This Academy Award winning actor who was nominated more than once, used to dress like a woman and would go to bars and hit on men. He loved nothing more than taking a guy home and revealing his "surprise" when they got there. He loved it most when they stayed after the reveal.
Friday, May 13, 2011
Blogger & Facebook & A Blind Item
Because Blogger was down for so long this morning, I updated on Facebook. Lots and lots of posts up there, and more coming throughout the day. One thing that Blogger cut off yesterday was the blind item. I posted it on Facebook yesterday, but for those who do not have Facebook, here is the blind from yesterday. Old Hollywood.
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Random Photos Part Two
Britney Spears gets the top spot, because every so often she pulls herself together, gets those extensions in a little tighter and reminds of us how she can still look really good.
Uma rocking the red carpet at Cannes.
I think the guy behind Rachel McAdams is also wondering what it is she is wearing.
When I saw Antonio and Salma Hayek taking pictures together, I wondered how soon Melanie Griffith would find her way to Cannes.
Lots of cameras for Salma Hayek.
An actual genuine smile from Angelina Jolie. Jack Black is good for her.
Catherine Zeta Jones on the set of her new movie.
The Goopster getting daring with the cleavage.
Not sure why Hilary Duff went with the yellow nails. Maybe her protest at being dropped from a movie this week?

NY Post Blind Items
Which prominent TV personality is about to come out with the help of public relations guru Howard Bragman, who has helped dozens of celebs announce their sexuality? The media blitz will begin next week .
Which apparently clean singer has a huge drug problem and had to make a big payout to a tour manager, who quit and sued after he was asked to look after a suitcase that turned out to be packed with drug paraphernalia?
Which apparently clean singer has a huge drug problem and had to make a big payout to a tour manager, who quit and sued after he was asked to look after a suitcase that turned out to be packed with drug paraphernalia?
Random Photos Part One
Two parts today.
Hayden P split up with her boyfriend after 18 months. In other uninspiring news, Hugh Grant is in talks to take over for Charlie Sheen in Two And A Half Men. Oh, and Amber Portwood lost primary custody of her child.
Jennifer Aniston really, really needs people to start going to her movies so she is pretty much willing to do anything at this point.
In case you wanted to combine your Johnny Depp & Indiana Jones fantasies into one big mind meld. Oh, an Penelope Cruz was there too.
Katherine Heigl keeps channeling her inner grandmother.
When the only thing to wear comes from a box that says Hefty or Glad. She did a great job of removing the drawstrings though.
The world's largest breasts were on full display on UK television. 164XXX.
Milla Jovovich gets a kiss and hug from her daughter.
Princess Beatrice is putting this IUD, umm hat on eBay. Any takers?
Reggie Bush was at a party last night and you know who else was there?
Hayden P split up with her boyfriend after 18 months. In other uninspiring news, Hugh Grant is in talks to take over for Charlie Sheen in Two And A Half Men. Oh, and Amber Portwood lost primary custody of her child.

Leo & Bar Split - Who Cares?

Apparently the fact that Leonardo DiCaprio and Bar Refaeli have split is supposed to be big news in the tabloid world today. Do you really care? Do you sit around with your friends and discuss their relationship or if they are dating or who Leo is dating? I'm guessing you don't. I can honestly say that with the exception of a few days late last year when I seemed to repeatedly run into the pair of them over the course of a weekend, I don't think I ever even mentioned aloud the fact he was dating Bar to anyone at any point. Their relationship is not really tabloid material. It is blah blah blah. It is boring and vanilla. We want more from our gossip relationships than blah blah blah. Now, if Leo or Bar starts dating Jennifer Aniston then we will have something more than blah blah blah.
Plus, isn't this like the 18th time they have broken up over the years?
Will Smith & Jada Pinkett Smith To Have Sex On Oprah's Finale

For her last episode, I thought Oprah might go with a suck up festival of all the people she has given a show to. You know, Dr. Oz, Dr. Phil, Rachael Ray and the others who owe their life blood would come on the stage and sacrifice themselves for the God Of Oprah. Apparently though, this idea was not well received, so Oprah has to settle for plan B. No, not that Plan B. Oprah is going to have Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith on her last show. So, it will be a different kind of suck up fest and I am sure Willow will get her chance to sing and Jaden will get a chance to umm, show off his moves from Karate Kid. I think the thing everyone is going to look forward to is watching Will & Jada have sex. Jada is always talking about how they will have sex anywhere at anytime and I think if she is serious about it, she and Will should do it right there on Oprah's stage in front of everyone. As an added bonus, Tom Cruise can be there jumping up and down on the couch yelling, "I love this. I love watching sex. Nice ass Will. How much do you work out?"
Knee Surgery Kills Mia Amber Davis
How many surgeries are done each year on the knees of people? It must be in the hundreds of thousands. I don't remember ever hearing about anyone dying from knee surgery. However, Mia Amber Davis died from routine knee surgery. She was having the surgery to correct a college basketball injury and her husband said she spoke to him and that everything was good. After the surgery she started to experience dizziness and the next thing you know she died.
Mia Amber Davis had a scene stealing moment in the movie Road Trip and worked steadily as a model. Has anyone ever heard of someone dying from knee surgery? Is it a reaction to the anesthesia?
Mia Amber Davis had a scene stealing moment in the movie Road Trip and worked steadily as a model. Has anyone ever heard of someone dying from knee surgery? Is it a reaction to the anesthesia?
Who Is Watching The Dog & How Is She Affording This?

