Friday, March 18, 2011
There will be no radio show tomorrow. Next week we will be back and in a brand new home which should be permanent!! We have some great great guests lined up for next week and hopefully one you have all been clamoring for. It will be worth the wait. We might even try and do an extra hour just to have one hour of your calls. Plus, I will be feeling better next week. Right now if you heard me, well, you would not be able to hear me through all the coughing. The good news is I lost six pounds this week.
Katie Holmes Got A Sewing Machine For Her Birthday
Apparently Tom Cruise likes his outfits to be hand sewn by Katie Holmes. Well, probably not, but with millions of dollars to spend on fabulous birthday gifts, Tom Coruise bought Katie Holmes a sewing machine for her birthday. It must be time to feed a big bunch of horse crap time to Women's Wear Daily because Katie Holmes or someone pretending to be her told them that she loves to make every place she goes with Suri feel like home and the best way to do that is to set up the sewing machine "her husband" bought her for her birthday.
"My husband got me a sewing machine for my birthday. My mom grew up making curtains and pillows and everything, and it made our home very warm, so I like to do things like that with my daughter."
Yeah, does anyone see Katie lugging around a sewing machine to every place she visits with her daughter? Do I think Tom bought Katie a sewing machine for her birthday? Absolutely. No question. He probably has this little vision of Katie sitting there humming "Whistle While You Work," while she makes matching outfits for the whole family. This is such a bunch of crap. Every few months some story comes out like this to try and show the world this family is like something out of a Leave It To Beaver episode. I don't buy it for a second.
You want to know why I don't buy this for a second? One very interesting clue. The WWD reporter asked for the sewing machine name. Katie said she could not share such details. Please. Such crap.
Lindsay Lohan Parties - Brings Own Bottle

Lindsay Lohan partied her little guts out in New York Wednesday night. After spending some alone time with Samantha Ronson in Sam's hotel room, Lindsay decided she wanted to hang out with people who were on her own level as far as celebrity so she hung out with reality stars. Well considering that Lindsay is the star of her own ultimate reality show this makes sense. Lindsay should have had cameras start following her about two years ago. I don't understand why Dina didn't make that deal. Do you know how much f**king money Lindsay would have made? Would you watch a no holds barred reality show about Lindsay? Hell yes you would. If millions of people are watching the banal and vanilla Kardashian clan each week, you know twice that many would be willing to watch Lindsay. She would have dollar bills coming from every orifice and Dina would finally be able to fix that wretched nose job she got years ago. Oh, and some new color for her hair.
This would have been the easiest money ever. I think the reason they did not is because Dina would have wanted it to look like Lindsay is some kind of angel and goes to church every day and twice on Sundays and close each episode with Lindsay lying on the floor of the church speaking in tongues or healing people.
Anyway, back to the real Lindsay. She spent all night at several clubs and never let go of her water bottle. She also made out with some random dude. I wonder what Sam thought of that.
90's Blind Item
Which original 90210 star had an abortion after she got pregnant by one of her co-stars?
Charlie Sheen Threatens Denise Richards - Makes Big Bucks On Tour

