Saturday, March 05, 2011
Friday, March 04, 2011
Radio Show Preview

Special guests for tomorrow include:
Donal Logue

Carolyn Hennesy

Juliet Izon

Also, there will be the blind item guest and lots more. I hope you will tune in.
Random Photos Part Three
The Final 12 of American Idol sponsored by Ford.
Abbie Cornish and suspenders. Not sure about this.
At the same premiere were Ken Jeong and
Ed Helms who came out to support their buddy,
Bradley "Big Hands" Cooper.
Andy Cohen and Cat Ommanney mitzvah.
Frances McDormand flashes the Coen Brothers gang sign.
Hugh Jackman looking as lot like Matt LeBlanc from a few years ago.
Heather Locklear and a man with some really big underwear in the background.
Justin Bieber grabbing his crotch.
I need to start drinking whatever booze January Jones is drinking because she weighs like 10 pounds.

Random Photos Part Two
Jennifer Lopez shows off some skin at the American Idol finalists party.
Much more modestly dressed were Randy Jackson and Ryan Seacrest.
Not sure what Steven Tyler is doing.
Not sure why Gordon Ramsay was there except maybe to find some women to hit on.
Speaking of women and hitting on them, I would not try anything on Jessica Simpson while that doorman was there. He is scary looking.
Kathryn Erbe filming Law & Order.
Kelsey Grammer sucks face with his new wife.
Katie Holmes in some catalogue for a Philippines clothing store.
And in a planned outing to the MI4 set.
Kacey Jordan went stripping last night. Presumably she went home with the guy with the biggest wallet.
Kelly Osbourne channels a 45 year old country singer who has gone through 5 marriages and smokes 5 packs a day.
Kanye West and his MJ tribute. Or Alfonso from Fresh Prince.

Random Photos Part One
Three parts today.
Lady GaGa lands in Canada. I'm guessing she is unaware there are things called ice patches which she may find to difficult to navigate in those shoes.
First time appearances for Laurie Holden & Emma Bell.
Maksim is back from The Bachelor-Ukraine.
Apparently Miranda Kerr is very popular in Paris.
It's racing season which means lots of photos of Patrick Dempsey in racing gear.
I did not even recognize Rachel McAdams.
Sean Everett and Rose Byrne filming Damages.
Selma Blair shows off her bump.
Vanessa Hudgens was in New York at the same time as
Zac Efron who was without a male hand holding companion.
Lady GaGa lands in Canada. I'm guessing she is unaware there are things called ice patches which she may find to difficult to navigate in those shoes.

Radio Blind Item - Week 1
As you know, tomorrow is the premiere of the radio show. It just would not be any fun though if there was not a blind item somehow associated with the show. I thought about reading blind items on the air, but that seemed kind of boring. So, instead I thought I would try this idea. Every week until you guess it, I will give a clue here on the site which will be fairly obscure. Each week, the clues will get easier. Meanwhile, the subject of the guesses will call in every week to the show and that person and I will discuss, well, just about anything. We may talk about their career or just about the weather wherever they are. So, tune into tomorrow to see if you can guess who they are.
Clue for March 5, 2011 - Began as a teen actress; Shares something in common with ESPN/CNN sports host, Max Kellerman.
Clue for March 5, 2011 - Began as a teen actress; Shares something in common with ESPN/CNN sports host, Max Kellerman.
Your Turn

Yesterday, I received the tragic news that Gidget Gormley, the blogging, humping dog from Sex And The City had died at the age of 16. That is very old for a dog and it reminded me of some of my childhood pets. I remember our family had one dog who lived to be 17 I think. So, in today's Your Turn, I would love to hear about your favorite childhood pet or a story involving a pet. Think of this as Pet Day.
What Do You Think?

