Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Today's Blind Items - The Ashamed Parents

This couple is an A list couple. It is tough to describe them without giving them away, but they are A list and they have kid(s). I will say that the female in the couple is an A list movie actress who would not touch television. She might not even watch television. Probably too good for it. The couple, with our actress being the main instigator in this has decided that they do not want t show off their child to the public. I am not saying they only have one child, but I am not saying they have more. I will say though this becomes very obvious when you know the answer. The couple chooses to not show off this child because it is a special needs child and the couple have chosen to let the child spend the majority of time with nannies and other people and is generally ignored by the parents. As I said, it is primarily because of the mother, although the father is complicit. He does not want the relationship to end so goes along with whatever his wife says.


  1. John Travolta and Kelly Preston

  2. Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban

  3. I am having a hard time coming up with anything. And oh, so sad. So the wife is an actress, and the husband is a different type of celebrity whose job would give them away.

  4. If Nicole and Keith, Sunday Rose was just in the pics, so it would have to be the most recent baby.

    I think the Travolta/Preston guess fits.

  5. Ms Cool, you might be right. But I feel like I see pictures of her from time to time.

  6. Preston is not an A list actress!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I think that the Travoltas were pretty devoted to their son so I have a hard time believing it is them. It is a sad blind.

  9. I posted before I read your second comment! Yeah, it would be baby number two then.

  10. I really don't think Kelly Preston is A list movie actress....

  11. I'm thinking Angelina Jolie and one of the twins:

    Notice the "nannies". How she wouldn't TOUCH television, and probably thinks she's too good to even watch it.

    And Brad is complicit.

  12. I'm not saying I'm confident it is Urban/Kidman, though.

  13. I see pictures of Angie and Brads kids all the time though. They are not trying to hide them at all.

  14. When Travolta's son was alive there were LOTS of stories about them leaving him alone with handlers and basically not dealing with his special needs.

    However, the way the blind is written suggests this is a current situation...

  15. Not Sunday Rose, Ms Snarky's right....hmmmm, and yet it wouldnt fit with anyone else I can think of. John T and Kelly P dont fit because Kelly is SO not A-list (even married to an A-lister she isnt).

    So I'm gonna go with Nicole Kidman, the newest child ftw.
    And I can see Keith Urban being complicit for some reason over this.

  16. Jessica Alba? No,she isnt Alist

  17. You know, Katherine Heigl may be a total bitch, but this blind makes her look like a saint... she adopted a child, knowing full-well that the girl had special needs.

  18. For some reason I thought Brad and Angie, especially since I thought she made a big deal about not watching television. I would think that it would be Knox, perhaps? And while they aren't married, they've said feel like they are without the ceremony & such.

    However, some of the other comments got me thinking...I don't think Travolta and Preston are A list or both A list, but I could see Keith & Nicole would fit. While you don't see them out much anyways, you don't see the youngest at all in the media. We've all seen Sunday here and there, but really, not the youngest. And the "too good for it" comment seems like an uppity-Kidman kind of aloof thing that fits her and Keith seems really complicit in regards to her calling the shots.

  19. Anonymous10:23 AM

    It's not Angie and Brad: they aren't married (Enty says "wife" in the last sentence) and we see all of their kids all the time. I think it's Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban. She's an A-list movie actress who would think she's too good for television.

  20. Wonder if he's going to reveal this one in 10 DAYS!!!

  21. Kelly Preston has done a fair bit of tv and she is not an A list actress by any stretch of the definition (Broken Bridges, anyone?). Just saw a pic of Cruella, Marky, and Sunday, but no baby.
    Hmmm . . .

  22. Oops! Slipped into TedSpeak. Kidman and Urban.

  23. What about gwyneth and Chris and apple?

  24. I don't think John & Kelly would hide their child. They may have ignored their son's needs but we saw pictures of him.

    Part of this fits with Angelina & Brad but we see the twins once in awhile.

  25. Nm my comment. I forgot about her role on glee

  26. Angelina did several TV movies, including Gia (TV), which kind of catapulted her career. It can't be her.

    No way is Kelly Preston A list.

    Nicole seems to fit - I felt really gross and just Google imaged Faith Margaret and couldn't really find any pix of her.

    Whoever it is, if it's true, it is awful. I kind of wish I hadn't read this or looked into it.