It won't be as easy money as doing Two And A Half Men, but Charlie Sheen is expected to take home about $7M for his 21 concert dates. Meanwhile, in the why he is not always the fun and shiny warlock who is always winning, US Weekly says he threatened Denise with physical harm when she would not provide their two daughters for a photo op. I can't say that I blame her. Would you want your kids to be in that environment? Who ever thought that Denise would be the one who I think should be raising all of Charlie's kids? Charlie's people deny he ever threatened harm to Denise but if her head ever shows up in a box on the front step of her dad's place I am guessing we will know who did it.
Ted C Blind Item
Totally lovable (but totally slutty) King Schlong is a heartbreaker on so many levels, certain Hollywood women are now discovering. Not only has King stepped out on his current super-hot GF (many times), turns out he's also been rather adept at stepping out on the whole female race!
Here's what went down just this week:
Schlong's never been any good at keeping that extremely popular salami of his zipped up, this is a well-known, barely kept Hollywood secret. No surprise there.
But what was a shocker for one of King's avid, young and lusting female fans was the following:
Gorgeous Hollywood insider babe was talking to veteran Hollywood producer gal. "I just love King," she breathlessly confessed to the older woman, "and he's all man. That's what I love about him the most. Such a stud."
"Uh, honey," replied the more seasoned broad, who has worked with King in the past on one of his many A-list projects, "he's not exactly the man you think he is."
"What...what do you mean?" asked the younger T-town gal, who feared the worst (she considered), and pretty much got it.
"A few years ago, I walked in on King and [fellow A-list movie heartthrob], and they were just going at it in bed. So, look, he may be all man, but he doesn't mind sharing it with another man, get it?"
"No!" screamed the frightened woman, as if a man who sleeps with other men in Tinseltown is some kind of anomaly, far from it! "He's not...not gay, is he?"
"No, he's not gay gay," answered the producer-type, who was almost pitifully laughing at her dejected colleague. "But he sleeps with guys when he feels like it. Just don't think he's felt like in a while!"
The broken King fan was feeling a little better after hearing this news but, we gotta say we just don't get this hypocritical BS.
Why is it when women like Angelina Jolie say they've slept with other women, men think it's hot as hell, but when women hear it about men who have done the same with their own sex, they get all grossed out?
Totally sexist. Aren't women supposed to be the more evolved sex, anyway?
It Ain't: Chris O'Donnell, Christian Bale, Matthew McConaughey
Here's what went down just this week:
Schlong's never been any good at keeping that extremely popular salami of his zipped up, this is a well-known, barely kept Hollywood secret. No surprise there.
But what was a shocker for one of King's avid, young and lusting female fans was the following:
Gorgeous Hollywood insider babe was talking to veteran Hollywood producer gal. "I just love King," she breathlessly confessed to the older woman, "and he's all man. That's what I love about him the most. Such a stud."
"Uh, honey," replied the more seasoned broad, who has worked with King in the past on one of his many A-list projects, "he's not exactly the man you think he is."
"What...what do you mean?" asked the younger T-town gal, who feared the worst (she considered), and pretty much got it.
"A few years ago, I walked in on King and [fellow A-list movie heartthrob], and they were just going at it in bed. So, look, he may be all man, but he doesn't mind sharing it with another man, get it?"
"No!" screamed the frightened woman, as if a man who sleeps with other men in Tinseltown is some kind of anomaly, far from it! "He's not...not gay, is he?"
"No, he's not gay gay," answered the producer-type, who was almost pitifully laughing at her dejected colleague. "But he sleeps with guys when he feels like it. Just don't think he's felt like in a while!"
The broken King fan was feeling a little better after hearing this news but, we gotta say we just don't get this hypocritical BS.
Why is it when women like Angelina Jolie say they've slept with other women, men think it's hot as hell, but when women hear it about men who have done the same with their own sex, they get all grossed out?
Totally sexist. Aren't women supposed to be the more evolved sex, anyway?
It Ain't: Chris O'Donnell, Christian Bale, Matthew McConaughey
Jonathan Rhys Meyers Being Sued

Last May, Jonathan Rhys Meyers, tried to board a United Airlines flight at 6am. He was stopped because he was drunk. Jonathan went on the rant of all rants and screamed and yelled and allegedly also assaulted and hit one of the women who was trying to stop him from boarding the plane. As a result, Jonathan has been banned from ever flying on United Airlines again. Do you know how bad you have to act for an airline to never want your first class dollars again? Well, it was so bad that the woman who was allegedly assaulted and hit has filed suit against the actor and is seeking more than $15K for her pain and suffering. She says that since the incident she has been unable to work and has suffered permanent physical and emotional distress. I think it is just her wanting some money. You know that in her position she has probably been yelled at and abused at some point in her career but this is the first time she has sued and it just so happens to be against a guy who has a great deal of money. Was Jonathan an ass? Absolutely? Should he be banned? Yep. Should this woman get rich because he yelled at her? Nope.
Add Foo Fighters To Bands Not Interested In Glee

