#1 - What A list movie actor managed to walk the red carpet at the Berlin Film Festival despite drinking for 36 hours straight. People got drunk from his fumes it was so bad.
#2 - This B- list movie actress who had that relationship with the guy you all like and made you sick, was overheard at Fashion Week saying, "If I listen to one more model puking in the bathroom, I am going to lose it." Apparently the sound of it makes her sick.
#3 - This former A list tweener who is now trying to find her own way in the world has been telling people she has lots and lots of secrets about daddy he does not want the world to know so he needs to be quiet.
#4 - This Twilight actress got an abortion just so she would not be replaced in the movies.
Friday, February 18, 2011
Random Photos Part Three
This is quite the group of skaters and deserving of the top spot. Evan Lysacek, Scott Hamilton, Dorothy Hamil, Brian Boitano, and Peggy Fleming. Now we just need Jack and Grace to do an analysis for us of their skating.
How old do you think Chiquinquira Delgado was before she could spell her first name?
At the same event was Roselyn Sanchez who looked lovely.
Chelsy Davy was out last night partying with Kate Middletons sister and the two princesses.'
David Chase and James Gandolfini made some great television.
What has Debi Mazar done to her hair?
Fergie and Josh Duhamel working out in New York.
Fashion Week for pets.

And the man who has the sole job of teasing models by walking around with cake.

Random Photos Part Two
Gabriel Aubry and Nahla at the zoo.
Meanwhile, Gwen Stefani takes her son to a zoo of a different sort, namely Fashion Week.
Gary Shirley shows off his legs.
Much better legs on Hugh Jackman.
Ivanka Trump and Tiffany Trump in Los Angeles yesterday. Who is Tiffany's mom? Marla?
It just does not seem as cool when Justin Bieber smashes a guitar.
Cool is Jamie Lynn Sigler, me, and those Sour Patch Kids.
If you have wanted to know what being kissed by Kelsey Grammer is like. He is saying, wait until I get you on vacation.
You have been mounted by Kelsey.

Random Photos Part One
Three parts today.
Keira Knightley after a night out. How does she make her mouth do that?
Apparently Kendra Wilkinson thinks this looks hot.
Lindsay Lohan and Sam Ronson make a break for it.
Miley Cyrus does not look too happy. Apparently she is really mad at Dad.
I still don't get this whole John Mellencamp and Meg Ryan thing. They don't look like a match.
Cy's health will probably regret that kiss. Then again, he has done a whole lot more. Just the thought almost made me puke.
Pink snapping photos of her mother.
Did you know Richie Sambora had a clothing line? Me either, but maybe he can do something about Vincent DePaul's moobs. And mine too.
Salma Hayek's mother leads Salma and Valentina in song.
The one and only Sally Kellerman.
Keira Knightley after a night out. How does she make her mouth do that?

Your Turn
When I saw those pictures of Jon Gosselin scaling big roofs, I thought to myself that I probably would not be able to do that job. I am afraid of heights and even though I try and overcome that by going to the tops of buildings and looking over the edge, I just can't do it. I remember one time being in Toronto in the CN Tower and they have some glass in the floor which looks straight down to the ground. All these kids were running back and forth across it and did not have a care in the world. Meanwhile, all the adults would creep really close to the edge and very few ventured out on the glass itself. So, my question to you is do you have a fear of heights and have you done anything to try and overcome it? You can also discuss any other phobias you have.
Those Crazy Australians
Yesterday I posted a video of a news anchor who was making fun of her co-anchor's peen. Well, today in Australia, their morning Today style show turned into one big sexual innuendo fiesta when discussing a long stabby thing someone keeps in their bedroom.
Crashing Paris Hilton's Birthday Party And Stealing The Cake

This is the greatest thing ever. Not only did this guy Paz crash Paris Hilton's birthday party, but he made off with the $2000 birthday cake. Now, I have crashed some parties in my day and was happy to drink the free booze and maybe even take some with me, but an entire birthday cake at the birthday party? Unbelievable. I will direct you to Paz's Facebook page where he explains it all in great detail with lots of pictures to back it up, but it is priceless and will definitely make you smile a lot today. Someone sticking it to Paris. Now, hopefully no one makes a big deal about the missing cake.
Jon Gosselin Has A New Job

Well I never thought I would say this, but good for Jon Gosselin. Not only has he found a real job in this economy, but it is a job where he is actually getting his hands dirty, and not just from the cigarette breaks. Jon found a job with a company that installs solar panels. So, yes, not only is Jon not contributing to the further decline of reality television, but he is also doing the environment some good. Again, not withstanding the cigarettes he smokes at every opportunity. The guy is out there earning money for his family and he is doing it anyway he can.
Star Magazine Says Owen Wilson's Baby Is Not His Baby