  27. Penelope Cruz and Javier Bardem

  28. This is so sad. I don't know if they count as A-list but what about Robin Thicke and his wife Paula Patton (sp?).

    I read an interview where he said he and his wife are really busy and that means they have to leave their son with the grandparents for a while so they can both go off and promote their projects.

  29. Def not Brad and Angie. I've seen plenty of pics of all their kids, including both twins.

    I say Nicole and Keith FTW.

    How many A list actress/country singer couples are there? That would give it away.

    The "too good" to watch TV fits since many people say she's pretty stuck up.

    And the thing about the # of kids being obvious when you know the answer makes sense. She in particular has 4 kids, but she's only given birth to 1 of them, eventhough Faith is biologically hers & Keith's. And there's a few pics here/there of Faith, but very very few.

  30. The ONLY problem with Nicole is that she started out doing TV:

  31. Nicole's been seen out with Faith (who is a real cutie):

  32. Well if Faith Rose she is special needs, she doesn't look it.

  33. I have doubts about it being Nic and Keith. For one, Faith is so young, how would anyone know she's special needs by bringing her out in public? So I'm thinking it's an older child.

  34. oops I mean Faith Margaret doesn't "look" like she's special needs but I guess that doesn't mean she isn't. Either way, very sad. She's a beautiful little girl.

  35. "This is so sad. I don't know if they count as A-list but what about Robin Thicke and his wife Paula Patton (sp?).

    I read an interview where he said he and his wife are really busy and that means they have to leave their son with the grandparents for a while so they can both go off and promote their projects."

    We should all be so lucky to have Dr. Jason Seaver raise our kids!

  36. I don't think is Keith/Nicole, John/Kelly or even Brad/Angie. Both of Keith & Nicole's kids have been seen in public many times. Sunday & John & Kelly's new baby (Benjamin I think?) are both so young, that's it's hard to imagine that they've been diagnosed as special needs already. And while there was speculation about the Jolie-Pitt twins when they were younger most of that gossip has disappeared and we do see both Knox & Viv out with the rest of kids on occasion.

    I don't know who else to guess though - Gwenyth & Chris Martin?

  37. Do we ever see Julia Roberts' kid? I don't know if I'd call her and Danny an a list couple though.

  38. I agree with Jennifer H.
    Portman was my first guess.

  39. I don't think we are looking for a child that's never seen. Almost every celebrity baby is seen a handful of times. Even Natalie Portman's who she swore would not be papped. They still get the shots.

    We are looking for a baby/child that mostly is kept tucked away.

    And please don't use the "they don't look special needs" as a means to search. I've got several autistic children very close to my heart and none of them "look" special needs. And yes, you can tell at a very young age if they have autistic tenancies. They don't smile or show any emotion. Blank look in their eyes, they don't recognize their names or get excited at their mother's voice. They don't like to be touched or held. Yet to look at them, they just look like any normal baby. I have a nephew that was roughly diagnosed at 4 months.

  40. Gwyneth Paltrow & Chris Martin. They are notoriously publicity shy with their kids, which I commend, but this blind fits otherwise. Both A List. Too good to watch TV, etc. I've also wondered why they stay together, maybe Chris is the reason they stay married.

  41. You HAVE to reveal these assholes Enty so I can boycott them!

  42. There are pics of Nicole and both kiddos out there:

  43. Catherine Zeta Jones and Michael Douglas. I believe their son's name is Dylan.

  44. @Seachica, I think naming her child Phaenous is awful enough (apologies to those who know a Phaenous). Come one, how is that kid going to survive highschool: Phaenous the Penis??? Kids are cruel.

  45. the part that points to brangie is the part about not saying how many kids they have, or the answer would be obvious. but we see those kids all the time so i don't think it's them. oh, and the part about not watching TV. pretty sure they don't.

    i don't think it's portman because it says 'A list couple.' her husband's not A list anything that i know of. also not travolta/preston.

  46. Stephani I had said Chris & gwyneth as well but I need to take that back - She does television - Glee - and this blind is emphatic that the actress wouldn't touch television. So now I'm at a loss myself.

  47. Do some people even read the blinds/ There is no way that Kelly Preston is anywhere NEAR an A list actress. There's Angelina Jolie, Nicole Kidman, Julia Roberts, Reese Witherspoon, maybe Gwyneth Paltrow annnd that's about it. You see Reese's kids in photos, Julia's kids have been seen out, so it's probably not her. Nicole is the only one who's recently had a child, and I have never seen her on American TV. Gwyneth Paltrow also could be a good guess.