I think it would have shocked me if Dave Grohl had jumped on the Glee bandwagon. I just don't see Foo Fighters songs being Glee-ified for television and Dave did not disappoint. Dave went on a serious rant about Ryan Murphy and The Hollywood Reporter got it all down.
“It’s every band’s right, you shouldn’t have to do f---ing Glee. And then the guy who created Glee is so offended that we’re not, like, begging to be on his f---ing show… f--- that guy for thinking anybody and everybody should want to do Glee.”
Well Dave don't hold back. I do think that Ryan Murphy is a little full of himself thinking that everyone should just want to let their songs be used on the show. Why should they want to? Because the show is on a network? Whoo hoo. It is not as popular as it once was and I think the shelf life of the show has about expired. It was cute and catchy, but there is only so much you can do with the show in its current format.
Rebecca Black Fells Cyberbullied
If I got 13 million hits on a You Tube video and cracked the top 100 on iTunes, I don't think I would be complaining, but that is exactly what 13 year old Rebecca Black is doing. The teen, who recorded the song Friday, says that although she is making a lot of money off the song and doing national interviews and was completely unknown a month ago says that the hurtful comments about the song shocked her. I don't know why. In an interview with The Daily Beast she says she did not even really understand the words and that to her they made no sense. I don't know if it is the worst song ever as some people have indicated, but it is pretty bad. This is how it goes. I am not going to trash a 13 year old, but I think maybe her mom should step in a little bit and realize that this infamy can definitely turn into something positive.
I also think that people giving their honest opinion about a song should not be compared to cyber bullying. Should the world be reduced to only commenting when something is good and positive? Even I have problems with pronouncing the word Friday is Fry-ee-day. Of course people are going to laugh.
I also think that people giving their honest opinion about a song should not be compared to cyber bullying. Should the world be reduced to only commenting when something is good and positive? Even I have problems with pronouncing the word Friday is Fry-ee-day. Of course people are going to laugh.
Billy Ray Cyrus Withdraws Divorce

Billy Ray Cyrus went on The View and said he has withdrawn his divorce. He also says things are the best they have ever been with his family. Huh? Two weeks ago he was complaining in the national media about how everything sucked. I didn't know that the way to make things right with the family was to tell the world how much you hated everyone, that you had not spoken to your daughter and that no one listens to him. I wonder if maybe he had a thing on the side with someone and that it didn't work out so he decided to try and save his marriage.
BuzzFoto Blind Item
This B List television actor takes off the entire month of March for March Madness. He won’t work, he hardly interacts with his family and he has all of his food ordered in.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
90's Blind Item
So, if you have been a regular reader of the site, this one will probably be pretty easy because it deals with someone who has a connection to a long blind item. Anyway, back in the 90's this then C list television actress was on a hit television show. She was a bright fresh face who really did her best to portray innocence on the screen and in interviews. Although she was publicly dating a B list celebrity, she told him that she was saving herself. Meanwhile on the set of her show that was a whole different story. Our actress liked a guy who worked on the show in the crew and every day during the lunch break would go back to the trailer of our actress and proceed to have the loudest noisiest sex ever. People would stand around the trailer eating lunch while listening to the show. Then after the sex, our actress would pretend she had been doing nothing and at the end of the day her boyfriend would pick our little chaste angel up from work.
Larry Fortensky Being Evicted From His House

While Elizabeth Taylor is in the hospital, husband number 8, Larry Fortensky is about to lose his house. Apparently the guy who does not work is having problems paying his almost $6000 a month mortgage. Umm, when you are not working do you think you should be living in a place that costs $6000 a month? Apparently a couple of years ago a similar thing happened but Liz gave Larry $50,000 so he could keep his place. I think that at that point, Larry should have said, "you know what? Maybe I should sell this thing and move into a studio somewhere." Instead he stayed and Liz has decided to not give him any more money.
Shocker!!! Royal Wedding To Air Live

