When I watched the show last night, I came in late so caught the last five minutes of the episode, the watched Camille on the after show and then watched the episode. Kind of backwards, but I think it worked out best because I got to see Camille first.
I thought she handled herself very well on the after show and answered all the questions well. She did give a different expression when she was asked whether she was an escort. Not a very confident answer Camille. The rest though I think was good. She was definitely talking like she was leaving the show. I am still not convinced she has no friends who are not on the payroll and I think the person she has had sex with since the split is Nick. Does anyone want to bet against that? I love how Bravo shows us where Nick's wife is when Camille is kissing on him. What is the deal with asking him to kiss her on the lips? Yeah, she f**ked him.
Anyway, although this sounds like I am piling on, she did do well on the show. I don't think I would have gone to the Tony Awards in her situation. I did love her explanation about Alison the psychic's comment about how she was probably feeling Camille when she made the marriage comment. No sex? She implied that Kelsey is impotent or not attracted to women. I think he likes women fine, maybe just has some performance issues. You usually cheat with someone freakier so I wonder what he is doing with his current girlfriend.
I have never seen anyone as jealous as Lisa was when Kyle and Taylor were loving on each other. It looks like the rumor that Cedric moved out is real. Ken does not like that guy at all. Of course, I am not sure how many people would like having some guy living with you for ten years and having to pay for everything. Kyle should have been jumping up and down when Paris and Nicky decided to pass on the graduation. I would have. I think Paris just does not how to celebrate someone who actually is educated. How much do you we think the check was for in the card? Kyle said Farrah got a couple more zeros than she would have so, I am guessing $10,000. Whoa, Kyle moved up the hotness ladder when she traded in for Mauricio.