  48. Suri Cruise?


  49. Nicole HAS been on American TV (The Disney Channel) even if it was a long time ago (see link I posted).

    Natalie Portman is A-list, her husband is an A-list dancer. I think it is a great guess.

  50. @pdogshreds. Pretty sure that CZJ started out in tv, BBC. This was several years before she hit it big with the Zorro movie. Not sure it's her.

  51. I still think there's something not right with Brad/Angies twins..they just don't look right.
    But they take them who this is I'm not sure.

  52. The only reason I'm having trouble with the Natalie Portman thing is that way back when she was newly preggo she was saying that when she had the baby she was going to break from show biz for awhile to be a mom. She said it was more valuable to her to raise a family than be famous.

    And its not like we see her all over the place without the baby. She's pretty much stuck by her word and hasn't taken any new roles and kind of just keeps to herself now.

    Plus as previously mentioned, they are not married and the blind says wife.

  53. def paula Patton and Robin Thicke.

    their son has down's syndrome.

  54. Patton is A list ?

  55. so paula patton's A list? uh, i don't think so.

  56. I'm with the Julia ROberts guess. She is still A-list, you barely see her kids. Of course her hubby would want to stay with her cause of the $$$$ (or you know, he loves her or whatever). I can't think of any other A-list actresses that are married and with kids that we don't see papped fairly regularly. My second guess is Pene and Javier. Sidebar: I feel like we haven't seen Halle Berry in awhile.....

  57. Julia Roberts has a third child (born after the twins) who I swear I always forget she has because you never see it -- I honestly can't even remember if the child is a girl or boy.

    However, she did make an appearance on Friends back in the day.

    Can't say I've EVER seen Gwyn's son -- is it Moses?

  58. If Enty thinks Kate Winslet is B-list, Paula Patton, no matter how sexy, cannot be A-list.

  59. This breaks my heart. What happened to a mother's unconditional love? Hopefully the mother will come to terms with the situation and open up and openly accept the child at some point. Many disabilitues are not visible when a child is born (autism) while some are known right away (down syndrome). This may help decipher the age of the child/family in question.

  60. Can't be Paltrow since she has a reoccurring role on Glee, right? I don't think it's Thick & Patton - they can't be A list. Even though someone pointed out that Kidman started out on tv I feel like this is about her & Urban. She definitely wouldn't touch tv now, she's A list, Urban is A List.

  61. So we're thinking both parents have to be A list? That does sound like Nicole and Keith, tho it breaks my heart to think it.

    I will say the blind does not mention wife or husband. It just says female/mother/father. So it isn't limited to only married couples.

  62. Kate Hudson? I know they're not married and I'm not sure her man is a-list too, but I'm trying to come up with an althernative guess.

  63. The twin girl from Brangelina never smiles and always looks confused. Something is not right with those twins.

  64. This comment has been removed by the author.

  65. Doubting Keith/Nicole - their 2nd child was born via a surrogate...doubt she would have allowed the pregnancy to continue if the baby has special needs...unless those special needs presented after the child was born

  66. @Trey - The last sentence says "he goes along with whatever the wife says".

    That's where the married implication comes in.

  67. Julia Roberts was also on Law and Order when she was hooking up with Benjamin Bratt.

  68. Anonymous11:51 AM

    Rita, Julia's oldest son is named Phinneas (Fin-e-us), not Phaenous. Not much better, though, and his sister's name (Hazel) is not attractive. At all. I've seen Julia out and about with the twins, but not with the younger son. So it could be him, I suppose. Danny Moder is a pretty well-known cameraman, so maybe he's "A-list" in that sphere. I don't know.

    Oh, and Michael Douglas has been open about how their son has dyslexia and developmental delays. So I don't think it's them.

  69. Anonymous11:55 AM

    This is such a sad blind. Mothers are supposed to love unconditionally. The first person I thought was Angie J. But they are not married. The Travolta/Preston guest is good but Kelly is not A list. Nicole Kidman is good but is she A list? Other than that I have no clue.

  70. Not Catherine and Michael

    Not Paltrow because of Glee.

    Not Jolie Pitts because they are everywhere--recent Vegas post.