In probably the least surprising news of the day, BBC announced they are going to air the wedding of William & Kate live. No s**t. Who would have thunk it? This is about a surprising as Joe Jonas and Ashley Greene calling it quits or me saying yes to a free all you can eat buffet. Was there any doubt they would not air the wedding live? Diana and Charles was aired live and that was when people still willingly bought black and white television sets because they were only like $40. Even if BBC did not air it, there would have been a half dozen guests who would have had their cell phones up and recording the event and Twittering so you might as well go ahead and broadcast it live.
More people around the world will watch this than watched the Super Bowl this year. Broadcast networks would be idiots not to broadcast it. Plus, they deliberately are getting married during US primetime so you know commercials will cost a fortune. Think about how long a Super Bowl pregame is. Now imagine this stretching out a week. Every morning show, news program and reality show will be there for a week. Live reports from Jwowww every 20 minutes.
Coke Mom
You know, Coke Mom finally got some work and the indications were she had finally sworn off the nose candy for good. She was not getting to spend much time with her child/ren because of her previous antics and that played a big role in her kicking the coke. Not kicking the booze, but coke for sure. Then our lovely actress got a job. Some possible steady work was on the horizon and our actress was great at work day one and even day 2. Day 3 though someone suggested they go out after work and one thing led to another and there was Coke Mom pushing everyone out of the way while she hoovered up line after line of coke on a table. It was like water to someone who had just crosses the desert. Now it looks like Coke Mom may not get to keep her job and the producers are less than thrilled with her behavior.
I Think Owen Wilson Found Out He Is Not The Daddy

Take Owen Wilson away from daddy duties and the guy just wants to have fun. Last week, Owen spent his nights with lots of women while hanging out in Vancouver. Owen stayed at the Opus hotel and partied in the Hundred Nights Lounge. Umm, someone who lives in Vancouver can maybe help me here, but doesn't Opus just have their lobby and they throw up a strobe light and call it a lounge after dark? Anyway, Owen was drinking and flirting with women and even took some of them out in a limo and went on their way. Where they were going and what they did remains a mystery, even to US Weekly, but I am guessing they were not off for a late night tour of various Olympic sights from last year.
Now, this could be a guy just blowing off steam or it could be a guy who is looking for a new woman because he has realized he is not the baby daddy.
Howard Stern On The Cover Of Rolling Stone

After that Snooki debacle it is nice to see Rolling Stone put Howard Stern on the cover. Whether you like him, hate him, or are indifferent, at least I think he is more relevant to a Rolling Stone cover than Snooki. Plus, that Private Parts has been on HBO On Demand this month and since I have been sick I have been watching a whole lot of On Demand. Speaking of which, how come NBC is pretty much the only network who is on On Demand. Yes, there are many cable networks, but when you look closely you realize about half are owned by NBC.
In the interview Howard talks about his divorce, his therapy, the fact that he does not need as much sex as you would think he needs and also about Artie Lange. This is what I found most interesting. When you read his quotes about Artie and the suicide attempt, there is no banter or funny stuff, it is just about compassion for the guy and as he says, "keeping Artie alive."
At Least You Know She Got A Bond

Dog The Bounty Hunter's daughter was arrested on Wednesday morning after banging on windows and breaking one of them during the middle of the night. To make matters worse, a police officer had a cell phone in his hand when Lyssa decided that it was probably better on the ground and knocked it out of his hand. I am shocked that her bail was set at just $400. Lyssa, who is Dog's 9th child just recently filed for divorce after being abused pretty much from day one of her marriage. Oh where is that Aloha spirit? You know that attitude that you have while on vacation in Hawaii but leaves the second you get back.
No Career? Lets Make Another American Pie