Yesterday;s What Do You Think provoked some very interesting comments. Today, I think there will probably be much of the same. Former and probable future Presidential candidate Mike Huckabee slammed Natalie Portman for getting pregnant out of wedlock. In a radio interview earlier this week, Huckabee said that he was troubled when Natalie Portman or some other "Hollywood starlet," boasts of being pregnant, but not married. Every year or so, it seems like some politician goes out and says something like this. First of all, it is not like Natalie Portman has given birth out of wedlock. She is engaged and still has a chance to get married before she gives birth. Second, I always wonder if politicians really feel this way or it is something they know will give them some free publicity for a few days. Buying ad time is expensive, but saying something controversial is free and gets you way more than a 30 second spot during Ernest Celebrates Christmas.
It seems that Natalie is in a loving relationship, although I think she still may dump the guy now that awards season is over. I just think there are more important things to discuss in this world than the relative merits of whether Natalie Portman should be celebrating her pregnancy because she is not married. What do you think?
Ted C Blind Item
The secret is that Crotch Uh-Lastic is the real badass in the bedroom. Charlie Sheen wishes he had the originality, hotness and stamina this guy has—no three-minute sex for our handsome Crotch!
But there remains a problem with Crotchy, and it isn't that he's not getting enough sleep or that he picked up some muscle dude who didn't exactly sign a confidentiality agreement.
It's something far more serious:
Friends to Crotch really think he might be losing his mind.
Sleep deprivation, for instance, can't suddenly lead to screwing women when you've shown no inclination toward doing so in the past. Uh-Lastic's pals were totally going "WTF, dude?" when they found out Crotch had done it with a chick recently. Really, that is so Toothy Tile and completely beneath Crotch's strong convictions to never live his life for the public. (He's insisted this to friends many times.)
Maybe he was just curious?
Bat-s--t bonkers and totally out of his gourd, is more like it. Crotch's friends are truly worried that their talented bud is less and less himself these days. Angry. Sullen. More tired than ever. Not even fun to be around when he gets high, which is a lot—more so than usual, lately, too.
Now he's having sex with a woman, whereas he's only had sex with guys in the past, and chewing out his friends, too.
"He's totally lost it," as one of Mr. Uh-Lastic's amigos put it.
Or is he just getting worried about that career of his?
Hmmm. We'll have to see about this one.
AND IT AIN'T: Jake Gyllenhaal, Justin Timberlake, Alexander SkarsgÄrd
But there remains a problem with Crotchy, and it isn't that he's not getting enough sleep or that he picked up some muscle dude who didn't exactly sign a confidentiality agreement.
It's something far more serious:
Friends to Crotch really think he might be losing his mind.
Sleep deprivation, for instance, can't suddenly lead to screwing women when you've shown no inclination toward doing so in the past. Uh-Lastic's pals were totally going "WTF, dude?" when they found out Crotch had done it with a chick recently. Really, that is so Toothy Tile and completely beneath Crotch's strong convictions to never live his life for the public. (He's insisted this to friends many times.)
Maybe he was just curious?
Bat-s--t bonkers and totally out of his gourd, is more like it. Crotch's friends are truly worried that their talented bud is less and less himself these days. Angry. Sullen. More tired than ever. Not even fun to be around when he gets high, which is a lot—more so than usual, lately, too.
Now he's having sex with a woman, whereas he's only had sex with guys in the past, and chewing out his friends, too.
"He's totally lost it," as one of Mr. Uh-Lastic's amigos put it.
Or is he just getting worried about that career of his?
Hmmm. We'll have to see about this one.
AND IT AIN'T: Jake Gyllenhaal, Justin Timberlake, Alexander SkarsgÄrd
Ashlee Simpson & Travis Barker

I almost started laughing when I was typing in the headline. I don't think Hollywood could ever come up with a more mismatched couple than Ashlee Simpson and Travis Barker. If the reports from Star are true then Ashlee and Travis have been hooking up. This is just what Ashlee needs to get her life back on track. Lets see. Travis has a bunch of kids, is constantly at war with his on and off again ex-wife. Both of them are prone to dragging their fights with each other public and do not seem like the most stable people in the world. Yeah, Ashlee needs to get right in the middle of that one. This should be brilliant for her if she wants to be tabloid fodder for the rest of her life but not so great if she wants to try and salvage any remnants of her career. Pimpa Joe must have blown a gasket when he heard about this one.
NY Post Blind Items
Which A-list actors are members of the new Hollywood gay clique? All have either married or dated high-profile women in Tinseltown.
Which Oscar nominee has been making up for his previous lack of action with the ladies by sleeping his way around the film circuit?
Which high-profile journalist's girlfriend slept with another man in his bed while he was off chasing a story? Let's hope she changed the sheets before his deadline.
Which Oscar nominee has been making up for his previous lack of action with the ladies by sleeping his way around the film circuit?
Which high-profile journalist's girlfriend slept with another man in his bed while he was off chasing a story? Let's hope she changed the sheets before his deadline.
Mike Myers Got Married - 5 Months Ago