Uh oh. This could be crazy good. In their latest issue, Star Magazine says that Owen Wilson might not be the father of the new baby he thinks is his. Well, thinks is his at least publicly. The mother of the baby (in the purple jacket) is an air marshal. You know, one of those people who sit on the plane and pretend to be a passenger but look like no passenger you have ever seen. Anyway, supposedly the woman was having sex with her then boyfriend right up until the time she got pregnant. Yep, she was having sex with her boyfriend and with Owen and did not become exclusive with Owen until she got pregnant.
The boyfriend had no idea about Owen and Owen had no idea about the boyfriend. The woman was living with the boyfriend when she met Owen on a flight and one thing led to another. When the woman found out she was pregnant, she moved out of the house and moved in with Owen. Sounds like Star could be right.
It's Just Like Lindsay From A Year Ago

I am trying to figure out exactly what has changed in Lindsay Lohan's life from a year ago. Sure, she is facing felony grand theft charges, but last year was also the time there was that whole Elle fashion mystery about the missing items. Last year she was running around until 230 a.m. partying every night and she is still doing that despite saying as she did last year that she was going to start staying home and work more on her career. Oh, and last year she was sometimes on and sometimes off with Samantha Ronson. Fast forward to this year and she spent Valentine's night with Sam, (and went through the bushes back home to avoid being spotted)took a couple of days off and now spent last night partying with her and then shacking up with her overnight.
At this point it seems pretty clear that nothing is really going to change. She will keep getting some work and will continue to make some noise tabloid style, but unless she gets some kind of lucky John Travolta Pulp Fiction break, this could be the end for her. People forget there was a ten year gap where John Travolta did not get work. Well, work that mattered. He went from being super A list to D list before getting a big break in Pulp Fiction and revitalizing his career. There are just too many actresses and too few roles for a studio to take a chance on someone like Lindsay. Why should they?
Lindsay might like to think she is still a big star, but the only reason paps follow her is because they are hoping to catch her in a compromising position and make big bucks doing so.
NY Post Blind Items
Which erratic fashion magazine editor fired a fact checker for not picking up her Xanax just before a recent fashion week (not the one just ending)? .
Which bleacher-babe girlfriend agreed to a threesome with her brawny boyfriend to keep him from straying with every pretty blonde? (Sounds like one of my recent ones, but unlike the Post, mine will be revealed.)
Which randy married actor couldn't keep his wandering hands off his co-star between takes of a sex scene?
Which bleacher-babe girlfriend agreed to a threesome with her brawny boyfriend to keep him from straying with every pretty blonde? (Sounds like one of my recent ones, but unlike the Post, mine will be revealed.)
Which randy married actor couldn't keep his wandering hands off his co-star between takes of a sex scene?
Serene Branson Had A Migraine
On Sunday night, a Los Angeles television reporter went on the air after the Grammy Awards and tried to do one of those kinds of reports that usually just drift in and out of your consciousness without affecting you much because there is usually nothing said of any importance. Well, the report of Serene Branson was different because you really could not understand much of what she was saying. I was going to write about it, but the preliminary word was that it was a stroke and I felt bad for her and did not think it would be fun to watch someone have a stroke replayed incessantly. Well, yesterday doctors said it was not a stroke, but a migraine. I know migraines can be debilitating, but I had no idea it could affect your speech like that. I mean the entire time the reporter is smiling although that could be something that is so ingrained into her that she could be dying while reporting and still be smiling. That seems to be a common affliction among local reporters.
"Yes, Ted, I have been hit by a car and I could possibly lose my life, but please notice that I am still smiling."
Meanwhile, Serene is hoping that the video will not go viral. Umm, a little late for that considering it was played about a bazillion times just on Monday. Does everyone believe it was a migraine? I know they can be hard on people so please tell me if you have had one and did the same type of thing. Except for the smiling part of course.
"Yes, Ted, I have been hit by a car and I could possibly lose my life, but please notice that I am still smiling."
Meanwhile, Serene is hoping that the video will not go viral. Umm, a little late for that considering it was played about a bazillion times just on Monday. Does everyone believe it was a migraine? I know they can be hard on people so please tell me if you have had one and did the same type of thing. Except for the smiling part of course.
BuzzFoto Blind Item
This C List actor who does a little singing now and again has fallen in love with his costar, even though he is married. He has almost crossed the fuzzy line into cheating on his wife with his costar, but has held off because he loves and respects his wife also. He has agonized over the situation and might even quit his show to avoid temptation.
Lets Talk Pete And Ashlee