One of the things about a franchise is that they can get old after awhile. Sometimes you think you are such a huge star because the movies did so well that you can walk away and be a star in your own movies and not have to share the spotlight with 5 other people. So sayeth the cast of American Pie. Some did get lucky and were able to walk away like Mena Suvari, Jennifer Coolidge and Alyson Hannigan.. Tara Reid just kind of staggered away while clutching a bottle of tickle pink. Natasha Lyonne? Crawled away while looking for her entertainment lawyer. Eugene Levy? Never left. On his tombstone it will say SCTV an American Pie 1-23. Oh, and Club Paradise. Great movie but it would have been better with Bill Murray who was supposed to play the lead. Anyway, back to the movies.
Seann William Scott had a lot of success when he first left the series of movies but lately has been relegated to second leads or the funny guy who tries to steal scenes. Reason? Check the blind items.
Jason Biggs? Yeah, like you ever see him in anything. Chris Klein? Loves rehab.
Well, Jason Biggs and Seann William Scott have agreed to make another American Pie movie. Of course Eugene Levy too. Also, Universal is in discussions with every member of the original cast and hope to start shooting in May. I think they will get everyone but Tara Reid. I think they will take one look at her and realize it is a lost cause.
Blind Item
One of the things about winning an Academy Award is that you are never supposed to sell it. Well, this actor who won sometime in the past 20 years hit hard times and sold his Academy Award to a private collector. When someone comes to his house and wants to see the award our actor tells them it is in storage.
Jodie Foster Keeps On Loving Mel Gibson

One thing you have to say about Jodie Foster is that if you are her friend, you apparently are her friend for life and she will stick up for you through anything. I think that is pretty admirable, especially in a town where they will throw you to the wolves the second you do anything wrong and then when you make it to the top again, they claim they were with you all along and would never leave you.
I have already talked about Jodie and Mel, so I am not going to rehash that. What I saw though when I was reading the article and which I did not know or slipped my mind is that Jodie just finished shooting a Roman Polanski movie. See, this is the strange thing. I have always thought of Jodie as this powerful feminist who would take no crap from any man and here she is loving a woman beater, anti Semite, and working for a director who raped a child. This does not mesh with the Jodie Foster that she portrays to the world. Although the reporter asked about Mel, no one asked her why she would want to work with Roman Polanski. Maybe I don't have as much respect for Jodie as I thought. It is one thing to be loyal to your friends and another to embrace every bad guy in LA.
BuzzFoto Blind Item
This highly recommended NY based therapist to the stars has been selling secrets to fund her drug habit. Her older husband has lost a majority of his fortune in a ponzi scheme and neither are willing to tone down their lifestyle. Celebs on the East Coast might start wondering why their personal stuff gets out into the mags. Don’t be surprised if the gossip this year seems to be a little bit more on target.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Sorry for the abruptness of not finishing the blog yesterday. I have come down with some awful bug and am barely functional at this point. I am hopeful that everything will be back to normal tomorrow. I miss all of you. Come bring me soup please. Potato bacon would be nice.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Courteney Cox Interview - Meh

Courteney Cox is the cover of Harper's and the interview this month. I started reading with hopes there would be some inside info about the split, but all I got was that Courteney really has strong feelings for David Arquette and they may or may not stay together. Umm, I think we could have discerned that for ourselves. I was not asking for front page tabloid stuff, but you would think that if you are a reporter for a monthly magazine and this is your big interview you could get more from someone in a two hour conversation over dinner and wine. You give me someone for two hours with booze and food and I will have them talking about the time they learned making out by slipping their tongue down their rubber ducky.
Courteney is just really guarded in this interview which is probably ok, but if you are Harper's you must have been thinking to yourself, people are going to buy this and then be bored out of their minds. Plus, the interview is really short. Almost embarrassingly short.
Kacey Jordan Attempts Suicide - Blames Charlie Sheen

