Thursday, December 22, 2011

Today's Blind Items

This actor is probably A list. He has been top billed in lots of movies, but the thing is, unlike other members of his family he seems to always share that top billing with someone. It seems that our actor has a fondness for strip clubs. Nothing wrong with that. He especially likes some in his hometown. His one quirk is that he only likes African-American women to dance for him. No other races seem to do the trick for him. He likes one dancer so much that instead of just giving her dollar bills, he bought her a car. Maybe this is why we never see him with a girlfriend. Too busy in strip clubs.


  1. I hope it's not Luke Wilson. I like the Wilson boys, even though they have problems.

  2. I was going to say the exact same thing, Feisty.

  3. I'm on the Wilson train as well.

  4. So we are talking about an A-list or nearly A-list actor who has a family member who is even more of a star than him. He likes strippers and isn't ever seen with a girlfriend. I think the home-town thing is a clue. Maybe he's from a city with lots of strip clubs. New York? Las Vegas? Miami? Atlanta? Dallas? Los Angelos? No guesses. Need to think about theses clues.

  5. Luke Wilson was my first thought.

  6. The Wilson boys are a great guess. Luke for the one who likes strippers. Oh well, if the strippers are over the age of 18, who cares? I don't think finding women who happen to be from a different race than you attractive is any big scandal. What is this, 1950? To each his own. At least he's a great tipper!

  7. The Wilsons are from Dallas.

  8. But Luke Wilson's not A-list, at least not at the moment. Owen Wilson then?

  9. Luke is the first person I thought of.

    However, it sounds like this person has two family members who are more famous.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. i'm with the Wilson train

    OT:BUT if Luke Wilson is almost or probably A list,Owen is what? A++ list? and Dicaprio,Smith,Bale,Depp,Pitt ? they're A++++++ list?
    and Kate Winslet is only B list !!

  12. For me, Luke can't be it. His brother has not had single top billing. Also, it says "other members" meaning more than just the brother has had single top billing. Maybe I missed some members but 1 brother doesn't seem to be "other members" having single billing. Other than that, I don't have a guess but RJ is right, nothing really wrong with it. Maybe he'll pull a T-Pain and marry her.

  13. What about one of the Bridges brothers?

  14. They are both married and have been for a very long time.

    I was thinking maybe Casey Affleck (related to Ben, Jen and the Phoenixes), but he's B- and married.

  15. I agree Luke Wilson isn't A list (maybe sniffed it in 2003-5ish), but having gone through lists of celebrity siblings and families, can't come up with anyone better.

  16. it's an acting family so he could have parents or sisters who act too.

    this isn't luke. in no world is he A list.

  17. Check out this list and see if there are any other ideas:

  18. How bout someone in the Wayans' family.

  19. BorgQueen, I don't know if it's reached the point where a Black man liking Black women is considered a quirk.

  20. A few years ago, didn't we see pictures of Owen Wilson riding his bicycle to strip clubs in NYC?

  21. I'm thinking it is the well known brother of a more famous sister, or a well known son of more famous parents.

    Having written that, I have nothing.

  22. Owen had a relationship though... with the baby mama, right?

  23. What about Emilio Estevez? Famous family, A list name recognition, shared top billing in several movies, and he was married to Paula Abdul, a black woman.

  24. Anonymous1:40 PM

    John Cusack?

  25. There are more than 2 Wilson brothers. Owen and Luke have a brother named Andrew who is also an actor. Just saying.

  26. This one isn't particularly scandalous, but I'm not feeling the Wilson boys for this one. No one else really fits though. Billy Baldwin hasn't been close to A list in years and John Cusack is the top billed Cusack. Luke is the best we've got for now.

  27. I think Emilio Estevez too.

  28. Not that I have a guess, but Paula Abdul isn't a black woman. She is of both Syrian and Russian Jewish descent.

  29. 1. "I hope it's not..."? Really? Thank you RJ. This is NOT the 50's.
    2. Paula Abdul is far from black.

  30. Beth mentioned the Phoenixes in passing. What about Joaquin? You never see him with a girlfriend and I would say his A-list (2 Oscar noms). "Other members of his family" would refer to River.

  31. he's A-list, I meant.

  32. This may not be the 50s, but there's still something sad about a person who doesn't have real relationships and just pays people to help get his/her jollies.

  33. I like the Joaquin guess. Shared the screen with Reece in Walk the Line and with Mel in Signs.. I could see this being him. And, I don't think there is anything wrong with it at all...

  34. Yeah, I am not a big fan of the whole stripper thing, but I honestly couldnt care less if they are African American or not!

  35. To me it sounds like it's a white man and if he likes his chocolate, good for him.

  36. But the Phoenixes were raised in a traveling sex cult, so they don't really have a home town. The closest to a home town would be in South America, and this is clearly about an American (you wouldn't call a Latin American black woman "African-American").

  37. Cecelia, my comment has nothing to do with that, thank you very much. I didn't take her post that way. I took it another way, obviously. I could've been wrong, but it also could've been better clarified.