    Not Reese. We see them everywhere.

    Now, Natalie Portman said she would stay hidden for a while.

    Katherine Heigel adopted a special needs baby and she refuses to do television.

  71. I think perfecttt2 called it. I've never seen their baby.
    Penelope Cruz and Javier Bardem

  72. Sounds like Julia Roberts, but I've never seen Penny Cruz's kid either. Nicole and Keith do tons of photo ops. Julia "guest" appeared on Law and Order for her then boyfriend Bratt, but that was nearly twenty years ago. He has nothing good to say about her either.

  73. I've seen recent pictures of Gwyneth with both kids, pluses shes done Glee, so I don't think this is her. I don't think you see her that often with the kids because she likes privacy.

    I think she's probably an enormous twat, but she seems like she's a good mom.

  74. There's tons of pics of Leo going around (Javier and Penelope's baby). They just choose to protect his privacy.

  75. Is it really that the parents are ashamed or that they don't want to open the door to all the criticism that would be sure to come, especially if she has an eating disorder or is a know drug user....

  76. Let me say it is NOT Milla Jovovich - we met her daughter and she is a beautiful little angel - my son fell absolutely in love with her.

    My money is on Julia Roberts. Portman's not married.

  77. This is Julia's youngest son and he's a cutie!

  78. and here he is again.

  79. (and yeah, that is a pretty strange website!)

  80. What is Milla's daughter's name? Evers? I've seen pics of them out and about and she is very cute.

  81. i just saw a picture recently of penelope cruz and her baby.

  82. I've seen pics of Nicole's new baby, but maybe now that she's a little older? I'm with you guys, this one should be easy, but it's not.

  83. I googled "Faith Urban" and there are tons of pics of Nicole holding her, no nannies in sight. I'm doubting it's her. Unless it's something recent that's just been diagnosed as I didn't see any pics from the last couple of months.

    Of course, there aren't as many pics of Nicole and Keith from the last couple of months either, so..?

  84. Is Katherine Heigl's daughter special needs? Was she not born with a heart defect that was corrected? Does that qualify as special needs now?

    Just curious.

  85. I'm on the Finn train. He does look a bit off *smacking myself for saying that about a child*

  86. There's no way it's John/Kelly. After what they've been through with Jett, they would never ignore the child. And Kelly not A-list

  87. Anonymous12:48 PM

    I'm with TheGWU. Nahla, Heigl's daughter, was born with a heart defect that was corrected when she was still a baby. I wouldn't consider that "special needs," really. I think of special needs more as a physical or mental handicap, for lack of a better word. A correctable heart ailment, to my mind, doesn't really cut it. And besides, I've seen photos of Nahla and her parents out everywhere together. Heigl and her hubby adopted her knowing she would need the surgery. So I don't think it's them.

  88. I hate to say it but I think this may be Kate Hudson. If you google image search baby bingham, he's only ever actually been seen one time. I know she's not married but they are engaged.. She's in the random photos today, when was the last time she was in the random photos?

  89. Jessica Alba and her husband Cash...

  90. Nah, Jessica Alba did Dark Angel.

  91. Not CZJ -- not going to look if she did any TV shows, but she did tons of TV commercials for T-Mobile.

    Hate thinking this is anyone.

    What about Maggie Gyllenhall and Peter Sarsgaard?

  92. Don't think it is Natalie Portman. Adelph seems pretty fine to me ... Adleph on Nov 10.

  93. Whoops! Adelph!

    And here is Bingham on the 28th of November. And actually, there are tons of pics of this little piker .. cute, too!

  94. This had better be revealed....

  95. I'm going with the boy brangelina twin. The girl twin is always around, the boy is never around.

  96. This pisses me off! And I agree, on the surface it seems like Brange, but those twins are everywhere. II also don't think that having done YV a long time ago (Julia) rules them out, they might have started there but now is a Movie Star. I hope it's not Penelope, she doesn't strike me that way, and I don't think Javier would allow himself to be whipped down. They've never been papped much anyway, they do keep private.

    But I have no idea. Who else is A list of a celebrity couple? Not that many really.

    I hope this is revealed so I can know who to despise.

  97. The Brange have so many kids, I can't keep any of them straight. They could easily miss a kid and no one would notice.

    There are not that many A list couples though. Kate Hudson is not A list. Maybe Natalie Portman, but she's not married and her boyfriend is not too well-known.

