Thursday, December 22, 2011

What Do You Think?

Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth are on vacation this week in Costa Rica. While there they ran into some fans who wanted Miley's photo. What is wrong with Liam? Anyway, Miley posed for a few and signed a few autographs and then said she had to go. One person shouted out to Miley that she was an a-hole and Miley shouted back, "What the f**k?" At that point though, Miley once again started posing for photos. I am on Miley's side here. She posed for photos and signed autographs and had a helicopter waiting. At what point can you say no? I don't buy the argument that because she is on vacation she should not have to pose or sign at all. If you go by that theory, the only time you could ever ask her would be if it was a meet and greet after a concert which she does not do anymore or at some event where she is getting paid. What do you think? Did she do enough?

At about the 30 second mark, Miley drops the f bomb so keep your Hannah Montana loving kids away from the video.


  1. She was nice enough to stop at all, so many other people would have just blown right by... Some people!

  2. Actually the person called her an asshole and she said, "For real?, What the fuck?" after she had posed. I think she tried to make them happy and they just wanted more. I am no Miley fan by any stretch but if your transportation is waiting at some point you have to leave.

  3. So ridiculous. Getting an "autograph" is the most inane thing - people act like they are getting God to sign a piece of paper. They are just people! Why is it so important to get them to scribble on a piece of paper?
    You know if you no one pestered celebrities, they would be mingling with regular people all the time.

  4. She had a ride waiting. Perhaps taking her to a plane. Why should she hold up everyone else's schedule. In this case, gotta go really meant gotta go.

    I think those "fans" were being unreasonable. And I'm not a Miley supporter.


  5. I probably wouldn't have posed the second time after being called an asshole. I love how the news replayed Miley saying WTF 4 times. I don't think she did anything wrong. The fans were rude.

  6. Totally on Miley's side.

  7. I agree with all of the above. ;-)

  8. Agreed with all of you. Nobody should have to tolerate being called an 'asshole' for no apparent reason.

    I think she also handled herself very well. The more I see of Miley the more I can appreciate her as a "real person".

    She seems to be making the transition from Disney princess to an adult, pretty well.

  9. Agree with everyone above. Miley FTW. Demanding, time-sucking, rude "fan" for the lose.

  10. I live in the Seattle area. We have celebrities here all the time and some are more than willing to sign and pose, others, not so much. I was at a sporting event and my children had the opportunity to go and meet some of the athletes. What made this so special is that A-it was Kids and Teens only. b-Parents had to stand behind a roped off area where you could clearly see your child. C-If you were with your younger children, the athlete spoke to you, but made sure that the child was the one that got the autograph and the attention.
    Some fans feel like the owes them something and they forget that in their down time, they are just regular people.

  11. Anonymous10:07 AM

    Just once in my life, I'd like to say, "I have to go, I have a helicopter waiting for me."

    I hate when women get called "asshole." It's just as douchey and stupid as calling a woman "dude."

  12. I'm with Miley on this one. She was being nice. If she'd stayed until everyone was satisfied, she'd have been there all day. Fans like that are why some stars don't bother being nice at all.

  13. I wish I could be on Team Miley, but she just carries herself with such arrogence. She reminds me of my little cuz who inherited a few mil on her 21st bday.

    I guess they both can call the shots. Must be where that arrogence comes from. I still don't find it cool though.

  14. Miley team!
    and since she's again with her australian boyfriend,she looks more mature!

  15. I'm with Miley on this one. Fans seem to think that there are no rules and that is not true. Sorry, but celebrities are not obligated to stop whatever they are doing and sign/take pictures when they are out in public living their lives. Yes, it is nice when they do, but no, they are allowed to politely take a pass, especially if they are on a schedule or have people waiting for them or whatever.

  16. Celebrities are not property of their fans, and people need to realize that they haven't been hired to entertain during their downtime. Regardless of what people may think of Miley, she seems to work hard for her money, and she deserves a relaxing vacation.

    That rude girl deserved the f-bomb. Team Miley all the damned way.

  17. I don't think public figures should have to stop and pose for photos or sign autographs. People have a right to live without being hassled. Here she is on vacation, she stops, and then she is abused. The people who line up for hours and demand attention have something wrong with their thought process. It is why so many celebrities have to have bodyguards in order to protect themselves. I am also sick of celebrities being called role models. Be your own bloody role model.

  18. I'm team Miley on this one. She posed and was nice. The group seemed a little agressive and wanted more. I could see it being a little overwhelming. The F bomb I think came out automatically, cause she's a potty mouth. It wasn't meant to be was more of a "what more do you people want, I already posed." Then she saw them upset and pacified them a little more before jumping on the plane. She was a little grouchy...but she's done worse. I also like that she's been low key lately.

  19. I don't understand the celebrity worship thing. I would never approach someone in public and demand an autograph or a photo. I think it's demeaning and so horribly sycophantic.

  20. Most of the time these autograph seekers turn around and sell them on ebay which could be the reason that person called her an asshole. Who knows, but some of these fans out there need to take it down a few notches. I can only imagine if this was Justin Beiber because his fans seem to think he's the second coming of Christ or some shit. lol

  21. Anonymous5:28 PM

    Siding with Miley. She was very polite and only reacted to being called an a**hole. Yeesh, she doesn't belong to the public domain. Let the woman enjoy her vacation.

  22. Yea, Team Miley. You have to draw the line somewhere.

  23. Anyone who thinks that other people owe them something are the a**holes. I don't think celebrities owe their fans photos and autographs. If you like their work buy it - if not don't. Easy peasy. I don't understand people who think otherwise.