Police in Chicago broke into the hotel room of porn star Kacey Jordan after she posted a bunch of messages on her Twitter which sounded like she was trying to kill herself. Saying things like, "I just took a bottle of pills, washed down with a hotel sized bottle of Jack. Those 16 hours with Charlie Sheen messed me up."
Police say that Kacey did try and kill herself, but I wonder how much of it really has to do with Charlie and how much has to do with problems or issues she has previously had. I don't know enough about suicide or attempting to suicide to know. My opinion is that the 16 hours she spent with Charlie does not sound any different than many other days and nights she had working as a porn star. She had sex for money, did some drugs and left early to cash her paycheck. I think she does have some issues and should probably address them.
When police broke in they say that Kacey was trying to cut herself, so they took her to the hospital. Once there, she started Tweeting about how bored she was and wanted to go home. Huh? WTF?
Gilbert Gottfried Is An Ass
I am not sure if Gilbert Gottfried does any work now except as the voice of the duck in the Aflac commercials, but now that is gone. Gilbert was rightfully fired yesterday by the company because of a dozen Tweets which made fun of the Japanese and their situation. How can anyone find anything funny about what seems like an entire country imploding? Nuclear explosion, tens of thousands of people dying and Gilbert drops jokes like this:
I am glad he got fired. Who thinks this stuff is funny? Has anyone even seen an apology from him? When he can't find any work I bet he apologizes in a hurry.

BuzzFoto Blind Item
This actress who is B/C list (mostly television) wants a role in an upcoming buzz-worthy film so much that she decided to follow in the footsteps of another popular actress. She had heard about an A lister who had iced her nipples before auditions to get the part. Our actress did this before her audition but apparently didn’t think it through and put the ice on the outside of her shirt. When she walked in to say her lines the director asked, “Ummm, are you leaking?”
Monday, March 14, 2011
Ryan Phillippe Dad Again? Bryan Adams Offers Unique Benefits

While Ryan Phillippe is out doing his best Wilmer Valderrama impression by getting with as many women as possible, one of his hookups from this past summer says she is pregnant with Ryan's child. It is always pretty tough to be in a new relationship when you know in the back of your head that your guy was with someone who has walked away from a woman who is pregnant. I guess Ryan might not be practicing safe sex either which is probably a comfort to Amanda Seyfried and Rihanna.
Meanwhile, Bryan Adams has taken the employer/employee relationship to a whole new level. Reports are that he has impregnated his personal assistant. Hopefully he provides a good health plan.
Sam Elliot's Wife Gets Restraining Order Against Daughter

I love when new people get involved in gossip and tabloids. Sam Elliot's wife has filed a restraining order against their daughter. Katherine says her daughter Cleo stabbed her during a fight last week. Their daughter also threatened to kill her. I'm guessing Cleo had finally just watched Stepford Wives in which her mom stars. Probably wanted her money back.
Thank You OK! Magazine

I really need to start looking at the OK! Magazine website more frequently. I have not been paying attention to them at all, and this weekend I was at the grocery store and saw their cover. I almost cried from tears of joy. Why do you ask? Because Jennifer Aniston is finally ready to have a baby. I know, I know. I can't believe she is doing it and doing it on her own. It must be true because they would not put something on the cover like that if it was not true right? I mean it says she told her friends that she is going to have the baby. Now, if only my other dream would come true of her reuniting with Brad Pitt.
If you notice on the cover, Brad Womack is ready to be a dad, soooo, Jen, if you want a different Brad, it looks like he is available and the good thing is, no new name to learn. That is always a pain.
50 Cent Is Being An A-Hole Again - To Japanese

Apparently 50 Cent just does not know how to not piss people off. Usually he just picks on races or sexual orientations, but this time he went after a whole country. In a series of Tweets, 50 Cent decided to take some digs at the Japanese and their situation. Not only is it completely inappropriate, but when called out on how horrible it was, he kept doing it.
"Wave will hit 8am them crazy white boys gonna try to go surfing."
"Look this is very serious people I had to evacuate all my hoe's from LA,Hawaii and Japan. I had to do it. Lol."
He then said he did it for shock value. What is shocking is that people are still buying his records or even following him on Twitter. What is shocking is that someone could be quite as idiotic as this person.
I can't stop watching the Japan stuff. The news never gets any better there. Think about how advanced Japan is, and financially well off and then think about if this was some poor country. There would be nothing left.
A Duggar Is Pregnant

