addams Family.
I still don't understand. Help me. You have two women who are lesbians. They only like women. One becomes a man with a peen and then the other woman suddenly decides she is not a lesbian and likes men? Doesn't that go in the face of every argument that homosexuality is not a choice? Or does love simply conquer all?
You do realize that having these babies does mean Dean actually did have sex with Tori Spelling.
A Six year old cancer patient got her wish and got to meet Kate. Love it!
Posted by
ent lawyer
1:15 PM
Labels: Ali Larter , Brooke Shields , Jennifer Aniston , Kate Middleton , Tori Spelling
Two parts today and each has some Harry Potter.
Ten years ago at the first Harry Potter premiere, and Emma Watson in London at the most recent. Wow.Megan Fox posted these photos on Facebook to show she has not had botox. All they show me is that she needs to eat something, had some other work done, and that she looks like she has new lip injections.
Really? Selma Blair still has not given birth?
Selena Gomez looks way older than her age in London.
Tony Parker spent $5K to fly on a jet pack.Crashing to the sea and ruining his multi-million dollar basketball career? Not thought of.
Victoria Beckham's baby bump.
Meanwhile David Beckham and his boys meet some fans.
Posted by
ent lawyer
1:00 PM
Labels: David Beckham , Emma Watson , Megan Fox , sele , Tony Parker , Victoria Beckham
Have you ever felt obligated to have sex after a date or if you received a present, even from your significant other?
Posted by
ent lawyer
12:01 PM
Labels: Your Turn
If you want to sign the petition making it a crime to not report your child missing, click here.
Posted by
ent lawyer
11:20 AM
Labels: Caylee Anthony
Do you remember Kari Ann Peniche? Let me refresh your memory. She was the third in the threesome of Rebecca Gayheart and Eric Dane. She was the one who got into the fight with Mindy McCready on Celebrity Rehab. She has denied being a hooker, although was an escort. What is the difference? One works on a street and the other doesn't? Anyway at some point she got married and no one noticed because no one cares about her. Well, now she is pregnant and getting divorced and her husband says he is not the baby daddy and wants nothing to do with her. Umm, if he had bothered to watch 30 seconds of Celebrity Rehab I could have told him that.
Posted by
ent lawyer
11:00 AM
Labels: Kari Ann Peniche
You really must either want some publicity or a very big paycheck to be willing to haul yourself and 14 kids on a five hour flight. You realize that with just the kids and herself, Nadya Suleman takes up over two complete rows of seats. Crazy. Anyway, once she got on the show this morning, things were still a little shaky and she also said that each child costs $1000 a month. Really? That seems high. She says the total amount of just their expenses is $15K a month. Do you spend $1000 a month per child if they are in public school?
Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:40 AM
Labels: Nadya Suleman
There's something about living a fairy-tale life that just dares you to screw it up—or so one would think watching Lord Tripp Unzipped and all his dalliances. Despite having many high-profile affairs, Tripp has never seemed able to find the right looker to settle down with, that is, until he met the gorgeous Lady Unzipped.
And my, how the world ate it up, watching Lord and his pretty partner in marriage settle down—with lots and lots of future poshly positioned heirs to look forward to.
No. Quite wrong, in fact. The only thing that's really a stunner here is that Tripp's spouse went along with the matrimonial plan—even though this now incredibly rich partner (like many an Unzipped-friendly source) knows full well that not only does Lord U fool around, he's not exactly picky about who he gets into bed with, male or female.
And anybody who's anybody within this royal set is taking bets on (a) how long it'll be before Unzipped eventually chooses a less than discreet conquest romance, (b) when that will get out to the press and (c) just when (not if, but, when) is Lady Unzipped going to run screaming to anybody—and any publisher—who will listen about what a damn cheating, sloppy schmuck this Unzipped dude really is.
Impressive title be damned.
It Ain't: Elton John, Prince Edward, Sean Connery
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:20 AM
Labels: Ted Casablanca
Last night at a Texas Rangers baseball game, a father reached over a railing to try and catch a ball that was tossed into the stands, leaned too far and fell 20 feet to his death. Prior to being carted out of the field by ambulance personnel, he kept making sure they took care of his son who was alone in the stands. Can you imagine? The story is so incredibly sad and that the guy is so concerned about his son makes this even more heart wrenching. I understand why everyone is reporting on the story today, what I don't understand is why sites and news outlets insist on showing either the video or the photos from when the man is falling to his death. Why? I do not want to see a man about to die. I do not want to see his son standing next to him knowing this is the last time he will see his dad. Are we that f**king morbid that we have to see the guy die in front of us? What do you think? Have you seen the photos today or the video? Do you think it is ok to show it? Maybe I am just being sensitive about it.