    I'm still going with Julia Roberts youngest kid.

  98. Brad and Angie are always dragging the troop through airports or stores, but you really don't see the twins interact with anyone not even their sibs....and they look blank no real expression...anyway I think there's something off about them.

  99. "The couple chooses to not show off this child because it is a special needs child and the couple have chosen to let the child spend the majority of time with nannies and other people and is generally ignored by the parents." why does this make anyone mad? the child's needs are being met, there is no suggestion of neglect. its not being whored out for pix, also good. and i think we can agree that MANY parents in hollywood hand their kids off to nannies. why is this any different?

  100. The last time Faith Urban was photographed was early summer. Compare that to the numerous times that Sunday was photographed in the first year of her life, and there is a huge difference as far as exposure to the paps.

    My guess is for Kidman/Urban.

  101. Angelina has been so public about her adoptions and also they do so much charity work for all kinds of things--I think if they had a child with some kind of problem they would be doing work for charity to support whatever the disability was. I also can't see Brad just ignoring a child--he seems like a very involved parent.

  102. I like the Kate Hudson guess. She's opened a lot of movies and was nominated for an Oscar. Plus she'd be proving that everyone who dogged her for drinking while pregnant was justified.

  103. Michael Douglas: 'My Son Has Special Needs' ... doesn't specify, but could be a good lead:

  104. Me, however common it may be, I think ignoring your child is pretty heinous.

  105. While I do think these parents are crap if they really are ignoring the child, do we really know that this is the case? Just because they don't subject the child to constant, intrusive, and I would guess often very frightening papparatzi (I'm sure that's spelled wrong, deal with it.) doesn't make them bad parents. I can't believe how well "normal" kids deal with the paps. I can't imagine how frigtened or aggitated a severely autistic or a Down's Syndrome child might become if they were descended upon by the paps everytime they left the house. What seems like "ignoring" to most of us might really be a kindness. Autistic children like things calm and quiet. Down Syndrome children are often very shy, especially around strangers. I'm going to need more info before I line these parents up for the firing squad.

  106. Henry Daniel Moder. Julia And Dannys youngest son. Hes 4 and almost completely unseen. I had forgotten about him.
    Im guessing autism and he may not be brought out because he is being ignored but because being out will over stimulate him.

  107. It's not Nicole. She did an HBO film on Ernest Hemingway and his wife Martha Gellhorn just last spring. It hasn't aired yet. So she IS doing television.

  108. You guys, Faith Urban will be a whopping ONE year old in a week. Even if this blind were remotely true, I don't think Keith and Nicole would be the main subjects.

    Hey! Let's try to figure out which celebrity kid looks sorta disabled! It has to be the one who hasn't been photographed eight-hundred times, right! Process of elimination!

    Sorry, but this whole blind is kinda icky and crass.

  109. I think Anotheramy's got it.
    She was 40 when the kid was born. If you Google a picture of him, he looks a
    You know Moder does exactly what his wife says, because he's not really known for much else.

  110. This comment has been removed by the author.

  111. NOT JULIA - has done Friends & Law & Order, did voice over commercials for AOL and now appears in Lancome commercials. Plus, she talked about her favorite TV shows on Oprah. She's been photo'd in public with her kids often and I don't think her husband's A-list.

    NOT GWYNETH - she does Glee.

    NOT BRANGELINA - BI says "wife" and they're photo'd with all the kids on a regualr basis.

    NOT HALLE - she's photo'd with Nahla, she & baby daddy never married & are no longer together, have bitter custody dispute

    NOT REESE - no longer married to baby daddy

    NOT KATE H - not married; partner not A-list

    POSSIBLY CTZ - some doubt because Michael has talked about kid's special needs but not much, and she never talks about it; Dylan's in a special school

    POSSIBLY NICOLE - married, both A-list, revealing how many children might give it away - 4 total is unusual for Hollywood; she's not seen with her kids that often & has the ice-queen reputation

    Right now I can't think of any other A-list movie actresses with kids who are still with baby daddy.

  112. Like the Maggie Gyllenhall guess.

  113. Anonymous7:37 PM

    First person I thought of :

    Julia Roberts

    I was thinking it was one of her twins. Then realized she had a third child, whom you never hear/see.