Jenelle Evans must make more per episode than the numbers that were previously announced for cast members of Teen Mom. I say this because she has entered rehab and decided to go to Promises in Malibu. That place is not cheap. She must be making some money from appearances or something. I think I said before the cast makes almost $100K for the season, but after taxes and bad tattoos that does not leave you much for rehab, let alone Promises.
Also, if you will recall, a few weeks ago, Jenelle was photographed with a new puppy. I said it was a bad idea at the time and now that is confirmed. Who is watching the dog? Your mom? Oh yeah, the same person who also has custody of your child while you go off and drink and do drugs and make more money than most of the rest of us for simply getting pregnant at 16.
Tom Sizemore Questioned In Disappearance Of Girlfriend

You know what is interesting about Tom Sizemore? Just when you start to forget about him he pulls some crazy stunt and gets himself arrested or steals crazy stuff from a Verizon store or beats a girlfriend and you end up asking yourself, what happened to such a promising career? Drugs and booze. Hear that Lindsay? Anyway, Tom was living with a girlfriend up until March 31st. They stopped living together then because the girlfriend disappeared. Umm, Hello? Has someone asked Tom about where she is? Glad you asked. Yes, they have. After all of the girl's relatives said Tom was the last person to see her, the police after a month decided that maybe they should speak to Tom about her disappearance. Apparently he is being cooperative. Hmm, I don't want to speculate, but lets be real. If this was someone other than Tom Sizemore, what would be your guess? Plus, he does not exactly have a unscathed past when it comes to his dealings with women. I can't believe it took a month for the police to talk to him.
Sex Is Now Illegal In Florida

For those of you who live in Florida and are planning on having sex in October, you will have broken the law. Congratulations, your I'm Just Like Lindsay Lohan card will be in the mail shortly thereafter. Apparently when the Florida legislature decided to spend a lot of valuable time drafting and passing a no bestiality law because people were taking liberties with the Florida wildlife, they wrote the law in such a way that humans having sex with other humans is now illegal too. The fact that it has taken several efforts to get a bestiality prohibition passed shows that the legislators were probably more concerned with getting one last shot at the cute sheep down the road then the language of their bill.
An act relating to sexual activities involving animals; creating s. 828.126, F.S.; providing definitions; prohibiting knowing sexual conduct or sexual contact with an animal; prohibiting specified related activities; providing penalties; providing that the act does not apply to certain husbandry, conformation judging, and veterinary practices; providing an effective date.
Last I checked, humans are animals.
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
The Situation's Dad Is Crazy
Apparently if you live in the world of Frank Sorrentino, if your child makes money than this means you never have to work again a day of your life. Two videos were uploaded yesterday by a website and they featured the father of The Situation. Basically he is saying that he asked his son for a favor which I read to be money and his son told him no. So, dad gets upset and does not think he should have to work a real job anymore. Please. What an a-hole. You really want to be known as a guy who takes advantage of your kids? You should be happy for their success and happy they are not bugging you for money and living in your basement.
In a later video yesterday he accuses his son of getting fired from a job because he had oral sex with a 40 year old woman. Hey, if it was consensual, that is one hell of a way to be fired.
In a later video yesterday he accuses his son of getting fired from a job because he had oral sex with a 40 year old woman. Hey, if it was consensual, that is one hell of a way to be fired.
Random Photos Part Four
Well, at least if Ashley Greene and Adrian Grenier start dating they can wear each others monogrammed clothes.
"Bring on the strippers."
"Does someone have $20? I think I got one to give me a lap dance."
Bono celebrating his 51st birthday in Mexico City.
Owen Wilson and Rachel McAdams taking a lovely Cannes photo when
Adrien Brody decides he wants in.
Antonio Banderas and Salma Hayek practice for their circus career.
Jude Law, Uma Thurman and Robert DeNiro are members of the Cannes jury. To get ready, Uma
stayed up late smoking and drinking.
Esai Morales has always had a leaning problem. That is why he supports Lean On Me, a non-profit group for people who lean while posing.

Random Photos Part Three
Emma Watson in Paris.
Flea out with his daughters. I'm guessing they are not as embarrassed as most kids would be. It is Flea.
George Michael looking all serious and stuff announcing his tour.
Hmm, the girlfriend gets all dressed up while Guy Ritchie goes for the sweats. Yep, he knows he has her.
Hello Gwen Stefani.
James Hong does not get enough love. Think about for how many years you have watched this guy in movies and television.
Joe Jonas and his shiny suit.
Kellan Lutz also had a shiny suit. Other men wearing suits last night included,
Stephen Moyer and
Colin Egglesfield.

Random Photos Part Two
This is the first time in awhile I remember seeing Jennifer Morrison and Amaury Nolasco together in a photo. Hanging out separately a lot lately.
I am beginning to think that Ryder is enrolled in the same school as Ali Lohan.
You have to drink it Kim, especially after you stuck your nose down in it.
Do you get the feeling that Rod Stewart is not really thrilled about this pregnancy of his daughter?
Lady GaGa angling for that new Cruella DeVille part.
Leelee Sobieski gets ready for Thanksgiving. Oh, wait, it is May. Umm, costume party and she went as a Pilgrim?
Mark Harmon does his serious look for a fan.
Mary Hart is in a very good mood.
What do you think of that Joan and Melissa reality show? To me it seems way set up.