Friday, January 28, 2011
Today's Blind Items
Sorry this is late, but how about I tell you Charlie Sheen has the herp. That should make up for it a little. Anyway there is a former A list movie star who is still a solid B and beloved by a blogger to the north. Anyway it turns out our actor recently caught the same disease. Wonder if that played a part in his most recent breakup.
Random Photos Part Three
Julianne Moore gets the top spot for being Harvard's Hasty Pudding Woman Of The Year. Finally saw The Kids Are Alright and it was alright. I was expecting more. Lots of sex, and an open ending.
Christina Aguilera and her boyfriend head off for dinner. Probably drinks too.
Christina Hendricks and chocolate. My day is complete.
Carrie Underwood and Mike Fisher take in a basketball game.
David Duchovny and his daughter.
Dennis Quaid and his son.
Ed Westwick looks very cold.

Random Photos Part Two
Elle had a party for women in television and Erika Christensen was there. Also there were,
Jennifer Morrison,
Sofia Vergara,
Cobie Smulders, and
Mindy Kaling.
Gerard Butler after a long night of partying.
Hugh Jackman has the biggest balls. Snowballs that is.
Jessica Alba leaving George V in Paris.
January Jones and her new drinking companion.
Jennifer Love Hewitt and her latest.

Random Photos Part One
Three parts today.
Obviously Jenny McCarthy has such a huge following she needs security when out at the mall.
Meanwhile, Kim Kardashian is all alone walking the dangerous streets of Beverly Hills.
Kanye and his bling. Does anyone say bling anymore?
Mario and the family. I hear he is working out his exit now.
Neil Patrick Harris and his boyfriend Dave Burtka check out some art.
Nicole Richie on her way to work out.
Rose McGowan looking very nice for her.
Toblerone and his wife Alicia Keys.
Tracy Morgan cracks Howard Stern up. Probably talking masturbation material.
Obviously Jenny McCarthy has such a huge following she needs security when out at the mall.

Your Turn
I have been thinking about last week's Your Turn all week. The problem with going back in time to correct issues is finding that one point in time that was crucial and then actually making the changes to give you something different. The problem is that when you go back and change one thing you are affecting so many other things and the people you meet along the way. Would you still meet the same people that you have enjoyed? It is so hard to find that perfect spot.
Anyway, this week, something a lot less profound. Favorite day of the week? Worst day of the week?
Anyway, this week, something a lot less profound. Favorite day of the week? Worst day of the week?
Terry McMillan Calls Willow Smith Arrogant

I have a lot of respect for Terry McMillan. She is a great author and her book How Stella Got Her Groove Back was great. As much as I find Willow Smith's song annoying though, I am not big fan of calling 4th grade kids arrogant. That is what Terry did though. In a bunch of Tweets she basically went after all the Smith kids and said, "The Smith children already act like child stars. There's an arrogance in their demeanor and behavior. I find it incredibly sad. It feels like the Smith children are being pimped and exploited. Or, they’re already hungry for fame. What about 4th grade?"
I think the Smith kids like all the kids of actors and actresses see their parents doing something they love and because of the nature of the industry there are work opportunities available for children. They don't have to wait 20 years to follow their parents footsteps and become a doctor or lawyer or teacher. Would Willow or Jaden be where they are without Will & Jada? Probably not, but I also don't think they are being exploited. I think kids who are exploited are done so by parents who have never achieved success. Look at the parents in Toddlers & Tiaras. Look at Lindsay's parents. Dina was a failed showgirl and wanted to live her life through Lindsay and that is exploitation.
Geri Jewell Comes Out

I have not thought about Geri Jewell in a long time. If you are not of a certain age, then you probably do not remember the show Facts Of Life. The show, a spin off of Different Strokes was really big back in the day. Take my word for it. It also marked the debut of a guy named George Clooney. It is hard to believe, but back in the day no one who was disabled was ever on a show more than once. Geri Jewell knocked down that barrier when she appeared on the show as a regular character. Geri suffers from cerebral palsy and was hilarious on the show. She has a new book that just came out and in the book she talks about her career as an actress and comedienne. She talks about a broken marriage, tax problems and drug addiction. She also comes out as a lesbian. I have only had time to read a few excerpts, but it is a powerful book from an amazing woman and a great story.
Are Jeremy Piven & Miley Cyrus Hooking Up?