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:00 AM
Weston Cage's wife, Nikki Williams, released a statement saying she did drink the night she took a broken bottle and tried to hit Weston with it. She also says she is pregnant and this was the first time she drank since finding out she was pregnant. The couple who exited rehab together have apparently entered rehab together now. I think they should have waited for Dr. Drew to come down from the heavens and with drool coming out of the corners of his mouth offering his services and money and a chance to be on Celebrity Rehab. They must have gone through the shortest rehab ever. They just got married like a month ago. Did they spend their honeymoon in rehab? Did she get pregnant while in rehab? Do any of you really believe she did not have any other drinks? Weston admits he is the one who got her to drink and then said she was responsible for killing the baby. I don't think these two are good for each other. I also see something tragic in their future unless they get things straight or just leave each other.
Posted by
ent lawyer
9:50 AM
Labels: Nicolas Cage
NAME the major international recording artist who rented a crib in New York City, then skipped out on the $6,000 monthly rent and is now facing a court battle with the furious landlord!
Posted by
ent lawyer
9:40 AM
Labels: National Enquirer
This is not just about Bristol Palin, but about so many celebrities who buy into some made up story and then expand on it and start to believe it and then look ridiculous when called out on it. Back when she was giving her first media interviews about her new book, the only thing people really cared about was her getting pregnant. The rest of the book might as well have said, redrum for 200 pages because the only thing people cared about was the sex. At first, when she thought people might be interested in the other pages Bristol's story was that she got drunk on wine coolers, had sex with Levi and woke up to find that he had left the bed. Later, as she got more reaction from the story, it sent to stole my virginity to the point where she was basically accusing Levi of date raping her. You know, because he had to because she was so pure and so strong in her moral beliefs that she would never have sex before marriage. This is the same kind of crap that every Disney star did with those purity rings. You know the ones where they will wait until marriage. The only one that waited is stuck in a marriage that is not going to last. All the other brothers said forget that and no one has said a word. Same with Miley and Demi and Selena. Remember when Britney tried to tell us she would not have sex until she was married?
Bristol was on The View and Barbra Walters of all people called her out and pointed out that after this stealing of the virginity, she did keep having sex with him. Bristol has stopped talking about that part and prefers everyone to think she got pregnant from the one time. She didn't though and kept having sex with him everytime she saw him because she said her moral code was broken. The thing is she makes it seem like she has not done it since. A one time aberration. Please. She has been with at least three guys since, and I wish they would come forward to wipe that self satisfied smirk off her face. At least the Jonas Brothers don't talk about the purity ring thing anymore because everyone knows they gave up that whole thing a long time ago.
Posted by
ent lawyer
9:30 AM
Labels: Bristol Palin
This new mom is trying to balance her acting career and family life. Right now she is totally enamored with her new baby but her deadbeat baby-daddy is putting incredible pressure on her to go back to work ASAP. He has even set up proxy meetings with her manager and agent to get things in gear. He cares little for her feelings as a mother, but is enjoying the large payouts she gets when she does a project. If she has her way, she’d take several years off and spend time with her new addition, but he worries that will pull her off the radar and she won’t be as famous anymore. He has manipulated her with threats of failure and disappointing fans and she’s been weeping for weeks, torn between her choices.
Posted by
ent lawyer
9:20 AM
Labels: BuzzFoto Blind Item
Fans in London getting ready for the Harry Potter premiere. And since it is London,they all brought their umbrellas.
Angelina Jolie carries the twins out of a bowling alley while Shiloh looks more like Brad every day.
She looks thrilled to be having his lips on her. How much do you think she was paid to go through with all of this?
Emma Watson looking lovely at a photo call for Harry Potter.
Have you ever seen Kathy Griffin's Cher bit? It is hilarious.
Zookeeper. Cross between Mall Cop and Night At The Museum. Here are Kevin James, Leslie Bibb and Rosario Dawson.
Henry Winkler makes a new friend.
It's a New Kid.
Tony Danza has a new show. Instead of Who's The Boss it is called Who's The Scientologist?
Posted by
ent lawyer
1:15 PM
Labels: Cher , Emma Watson , Kevin James , Leah Remini , Leslie Bibb , Rosario Dawson
Two parts today.
That is actually a pamphlet for psychics that Halle Berry is holding.Kelly Osbourne coming home after partying last night in London.
Kelly Slater talks surfing with the CEO of Daphne's.
Mariah made her first appearance in public since the twins were born.
Nicole and Keith and the family back in Los Angeles so they can go to Kate & William's party.
