Monday, December 19, 2011

Taylor Armstrong Let Russell's Other Kids Find Out About Death Of Father In News

How does Taylor Armstrong have friends? It just makes me curious as to why anyone would want to hang around someone who is so obviously cruel and only out for herself. In the new issue of Star there is an interview with the mother of two of Russell Armstrong's children who are 14 and 11. Guess how they found out about their father's death? Well, yeah, the headline kind of gave it away. They found out on the news. Is that how they should have found out? Taylor could have called them and told them or called their mother and she could have told them. I think it is pretty cold and heartless. Taylor would have been ticked off her daughter found out on the news. Apparently Taylor has not produced any kind of will or trust either so everyone is wondering if there is any money and who it goes to. If she has not produced one by this point then there probably is none or she is screwed over in it. The mother of Russell's other children also thinks Taylor is hiding away all the valuables. I could see that.


  1. She is so gross.

    And I am so glad I am off for 3 weeks, having absolutely nothing to do but comment on these posts!

    Happy Holidays, everyone!

  2. This bitch. Wow, what a fucking cunt. Too bad he didn't try for a murder-suicide. Sounds like her daughter would be a lot better off.

    And, yeah, I said it.

  3. She's a bitch, got it.

    Can't wait till her 15 minutes are up.

  4. @Vicki - Your comment totally made my eyes widen & me giggle!

    I will agree that I've thought about how [insert random useless person] would do the world a big solid by dying.

  5. Dixie, it's all about being objective. :D

  6. this is the problem w/these reality shows about narcissistic people who have done nothing in their lives except be narcissistic. I never watch them, but the competition reality shows at least involve some kind of talent and/or effort.

    when people are famous just for being selfish/narcissistic/shameless/whorish (ie, kardashians and 'real housewives', etc.) you get people in the public eye who have no real right to be there. and then you find out about all of the horrible things they do. because they are horrible people.

    I wish she would go away, but then there would be a million others to take her place. ugh.

  7. That is so cold. I'm betting they were in a lot of debt.

  8. This woman is a nightmare. She didn't call the ex wife?

    I'm so ashamed of myself for watching this season of RHBH. Quite frankly, I'm finding all of the ladies to be a bit horrifying.

    The storylines about Kim and Taylor are so cringeworthy. I can't believe Bravo even aired this season.

    I think Taylor is a schiester. Did I spell that right? And she's SO out of her league in BH. I don't understand why Lisa is now BFF with her.

    I think these women never spend time together except when the cameras are rolling.

  9. I used to think she was so sweet and kind when the first season aired. Now...I can't stand her. She's a whiny, annoying, selfish, nasty witch of a woman. She thinks she's finally "Sticking up for herself?" She's a raging psycho. I also can't stand when she opens her mouth...her mouth is HUGE...WIDE. It's freaky looking.

  10. Excuse me but I think the mother of those kids should have told them. No matter how heinous this woman is and she is, she's not their primary caretaker. She only has to tell her child.

  11. Oops! I guess I missed the part where the mother was not told so she COULD tell the the words of Emily Latella...Never mind!

  12. I've never watched her show (Real Housewives just ain't my thing, money can't buy class, ladies) and know nothing about her other than what I read here and on dlisted. But I have to say that her plastic face irrationally annoys me to no end. Her big, fake, rectangular mouth is just begging to be punched. I can't stand her dead behind the eyes look, either.

    She's as bad as the Kartrashians.

  13. @ Vicki, I was thinking the same thing. That woman needs to be committed, she has some major issues and she's not doing her child any favors.

    She is one sad case of a human being.

    there's a ton more dirt on her at stoopid housewives.

  14. Enty, what's the deadline for filing a will in California? Is it done through Surrogate's Court?

  15. Sherry you made me laugh with Emily Latella!! Thanks!

  16. Did anyone think that with the way news travels that the family found out before Taylor could call? Just sayin'

  17. Taylor is fish lipped freak!! I can believe people with those Mr. Limpet lips think they look good. Every time I see her, I want to reach for fish flakes and start shaking

  18. @skeeball, lol, exactly! That's what gets me most about her too: her enormous contorted horrific fishlips, and the fact that she probably thinks they look great. Blech.

  19. I'm not believing Star Magazine as the truth.

    In the preview for tonight's episode when you see her in the limosine it looks like she has a large bruise on her cheek. Russell was a creepy guy, Bravo knew it and his ex-wife knew it. You can bet the ex-wife got money for that story, and it would help more women if she just came out and told the truth.

    Women like this should be pitied not vilified.

  20. sorry, I think all she cared about herself, how it would impact her and her standing on RHOBH.

    The other kids were just collateral damage to her. She wasn't about to think about their feelings. They tried to paint Kennedy as an only child with Russell having no other children.

    I can't imagine there would be much money in the estate after all of Russell's debt is paid off. Or should I say Taylor driving Russell into debt to create a lifestyle to keep her on the show.

  21. I'm across the water and only caught up today on the latest RHOBH episode.
    How in gods name do the others let Taylor behave the way she does? the fight in Lisa's and the fight in Brandi's were awful. I don't know why someone doesn't step in and tell her to shut up. She talks about finally standing up to people, she doesn't she bullies and outshouts people and when they finally get a word in edgeways she turns on the tears, and victim face and tries to leave. She is a vile vile woman, I don't believe the abuse claims and I don't believe the mental breakdown claims, I just think she's a psychopath that constantly needs attention.

  22. really? could that really be true? i don't watch this show, but i seem to remember some comment from (i thought) her at the time saying that she was asking for prayers for her daughter AND his 2 boys from another relationship.

  23. Anonymous2:43 PM

    She really has the VICTIM Role down pat, I'll grant her that !
    She's disgusting and manipulative. I wish somebody would slap her lips off ! LOL

  24. Susan, it's most commonly spelled "shyster," and be careful using it - although it sums her up perfectly, some people think, incorrectly, that the word comes from the Shakespearian character Shylock, and is thus anti-semitic.

    "She's as bad as the Kartrashians."

    I was going to say she's even worse, because she helped her husband defraud people, but then I remembered that nasty credit card scam the Kardassian family ran, so they're just about even.

  25. Eek. Thanks for the tip, Mooshki! Hope I didn't offend.

  26. Oh, of course not, I knew you didn't mean it that way, just wanted to give you a heads up. :)

  27. @Mooshki - OMG! I did not know that. Will not be using that term anymore. Yikes.

    This doesn't surprise me. His other ex-wives have reported that Taylor wanted to do with his other children. Timebob is right. When they went to Vegas a few seasons ago and Russell mysteriously disappeared? He left to go spend time w/ his sons (supposedly).

  28. *Grrr, should say "Taylor wanted NOTHING to do with his other children."

  29. The allegation that Taylor would have been angry if her daughter had found out about the death via the news is unfounded. It assumes that Taylor has an interior world with feelings, concern for others, and any kind of decency. I think Taylor would just laugh if she found out her daughter had discovered the hanging through the news -- The lady is a lizard on her best days.