Now that Miley Cyrus is legal, I am sure she has popped up on the Jeremy Piven radar. There is literally nothing that does not pop up on his radar. As long as the person is not that smart or that concerned with calls the next morning, Jeremy thinks they are perfect. So, it should come as no surprise that Jeremy has nothing but great things to say about Miley. The two just finished shooting the movie So Undercover. You know, the one where Miley is hired by the FBI. I know, I know, just that part alone makes you want to cringe.
Apparently though, Miley and Jeremy really hit it off. He told E!, "I think I must be an 18-year-old girl because we got along really well. It was just so much fun. I had so much fun with her and we had great chemistry. It was really really weird--we're like polar opposites. She's kind of amazing. There's something so incredibly refreshing about someone who is exactly who they are. There's nothing pretentious about her. She's this force. She loves to laugh."
Yeah, they are definitely having sex or at least he is trying really hard. I think he is jealous about Ben Affleck and Britney Spears so is trying to have his 18 year old moment.
Ted C Blind Item
Look, our Blind Vices aren't always about crack, heroin, orgies and selling your soul to the fame devil. Sometimes we have a happy little love story for ya! Today, we're celebrating—and encouraging—hot-ass stars Kirkland Dogmatic and Teddy Big-Treat and their new-found affair! "They are so into each other," say close mutual friends. "And very protective of each other."
So much so, that Teddy, who is out, is going along with Kirk's very insistent advice from his team...
"We're just good friends," is what T has been blabbing to industry folks, protecting his BF, who has one foot in the closet, and who also just happens to have one of the cutest, most seductively unusual pusses in town right now.
And so far, Kirk's going along with it, which is overwhelmingly echoed by Dogmatic's team of advisors. See, it's not just a somewhat successful boutique career Kirkland's got in front of himself right now, but a major piece of the hugely successful Invasion From Planet Octopus franchise—which Kirkland and his advisor's are cashing in on majorly.
Oh, crap, here we go again: As usual, it's money that's deciding everything.
Hmmm. What will happen next? Something slightly scandalous, we suspect, as Kirky's never been one to play the fake-beard game. In fact, he detests it more than Lea Michele hates to be unnoticed.
Oh, did we forget to tell you one half of this equation is closely associated with the delightful diva?
And It Ain't: Chris Colfer and Liam Hemsworth, Lance Bass and Matthew Morrison, Jake Gyllenhaal and T.R. Knight
So much so, that Teddy, who is out, is going along with Kirk's very insistent advice from his team...
"We're just good friends," is what T has been blabbing to industry folks, protecting his BF, who has one foot in the closet, and who also just happens to have one of the cutest, most seductively unusual pusses in town right now.
And so far, Kirk's going along with it, which is overwhelmingly echoed by Dogmatic's team of advisors. See, it's not just a somewhat successful boutique career Kirkland's got in front of himself right now, but a major piece of the hugely successful Invasion From Planet Octopus franchise—which Kirkland and his advisor's are cashing in on majorly.
Oh, crap, here we go again: As usual, it's money that's deciding everything.
Hmmm. What will happen next? Something slightly scandalous, we suspect, as Kirky's never been one to play the fake-beard game. In fact, he detests it more than Lea Michele hates to be unnoticed.
Oh, did we forget to tell you one half of this equation is closely associated with the delightful diva?
And It Ain't: Chris Colfer and Liam Hemsworth, Lance Bass and Matthew Morrison, Jake Gyllenhaal and T.R. Knight
TNT Apologizes For Tracy Morgan
Between watching The Real Housewives and trying to keep up with NBC's three hours of sitcoms, I did not see Tracy Morgan on TNT last night. I did see David Brent on The Office though and thought it was a great two minutes. Oh, and I saw Tracy on 30 Rock, but not on Inside The NBA. Anyway, Tracy was on the show and said that he sexual fantasies about Sarah Palin. I am not sure why TNT had the need to apologize for the comments. If he had said the same thing about Oprah or some other non-political figure would there have been the backlash? TNT acted like Sarah was going to come down to the studio and shoot them like she did that moose during her reality show.
"It's unfortunate Mr. Morgan showed a lack of judgment on our air with his inappropriate comments. We apologize for any embarrassment or offense it may have caused." I think what happened is the show's sponsor got upset so TNT pretended like there was something wrong with what Tracy said. If he said he fantasized about Jessica Alba would anything have been said? Since when is Sarah Palin off limits? Yes, he used the words masturbation material, but you also invited Tracy on the show so I don't know what you were expecting. A discourse on politics?
"It's unfortunate Mr. Morgan showed a lack of judgment on our air with his inappropriate comments. We apologize for any embarrassment or offense it may have caused." I think what happened is the show's sponsor got upset so TNT pretended like there was something wrong with what Tracy said. If he said he fantasized about Jessica Alba would anything have been said? Since when is Sarah Palin off limits? Yes, he used the words masturbation material, but you also invited Tracy on the show so I don't know what you were expecting. A discourse on politics?
Kim Richards Too Wasted To Fly

Three straight posts where I mention the Real Housewives. That has to be some kind of record. Anyway, TMZ has some video of Kim Richards from back in July where she was boozing it up and popping pills and was confronted by police because airport staff were complaining that Kim was too wasted to fly. She was so hammered that she could not speak without slurring and was in the wrong terminal. Eventually she was asked to leave the airport and sober up before flying. Ahh, it is kind of like that Airport show about Southwest airlines. How many times did they have someone on there who was too drunk t fly. The secret is to just get a nice buzz going prior to getting on the plane. Then when you are flying you can get hammered. Just don't cause a disturbance.
Real Housewives - Beverly Hills