Rumer Willis tries to get some attention at the gas station.
Nice big fake smiles and clenched teeth from both Salma Hayek and her husband.
Taylor Momsen got a bunch of girls to take off their tops and climb on stage with her in Barcelona last night.
Verne Troyer looking for fans that want a kiss from him.
Posted by
ent lawyer
1:00 PM
Labels: Halle Berry , Keith Urban , Mariah Carey , Nicole Kidman , Rumer Willis , Taylor Momsen , Verne Troyer
TMZ is reporting that Guy Fieri has his 11 year old nephew hidden away at a Northern California lake with no phone service and completely cut off from the world. This poses a problem because a judge ordered that the boy needs to be given to his father. Earlier this year, Guy's sister died of cancer. She had one son. The boy;s father fought for custody against Guy's parents. The father won and the judge ordered he be given custody. Since then though the father has not been able to get custody because Guy has the boy hidden away. This is not cool. Just because you are a celebrity chef does not mean you get to make your own laws.
The father has not driven to this lake house because he does not want to get into a confrontation with the family. Here is what you do. You call the sheriff in whatever county the boy is in and have them go with you.
Posted by
ent lawyer
11:20 AM
I should clarify the most boring celebrity book ever. The book Ian Halperin is writing about Lady GaGa will be the most boring celebrity book ever that was not written by a celebrity. If you are ever in a library, go to the biography section and pick up a book written by a celebrity and start reading it. Then read one about the same person written by someone else. It is like the celebrity was two different people.
Anyway, Ian did this interview with Star, and like most things Ian, it is a lot of hype and not much substance. The headline promises drugs and diets shockers and how Lady GaGa is a walking time bomb of destruction. What we really get is that Lady GaGa used drugs in the past, which she has admitted, that she regularly starves herself to fit into her costumes which is what many "everyday people" do when they are trying to fit in their clothes. Oh, and she stares in the mirror a lot looking at her imperfections. Wow, so far, this sounds like most people in the world. The only revelation is that Ian says her lupus is more serious than she lets on and uses all the makeup to hide the blotches on her face and body. Meh. I don't know. She goes out a lot without makeup and I have never seen any hideous blotches.
Who wants a book about Lady GaGa anyway? At least make it someone we want to read made up stuff about.
Posted by
ent lawyer
11:00 AM
Labels: Lady GaGa
I will admit that I like Kate Middleton and Prince William. I am a fan. I would hang out with them if invited and half of Hollywood would do the same. The thing is, it is not up to you or me who gets invited to some shindig honoring the pair, it should be up to them and this is why I am a little disappointed in them.
Lets say you can have any celebrity you want to come to your party. You don't even have to choose one, you can have as many as you like. Who are you going to pick? Feel free to share in the comments. I will tell you who I would never pick and that is Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony. Those are two of the guests that Kate and William wanted? Why? Come on. You can do better than that. Tom Hanks is coming and I can see that. Victoria and David Beckham because it would kind of be insulting to not have them be there after they just showed up at your wedding and bought you that coffee maker. Can't come into town and not see them. At least there are no Kardashians on the list. I guess they could buy their way in to the cocktail party because it is only $4000 a person for that and Kim makes about triple that for each Tweet she sends out. "Tweet Tweet Tweet. OK, I just paid for the entire family, lets go. Oh wait Bruce wants to come? Tweet."
Oh, and will someone please take Kate to In-N-Out and get her some food. Please.
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:40 AM
Labels: Kate Middleton , Prince William
In the season finale last year, I thought James Spader was the best actor they put in that episode, but I am also unsure if it would translate into an entire 26 episode season. It will certainly provide a new dynamic and make The Office dramatically different than it was in the past. The lines you write for Steve Carell as Michael Scott are not the same you write for James Spader as Robert California. I kind of enjoyed Creed being boss. A whole season if him being the boss could be hilarious.
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:20 AM
Labels: The Office
Being married to a wealthy actor probably has its benefits, but as this bride is learning, it can also be a pain in the butt. Our actor is a solid B lister, probably forever because of all his television work. Although lately it has been slacking, he had a very, very good run. His forays into movies have always sucked.
Our actor requires his wife to ask what she can wear that day. He also requires that she only speaks at parties when she is spoken to, and cannot offer up any tidbits on her own, especially while our actor is speaking. The wife must eat at the same time as our actor. All expenses she incurs must be approved in advance by him. Oh, and she has to ask permission before getting to leave the house alone.