  114. Can't be Katherine Heigl, as she started on Grey's Anatomy!
    Maggie Gyllenhal has done TV movies... Julia Roberts has done TV cameos. Catherine Zeta has done TV movies as well....J LO has done TV series:(
    Natalie Portman did one episode on Sesame Street...she might be the only one the qualifies, but she isnt' married either is she??

  115. I don't think it is Keith and Nicole, because Nicole has done television and she just completed an HBO series. With all of her kids (adopted or whatever) she has generally kept them under wraps for the first year or so. Plus there are several pics out there of Faith.

    You see the JP kids, all of them, frequently. Don't see Angie hiding one. I think if she had a special needs child she would let everyone know by championing the cause. There are pics of the twins interacting and smiling and even laughing.

    My guess, although I am not sure they are A list is Kate Hudson and her fiancee. Bingham seems small for his age (5 months if you look at the pics). Hard to say since we don't see him all that much.

  116. Only here to guess CZJ and Michael D.

    I don't think that the blind is necessarily implying that "neglect" of some sort is occurring. It could very well be that the parents do not want their child to be frightened by things that could make many people upset (e.g., crowds, excessive lighting, noise, flash bulbs, etc.).

    Finally, I don't think we should necessarily count out someone who has done TV or commercials in the past. Many actors do them, at least in the beginning of their careers, if not later, as a way of getting off the ground.

  117. Kidman/Urban seem to be the only couple to fit.

  118. @rita: roberts's kid is named "phinnaeus", pronounced FIN-NAY-US, not FEE-NUS.

  119. No clue on who this might be, but maybe someone has the motivation incorrect. Perhaps the parents are protecting the child from the limelight to avoid the child being made fun of. Some of these tabloids/gossip sites can be cruel, even to kids.

  120. Don't think it's Julia, I picked up lots of photo's of all 3 kids together...

  121. I can't imagine the parents weren't told about this part way into the pregnancy. This entire scenario was unnecessary. And IF this couple has other children, it's horrible they should be watching this. The parents need their license to breed taken away stat!

  122. This is without a doubt Keith and Nicole. It's not Sunday Rose, it's the other one. If you notice, you never see the other one out in public, just Sunday Rose.

  123. Probably not Nicole and Keith. Because it was a surrogate pregnancy, everything would have been thoroughly tested for any genetic abnormalities before implantion. Angelina would have been closely monitored and fully aware if one developed improperly, but unable to terminate due to losing both. I would be more willing to believe her philanthropic endeavors to be more sincere if she would be honest about Georgia Jagger being her child with Mick. She absolutely did the right thing giving her to Jerry and Mick to raise. Although it was a teenage pregnancy, she should not feel ashamed about her decision.

  124. Ok...Nic and Keith's new baby looks normal in those few pics posted, but I still think it's Nicole and Keith. It's a special needs child. Special needs children can look completely normal from a distance, but you won't notice until you interact with them. Nic hardly is ever with her new baby...and it's already known that she basically ignores Sunday Rose.

  125. I'm sticking with the Julia Roberts guess: she has THREE children, but that's so easy to forget because until this thread I had never even seen the name of the boy born after the twins and I've never seen a photo. Danny Moder is a name we shouldn't know but do, and he has every reason to want to stay in the relationship. Julia might have had one-offs on TV in the past but would Julia do a sitcom appearance today? Really? You think?

  126. Who decided this child has genetic problems? Lots of neurological problems can develop DURING the birth. A perfectly normal pregnancy can turn on a dime into a problem delivery.

  127. It could be Brad and Angie... remember the mysterious baby that appeared around, dubbed "Fax"??? It wasn't Knox or Vivienne! Who was that child? Noone seemed to know. I bet that's who it is. And Brad would be complicit bc he's a pothead.

  128. Mysterious baby Fax? Whaaat?

  129. It's not CZJ. She did TV back in the UK when she was younger.

    I think it's Nicole/Keith and the youngest child.

  130. Warren Beatty and Annette Benning

  131. Anonymous10:08 AM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  132. Anonymous10:09 AM

    There have been a couple of comments on here about how this all could have been "dealt with" during the pregnancy, but I think you are forgetting a couple of things. First, not all special needs can be determined in utero. Some of them develop during and after birth. Also, not everyone will terminate a pregnancy because the child has special needs. Plenty of people bring pregnancies to term knowing full well that the child will need help, and I admire them for it. It's not the easy choice some of you are insinuating it is. And I hope and pray all of your kids are "perfect," for their sakes!