So, last night was the reunion show and it was pretty much the same thing it has been all season. One thing I will say for Andy Cohen is that he does not miss things and is not above calling out someone to stir things up. There is no kissing butt to the cast. He kisses the butt of the people who drop into his after show, but not the Housewives. Camille's story always changes. She would have us convinced that she was trying to deal with the whole Kelsey thing during the entire run of the show, but I am convinced she did not know what was up until much later in shooting. Don't you think she would have told Alison about it, especially after Alison's marriage remark to Kyle? I thought Camille was such good friends with her.
When Andy was reading viewer questions I thought they were good, but no one has asked her about Nick. That is the question I want asked straight point blank to her face to see how she reacts. I did love how Andy tried to pin her down about how much money she has. It looks like the Cedric thing was a blowout when he left but we have to wait until next week to hear about it. I just feel sorry for Kim at this point. She looks lost up there and seems to always be a step behind. Taylor. I am glad someone called her out about the whole going Oklahoma thing and her contrary stand when she talks about domestic violence. Then, after saying she has never been in a fight and the threat was just a joke, she did it again right in front of everyone. I also do believe Taylor was trying to stir the pot. She is not happy at home and wants everyone to be as miserable as she is or she just likes attention.
I also wonder if Adrienne's earrings were real. They looked like they weighed five pounds each and cost millions. How much is she worth? The whole hour pretty much seemed to be Camille and Kyle. All in all, it was ok, but I hope there are some real fireworks coming next week. Oh, and did it sound like to you that Camille was coming back next season? Hope so. Do you think Kathy Hilton wishes she was on the show?
Lets Talk Charlie Sheen

So, Charlie Sheen is out of the hospital and at home. He supposedly got himself a hernia which was the reason for the call to 911. Oh, and you know who called 911? Adrienne Maloof. Apparently the Real Housewife lives next door to Charlie. Considering Lisa also lives next door to Charlie, that is one crazy block. I think the hernia is crap, but if he did get one it is because he tried to have sex with a hooker while holding her up with one hand and simultaneously trying to get his nose in the briefcase full of coke he had in his other hand. A briefcase full of coke? That is one hell of a party. One of the hookers/porn stars (see above) got herself a lawyer, you know, to field all those tabloid offers.
She also had time to Tweet pictures of herself during the party and was proud of the fact she had been drinking with Charlie for 24 straight hours. Well, one must have goals in life and when you are a porn star, goals like drinking for 24 straight hours probably is an accomplishment.
Supposedly Martin Sheen wants Charlie to go back to rehab. He needs it, but I think he will continue partying until he dies. He has been to rehab so many times and he has an unlimited supply of cash so it is not like he is going to run out of money before he runs out of drugs.
BuzzFoto Blind Item
About two years ago these two stars broke up and the public went nuts. The actress dropped off the radar for a while. What we didn’t know was that she was carrying his baby and the pregnancy was the reason for the split. If we understand our source correctly, neither wanted a baby but she didn’t believe in abortion. The stress of the situation was too big a strain on their relationship and so they split. She had her baby quietly and gave it up for adoption with no one the wiser.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Today's Blind Items
What former very high B list movie actress who is now the answer to one messed up career via booze and drugs is at Fashion Week in Paris where she had a threesome with this long time A list movie actress and her celebrity boyfriend. I wonder if she charged the guy. I bet she thought about it.
Random Photos Part Three
I can't believe Donald Sutherland did not have a star already. Here he is posing like he is his son after a bender.
Speaking of his son, no sign of Keifer, but Colin showed up.
Amanda Bynes wants attention. Back on Twitter.
Anthony Hopkins gets ready to swing at Colin O'Donoghue and then
Colin blows out the candles on a very obvious last minute birthday cake.
Amy Poehler and Archie.
Cheryl Cole being very careful with that step.
Demi & Ashton flew back from Salt Lake to Los Angeles and then flew to Brazil. Plastic surgery time!!!
Elizabeth Berkley reading about herself and then
sharing it over lunch with Carla Gugino.
Eva Longoria after having dinner with Penelope Cruz's brother.

Random Photos Part Two - Paris Fashion Week
Because she wanted room for her bridesmaids too.
Deal Or No Deal goes haute couture.
This model just could not resist the pull of the stage.
Remember that scene in Jurassic Park where Newman from Seinfeld gets killed?
My Strange Addiction heads to Fashion Week.
Greg Kinnear enjoying some food, or at least drinks.
Iron & Wine - Los Angeles
Jason Statham and a very nice car.
John Travolta has dinner with John Gotti Jr.
You probably don't know Kevin Clash, but he is the man who makes Elmo move.
Kate Hudson shows off her bump to Graham Norton.
I did not even recognize Katie Holmes.