Did you know that millions of teenagers look to Kendall and Kylie Jenner for style advice? Me either. Seriously, I just do not see that at all. But, apparently Pascal Mouawad has more money than sense and is throwing some serious money at the Jenner teens who will get to design their own jewelry collection for the designer in his Glamhouse line. The line will feature accessories in the $20-60 range and will be for teenage girls. This whole Kardashian thing is just going too far. For those of you who have kids, please tell me if one of them even know who the Jenners are and if they look to them for fashion advice.
Will the senseless waste of money never end.....? Will a shooting star hit the K-Klan and send them all off to another galaxy ? Why is life this cruel ?
ReplyDeleteMy daughter is 9 years old. She has no idea who either of these young ladies are and said she'd prefer to make her own decision regarding her "jewels".
ReplyDeleteMom is proud. :0]
Mr. Mouawad, please check out what the Kardashians have done to Sears.
ReplyDeleteSears have accepted to sell the Kardashian clothing line, or rather, they have asked the Karadashians to specifically design a clothing line for the Sears woman, which is now in stores. And in the news today:
Sears will be closing 120 STORES in the next year, including some KMart stores.
Are you sure you want the "Kardashian Luck" to rub off your hardwork?
@DixieTheNoble - And Mom SHOULD be poud!
ReplyDeleteif they are like their sisters and there's no reason to believe that they aren't, expect some jewelry that, coincidentally, looks exactly like the jewelry of their favorite designers.
ReplyDeleteBefore you posted this picture I could not have told you who these children were. And after today you would still have to label them very carefully as I am likely to forget them again.
ReplyDeleteOf course, I could ask my 13 year old daughter who twitches every time someone says "Kardashian".
My 15 year old daughter knows who they are, but does not care about them. She's too busy with her own life.
ReplyDeleteBTW, anyone seen on TMZ getting absolutely BASHED for posting a Naughty or Nice vote for Kim Kardashian?
ReplyDeleteBy last count, there were more than 400 votes, and most of them say more likely "fame whore", and call out TMZ for their big-ass kissing! Check it out!
At first glance, I thought they were conjoined twins.
ReplyDeleteKylie is a cokehead and.Kendall is.a 16 year old virgin....hahaha, who aborted her immaculate conception baby at 14.
ReplyDeletethese poor girls...they may have been too young to have fully grasped the 'rise' of the kardashians...but they're old enough now that the fall is going to affect them directly. and that makes me sad. their world is completely distorted...it's not their fault they're stuck w/ an exploitative mother and a sister famous for being peed on. while i won't be sad when these people finally go the way of paris hilton, i will be sad for these girls b/c it doesn't seem like they'll know how to deal w/ real life.
ReplyDelete@Rita - I don't get it why TMZ is getting bashed for posting that? We're they supposed to be boycotting that family?
ReplyDeletePlease stop posting pics of conjoined twins! I do not want to see any conjoined twins in 2012 please!
ReplyDeleteWe're all supposed to be boycotting them: boycotkim.com
"We're all supposed to be boycotting them"
Kimberly---is that supposed to be funny? I don't like Kris whoring out her family but don't say stuff like that about young girls because it's not nice. Their older sisters and mom, yes, because we see it's true. Bruce? Loser dad who didn't do a good job with his boys and while he seems to try with the girls, I think it's all for the cameras.
ReplyDelete@Dixie - I don't know if TMZ is an affiliate of E! or NBCUniversal (that owns E!), but lately they have been kissing major Kardashian butt. Same for Page Six. Who in their right mind, especially after the last month's K! repeated fiasco, would ask the public if Kim is Naughty or Nice. and they made Naughty sound in a sexy way. So either way you vote, she ends up winning.
ReplyDeleteThe guys on the show make fun of the K! but the site is a bit of different matter. That is why the site fans have been up in arms lately.
"I can safely say Kim no longer looks pretty but looks like a well kept older woman. I swear she looks like she's in her 40's." --- TMZ comment I agree with currently.
ReplyDeleteThese girls are very pretty. They're not trashy looking at all. I hope they don't get fake boobs and plastic surgery by the age of 21. If they stay this way and avoid doing trashy things like Kim, they'll be just fine and be far more respected in the industry.
ReplyDeletePascal Mouawad should take all that money worth pissing away on pointless venture and oh, maybe help this single mother out while I get my child through cancer treatment, maybe pay off the tens of thousands of $$ worth of debt I've incurred in the last year and a half while jobless.
ReplyDeleteBetter yet, how about donating it to childhood cancer research to find a cure so my baby and everyone's babies don't have to go through this hell.
I always wondered what happened to those two creepy girls from "The Shining."
They're now Kendall and Kylie Jenner.
Most 12-16yo girls know who they are. They're All over YouTube and E! and in every single magazine marketed toward preteen through young adult. My daughter points them out everywhere.
ReplyDeletethis is the same guy who designed a line with lindsay after she crashed, both literally and figuratively.
ReplyDeletei don't like to make negative comments about minors...
ReplyDeletei made sure my kids knew who kim was, so that they would think she is a disgusting, vile person who should be ignored. they know about the "pee-pee tape" that she made money from, that was enough to repulse them. i don't THINK they know who these girls are, but mine are a lot younger than them. $20-$60 seems a bit proud for teens. thats more than i usually spend on my cheap-o earrings and i get them at macy's.
I'm more concerned about the fact that they apparently got puppies for Christmas. I'm sure they'll take great care of them.
ReplyDelete^I know, that made me worry for the dogs too.