Friday, December 09, 2011

TMZ Talks To Brangelina

After years of D listers drunk on camera, and thousands of hours of footage of Conrad Murray and Lindsay Lohan, TMZ reached the top of the pap game last night. One of their camera people actually got Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie to talk to them. I'm sure it was planned by Brangelina to get some positive love. Psst. Angelina has that movie of hers coming out. She would like to see if she can get people to go and maybe she can get a little Oscar buzz. You just know those 75 year old Academy Award voters are sitting around watching Harvey and TMZ, but the Golden Globe people watch, so maybe that is who she was playing up to. Of course, if she promised to go out on a date with any guy in the Hollywood Foreign Press Association they would probably nominate her for whatever award she wanted. She didn't even have to date anyone last year and look at what happened to The Tourist. Can you imagine if the guy got lucky? They would rename Best Actress to the Angelina Jolie Best Actress Award.

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