Apparently if you are not a fame seeking, publicity driven, narcissistic need everyone to look at me right this second kind of celebrity, you can get married in secret and kept it a secret for almost half of a year, even in a huge media market like New York. According to the NY Post, this is exactly what Mike Myers and his long time girlfriend Kelly Tisdale did. The couple, who, have been dating since 2006, got married five months ago in what Myers' rep said was a beautiful ceremony. Huh. No pictures, no pap swarms, no cover of People. Just two people getting married and not thinking less of themselves because the entire world did not know. I wish them well and also wish some celebrities would take a lesson out of this and realize that you don't need to do everything in front of a camera.
Penelope Cruz Hates Eva Longoria

In this week's Enquirer, they have "sources" who say that Penelope Cruz is not a fan of Eva Longoria and wishes she would stop dating her younger brother. Apparently, Penelope thinks, and probably rightly so that Eduardo Cruz is a rebound relationship and that Eva will break his heart. I would say that is accurate. Also, Penelope thinks that Eva is using Eduardo to try and get close to Penelope and Javier to get film roles which would not ordinarily go to an actress of Eva's caliber. Usually Eva would get the third lead on a made for tv movie and not cast in a role that has a chance to do well at the box office or garner awards. Eva has been telling Eduardo everyday that she would love to hang out with Javier and Penelope but so far has had no luck. I wonder if Penelope would react this way if I started dating her sister. Well, it is worth a shot to find out.
Paris Hilton Exploits Brooke/Charlie Custody War For Her Own Gain

Apparently Ellen is more desperate for guests than I thought. Today, Paris Hilton was a guest on the show. I know. When you reach Paris Hilton on your guest list list, I think you are pretty much scraping the bottom of the barrel. After that it, you are left with, well, no one.
Anyway, Paris was ostensibly on the show to talk about her new reality show. Because no one actually cares about her own life, Paris decided to also include Brooke Mueller. Now, you may ask yourself why Paris would even include Brooke. Well, let us look back at Brooke's history. Many, many trips to rehab after partying too much with Charlie Sheen. Now, where did you always see Paris & Brooke filming? Clubs and bars. I think someone was hoping for a Broke relapse to make the show more exciting. What they got was that plus a custody war between Charlie and Brooke and Paris says she has lots of it on tape. So, Paris is basically exploiting the situation for her own benefit. Well, no one ever said she was a subtle leech.
Tom Cruise & Julianne Hough Are Co-Stars

If you thought Julianne Hough had a huge ego before, now it is likely to take over every room she ever is in. Adam Shankman says he has cast Julianne as the role of Sherrie in Rock Of Ages. This is the Broadway musical that has not turned into a movie. Earlier this week it was announced that Tom Cruise would be playing Stacee Jaxx and will sing at least one song. Well, I actually think Tom Cruise will do really well in an over the top Broadway musical and Julianne probably will too. Julianne has talent, it is just that she likes to remind you of that fact every second of every day and who she knows and it all gets annoying. Whatever positive things she accomplishes with her talent are kind of overshadowed by the narcissism. And her brother.
So, I guess this means that next year we can look forward to Tom Cruise showing up to the Grammy's and Oscars and singing for everyone much like The Goopster did this year. I wonder if The Academy has ever asked Tom Cruise to host the show.
BuzzFoto Blind Item
For our 500th Blind Item, we think we found some pretty good gossip, so enjoy! This celebrity couple is getting a lot of buzz but like so many other couples out there that have folks fooled, this relationship is also a setup. Arranged by publicists and management. Each celebrity in the arrangement gets something out of it. He gets a piece of what he’s wanted for a really long time and she gets to ride on all the extra publicity. We love both of the young stars, but can’t believe anyone is really buying it. No matter how sincere they might seem.
Thursday, March 03, 2011
Today's Blind Items
It looks like that no matter how much money you make, you can still be cheap, and not a gentleman. When this A list baseball player takes out his A-list actress girlfriend, he has a price limit of how much he will spend. It is embarrassingly low. Like barely more than McDonald's low. So, inevitably, despite him making way more money, our actress picks up the check for almost everything all the time.
Random Photos Part Three
Ralph Macchio and Anthony Michael Hall flank Topher Grace at the premiere of his new movie.
Angelina Jolie heals children.
Meanwhile, Audrina Patridge and Ali Fedotowsky compare 15 minute clocks.
Bradley Cooper all shaved promoting his new movie.
Blake Lively at a Chanel party.
Get ready for three months of DWTS pictures. Here are Chelsie Hightower and Romeo.
Charlize Theron after her date with the guy behind her.
Ginnifer Goodwin and her boyfriend Joey Kern.
Holly Madison without any touching up. Good for her.
The most recent SI Swimsuit cover model, Irina Shayk.