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:10 AM
Labels: blind item
Clayton Hill is currently serving time in a federal prison. This week he told HipHopDx that he knows who killed Notorious B.I.G.. This is not one of those hey I know who the real killer books are by OJ and coming soon to a store near you, Casey Anthony. Clayton says that he is the one who took possession of the gun used to kill B.I.G. Seriously? OK, that is a big big lead. He says that he accepted from a man he knew as Dawoud Muhammad who told him when handing over the gun that he used it to kill B.I.G.
Now for all the holes in the story. Why the guy would still have the gun and not have thrown it away somewhere is beyond me. You know where Clayton said he met this guy? In Atlanta. You know where B.I.G. was killed? Los Angeles. Oh, and Clayton told the site he met Muhammad at the Greyhound bus station. So, let me get this straight. This Muhammad guy kills B.I.G., then gets on a bus, travels all the way across the country for three days and then hands the gun off when he get there. Huh. Why would you not drop it off in a dumpster in Kansas? Why not drop it on the ground at the shootings? Clayton says there were no fingerprints, so dump the gun at the shooting and be done with it. Oh, and Clayton also has a book coming out. So, he could use the publicity.
At the time of the investigation, the main suspect was a guy named Amir Muhammad, but Clayton was shown photos of him and could not positively identify him as the guy he saw in Atlanta.
Posted by
ent lawyer
10:00 AM
One of the alternate jurors in the Casey Anthony trial spoke the other day, but when Jennifer Ford spoke to ABC news, she was the first of the actual jurors who decided Casey Anthony's fate to come forward with the reasoning and some of the answers to the questions everyone wants answered.
In coming forward first, she also becomes the face of the jurors and the most likely to get money from a book should she choose to write one or have someone write one for her. Yeah, jurors will make money off this too.
Jennifer says that she did not think Casey Anthony was innocent, just that there was not enough evidence presented to show she killed Caylee. "I just said there was not enough evidence. If you cannot prove what the crime was, you cannot determine what the punishment should be." She also said all the jurors were crying about the verdict and were too fragile emotionally to talk to the media that day.
Posted by
ent lawyer
9:50 AM
Labels: Casey Anthony
WHAT major TV star tells anyone who will listen how madly in love he is with his wife – but recently made his spouse sign “quit claim” deeds on their TWO mansions over to him so she can’t claim the properties if they split up?
Posted by
ent lawyer
9:40 AM
Labels: National Enquirer
When I first heard the story of Dallas Cowboys wide receiver Roy Williams getting his marriage proposal turned down, I was sad for him. I mean, here you are putting it all on the line and they say no. As many times as I have been married, there have been people who have also said no. They tend to be the bartenders and waitresses of the world who I met a few hours earlier sober and then decided at some point I had to be with for the rest of my life. Luckily, most of the time they turned me down. The one exception was my Vegas wedding. You know what? For not knowing the person more than a few hours, it was probably one of my more happy marriages.
Anyway, I was prepared to be all sad for Roy, especially when I read that he did not get his ring back. This is where I got confused. Down on one knee, you pop the question, she says no, but you don't get the ring back? How is that possible? How do we all know Roy did not get the ring back? Because he is suing Brooke Daniels, a former beauty queen and his ex-girlfriend who did not return the ring, claimed she lost it, and yet somehow her father had it.
So, how again did she have it after saying no? Well this is a classic. No matter how bad your marriage proposals have been, this will top it.
According to an affidavit signed by Williams, he sent $5,000 for school and dental bills, a baseball for Daniels’ brother and — as a surprise — a recorded marriage proposal with the ring through the mail just before Valentine’s Day to Daniels. However, when Daniels declined the proposal, she did not return the ring.
Through the mail? A recorded message? Could he not make the 45 minute flight to Odessa and do it in person? And what is the deal with the expenses? You are sending someone thousands of dollars every month for expenses and you are shocked she kept the ring. The ring was worth about $76,000. The national humiliation of having people know you proposed through the mail to a woman you send checks to? Priceless.
Posted by
ent lawyer
9:30 AM
This A list actor (mostly A list in the 90′s) loves dressing up in women’s clothing and having one night stands with men he meets at clubs, but he tells everyone he is most definitely not gay.
Posted by
ent lawyer
9:20 AM
Labels: BuzzFoto Blind Item
I will have another post later this morning about Casey Anthony, but wanted to leave you space to comment about the four year sentence and $4000 fine that was handed down this morning. Casey has already served close to three years so she could walk today. Maybe she will do something on parole and get sent back to jail. Look at her appearance today and how different it is compared to the trial and her mom looks absolutely ecstatic. That is one messed up family dynamic.
Posted by
ent lawyer
6:47 AM
Labels: Casey Anthony