There seems to be a consensus amongst the tabloids that Pete Wentz and Ashlee's divorce was a long time coming. Everyone also seems to agree that Ashlee's partying probably had a lot to do with it. Here is where I may shock some people. I don't necessarily disagree with Ashlee's partying. So, she went out with friends a lot at night? If Pete is on the road with his band or doing some work, is Ashlee supposed to stay at home every night looking out the window and pining for her man while she stays home and plays the dutiful mother and wife while Pete is out having fun?
The problem I have is Pimpa. According to Pop Eater, Pimpa Joe is happy to have Ashlee back at home under his roof and has done nothing to encourage the couple to reconcile. He is probably hoping Ashlee can find some guy he can manage and make some bucks off. Pimpa is not at quite the level that Thora Birch's dad is, but he is a very controlling guy and I think he hates the fact that he has not been able to control the boyfriends or husbands like he controls the daughters. I think he might actually like Jessica's new boyfriend because the guy has no independence and will be a yes man to Pimpa. He is someone who could be placed under the Pimpa thumb, and Pete and Nick and Tony and John Mayer are just not those kinds of guys.
Ted C Blind Item
Last time we checked in on poor Strippa Rip-Ya, the usually outspoken babe had told her close pals that she was staying with that abusive man of hers, Caesar Anchovy-Arse, because he only beats her occasionally and it's "not that bad."
So sad, because Strippa's friends have been too scared to tell her to leave the schmuck.
But is there hope? Now more Industry acquaintances of SRY's have now taken notice of her weird dynamic with Caesar...
At a photo shoot for S recently, we're told by sources on set that they were "incredibly uncomfortable" when her husband popped in for an unexpected visit.
Controlling much? You bet.
See, Caesar rarely lets Strippa go anywhere without him. Anywhere. Notice the watchdog pattern developing here? No relationship with that kind of dynamic is healthy—as you don't have to just hit somebody to abuse them.
Apparently Mr. Arse showed up to the photo shoot when it started, around 7 a.m., cracked open a Pabst Blue Ribbon and started getting drunk.
"He would shout horrible things at everyone, including [Strippa]," our insider tells us. "He was brash, rude, and it made everyone awkward."
Dude's clearly super jealous his career remains stagnant while Strippa's is super hot again. Meanwhile, Strippa just stood there silent, taking any jab he threw her way, which is pretty much what she always does these days.
Hopefully her team, who witnessed this, has the balls enough to say—and finally do--something. At what point will her "friends" start worrying about her very well-being, already?
It may be unpleasant to bring it up, but isn't her life more important?
And it Ain't: Lea Michele, Lady Gaga, Oprah Winfrey
So sad, because Strippa's friends have been too scared to tell her to leave the schmuck.
But is there hope? Now more Industry acquaintances of SRY's have now taken notice of her weird dynamic with Caesar...
At a photo shoot for S recently, we're told by sources on set that they were "incredibly uncomfortable" when her husband popped in for an unexpected visit.
Controlling much? You bet.
See, Caesar rarely lets Strippa go anywhere without him. Anywhere. Notice the watchdog pattern developing here? No relationship with that kind of dynamic is healthy—as you don't have to just hit somebody to abuse them.
Apparently Mr. Arse showed up to the photo shoot when it started, around 7 a.m., cracked open a Pabst Blue Ribbon and started getting drunk.
"He would shout horrible things at everyone, including [Strippa]," our insider tells us. "He was brash, rude, and it made everyone awkward."
Dude's clearly super jealous his career remains stagnant while Strippa's is super hot again. Meanwhile, Strippa just stood there silent, taking any jab he threw her way, which is pretty much what she always does these days.
Hopefully her team, who witnessed this, has the balls enough to say—and finally do--something. At what point will her "friends" start worrying about her very well-being, already?
It may be unpleasant to bring it up, but isn't her life more important?
And it Ain't: Lea Michele, Lady Gaga, Oprah Winfrey
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Today's Blind Items
This one blew me away when I heard it. It is so so juicy but I am having a tough time describing it without giving away the people involved. Lets just say that a once married actress who used to be B- and is now just a stay at home mom for the most part specializes in putting together fellow C&D listers with men who would have some um, disposable income. No regular people. It is strictly D listers who have been famous at one point or another. Even though they are C&D listers at least three names you would know.
Random Photos Part Three
Len Lesser - RIP
The always amazing Anjelica Huston.
Aubrey O'Day rocking those curves on the runway at Fashion Week.
Angelica from Jersey Shore got proposed to. The first question is why.
Interesting pairing. Bette Midler and Angie Harmon.
Diane Kruger and Joshua Jackson at the premiere of her new movie, Unknown.
Also there was a very different looking January Jones.
I'm not sure why Kim Kardashian and her Michelin outfit were there.
The star of the movie, Liam Neeson was there with producer Joel Silver.
Chelsea Clinton still wants people to think they are happy.
The twins make their first gambling trip to Vegas with dad.
Does Denise Richards look super skinny? Here she is with Adrienne Bailon.
Duffy on a Spanish television show.
Elisabetta Canalis at an awards ceremony in Italy.