When I first saw the words Duggar and pregnant, I really thought we were headed towards baby number 30 for Michelle. I know she is not at 30 but my theory is that the closer she gets to 30, the more likely she will set it as a goal. One woman, 30 kids, one Survivor. Whoops. Wrong television show. Sorry.
Anyway, it turns out that Michelle's daughter-in-law is doing quite well in the procreation department too. Anna is pregnant with her second child, and in a made for television moment had Michelle tell Anna and Josh what sex the baby is. Anna and Josh have previously said they do not want very many children. Anna is only 23. I bet they have ten kids. I would not be surprised if the Duggar offspring produce 200 children in their lives.
Leg Grabbing And Bathroom Photo Taking - Hello Jake Gyllenhaal

Jake Gyllenhaal had a very interesting weekend. I think anytime you spend the weekend in Austin it has the potential to be interesting. I love Austin. I want you to know that I am referring to the city of Austin and not Austin Nichols. I am sure Austin Nichols is a fine guy, but this is about the city. You know, the one that brought you Austin City Limits, Sixth Street and a tolerance for me using side streets when the bathroom lines are too long. Oh, and bats.
Anyway, Jake was in town for SXSW. He showed his new movie. He also showed his peen in the bathroom which is, you know kind of necessary unless you go the diaper route. Even then, you need to change it so I guess you would still show it. A fan took a picture of Jake while in the bathroom and Jake got ticked off and the fan felt bad so deleted the photo. Meanwhile, Jake was so happy to talk about the reaction of his male friend to the movie when they were watching it.
"Literally he grabbed my leg at one point and then at another time....he was like 'Oh my god, what the hell?!' I was like 'Yes!'"
Read that out of context and it makes you think.
Apparently Usher Had Sex With Tameka Foster

I know that Tameka Foster gave birth to children. But, until TMZ actually saw a tape of Usher having sex with Tameka Foster, I was not sure that sex actually led to the creation of their kids. Plus, honestly, Tameka does nothing for me. I guess Usher liked something about her though. Just can't figure out what.
The tape was apparently stolen from his car back in 2009. That's what he says anyway. Who drives around with your sex tape? "Hmmm. keys, garage door opener, sex tape. Lets go to the grocery store."
Tameka says that she would never sanction a sex tape being released. Oh, and just in case you were wondering what she is doing now, she is an entrepreneur. I think that means she is open to ideas how to spend her alimony and child support checks.
Charlie Sheen Tour Sells Out

Apparently lots of you out there are winning. Well, Charlie Sheen is winning, you just want to watch. Taking after Coco, Charlie Sheen announced his mini-tour last week and then tickets went on sale. Approximately two minutes later his shows in Chicago and Detroit sold out. Yep, breathtakingly fast. Like fastest a show has sold out ever. So, Charlie is doing what any self respecting ticket selling person would do. Add more shows. Add them until you can't sell anymore. Sell enough and you end up with about one week's paycheck from the television show. I think Charlie is going to discover that it is hard to put on a show for a paying audience and that you work way harder for your money than when you are doing a television show.
Meanwhile, in family news Charlie's kids turned two and had a birthday party...without dad. Not winning.
BuzzFoto Blind Item
This fairly new celebrity couple with two C Listers were out to dinner this week when the male ran into an old flame at a restaurant. The old flame is famous too and was there with her husband. The couples ended up sharing a table and enjoying the meal together. All seemed to be going fine until the ladies left to go to the restroom and there was an apparent argument. The ladies got into it in the bathroom and the C Lister shoved the ex against the wall. The ex left the restroom and stormed to the table, grabbed her stuff and her husband and exited the restaurant. She then went to the C Lister’s car and keyed the door.