  133. Yes, and I'm sure Heigel adopted said special needs kid because she knew we all hated her. There's nothing altruistic about her.

  134. I really think this may be Catherine Zeta Jones and Michael Douglas... Did they have a baby named Caryn a looong time ago?

  135. Or their son Dylan, he is not in as many photos with them and Carys...

  136. Crila, where has it been noted that Sunday Rose is ignored by her mother? I've never heard/read that.

  137. Nicole Kidman has done a ton of TV and her latest project is a TV movie. Not her.

  138. Julia Roberts doing TV is too funny! She only does TV when it is an "event." When she did Friends and Law and Order, they were favors for people. One was for Bratt, her ex, and the other Matthew Perry to promote a movie.

    Her Lancome ads are only print and not TV commercials. She has mentioned on the Big O that she "rarely watches television." She made a big thing about it when she was promoting Eat, Pray, Puke. I think it's Julie's last kid.

  139. This one was bugging me. I know I'm a little late to the game but I've gone through entys reveals and picked out the A list women with children and got whether they've done TV or not from wikipedia.
    Angelina Jolie: 3 bio kids, 3 adopted (10, 8, 6, 5, & twins 3). TV movie and miniseries in early career.
    Reese Witherspoon: 2 kids (12 & 8), has done TV cameos
    Sandra Bullock: 1 adopted (was very close to former step-kids?), a little TV in early career.
    Julia Roberts: 3 kids (twins 7 & 4), a few cameos on TV shows, she was most recently on 'Hope For Haiti' telethon.
    Nicole Kidman: 2 adopted, 2 bio kids (19, 16, 3, 12 months), had many roles on Australian TV in her early career.

    These two I got a 'kind of, not really A list?' thing from what enty said
    Jessica Alba: 2 kids (3 & 6 months?), has been on TV throughout her career
    Halle Berry: 1 kid (3) she also adopted the daughter of Eric Benet while married to him. A little TV in early career.
    I still have no idea!

  140. AGC says Michael Douglas & CZJ, but a simple search shows both kids out often with parents and Michael has said his son has special needs...but that can be anything from being dyslexic to a stutter so I'm not buying it...

  141. It's so not Angelina she's everywhere with those twins. They aren't as famous as Shiloh or the others but I bet the twins have been photographed more than every other celeb kid combined. Also if you've ever seen baby pics of either Brad or Angie they were both kind of weird looking kids Angie in particular had a weird shaped face just like the girl twin.

    I could believe Nicole Kidman because of the way she ignores her oldest kids but she just wrappend an HBO movie.

    My other suspect is Julia R. It was ages ago that she did those cameos but her hubby isn't A-list.

    I don't think it's Penelope Cruz although her kid is rarely photographed the few shots I've seen of her baby she looks totally engaged and motherly.

  142. annette benning & warren beatty's youngest daughter. ella corrine. she's 10 now and while there are several pix of the other beatty kids there are only a couple of ella, none for a couple of years now.

  143. Warren Beatty's old ass has a freaking 10 YEAR OLD kid?!


  144. @ The goofball who referred to Brad and Angelina's Mystery child named Fax: you're confusing it with the child named Pax. You've had enough now; switch to cranberry juice or coffee.

  145. @Me
    I always forget about Beatty and Benning. They have a truckload of kids! I only know the one who turned into a guy.

  146. I sure hope this is revealed so I can never spend another nickel watching anything that either of them has anything to do with from this day forward. They are despicable. I urge everyone to consider boycotting any product associated with these and other disgraceful celebrities like Sean Penn, Alex Baldwin, etc.

  147. Maybe it's just me...but Enty said "wouldn't touch" television, not HASN'T touched. So, because of that, I assume it could be someone who has done TV before but might not do it now.

  148. I think it is Brangelina. There have been rumors forever of the one twin not being quite right. Angie is often photographed with her kids, but rarely with all of them. We see her a lot with Zahara, Shiloh and Maddox.

  149. I see pics of Angelina;s twins everyday at the celeb babies websites. Look smart and normal, more than the average human beings.

    Not Kidman, Faith looks perfectly healthy in even of the pics. Not sure about the guy from the Travolta´s that died



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