I think when Stella Mouzi came over from Greece to the US a few months ago and got to meet Mel Gibson she probably was still under the impression that Mel was the big international movie star. I just don't think the whole Oksana mess or the sugar tits thing probably was a big attention grabber in Greek tabloids. So, with that in mind of course she was willing to go out with him and probably hooked up with him. Then, after getting cameras shoved in her face a few times and seeing her fetish shots all over the internet, she probably also saw that Mel is not exactly the most beloved figure right now so now, Stella has now given some kind of statement to Kneepads and says they are just friends and that she is not a fetish model, just a performance artist, and that this whole thing is very distressing to her family back home. I have a feeling they did not know what she does for a living. I am also curious about what kind of visa Stella is in the US on.
Now, my beef with Kneepads. This is why they get the name. First of all, I think she had help with the statement, probably from Mel's people. The last thing they want after Oksana, then the porn star is another pseudo porn star being called Mel's girlfriend. Because Kneepads is showing us that Stella is a wonderful, wholesome person who just wanted to come to America to expand her art and is not someone who would ever charge by the hour or month, they have cropped the photo and taken away her vice. Every other photo of her in this series shows her with a cigarette. Remember though who owns People. Time Warner. As in Warner Brothers as in the same company as TMZ which means that actors with a huge Warner Brothers library get their butts kissed.