Taylor Armstrong Let Russell's Other Kids Find Out About Death Of Father In News
How does Taylor Armstrong have friends? It just makes me curious as to why anyone would want to hang around someone who is so obviously cruel and only out for herself. In the new issue of Star there is an interview with the mother of two of Russell Armstrong's children who are 14 and 11. Guess how they found out about their father's death? Well, yeah, the headline kind of gave it away. They found out on the news. Is that how they should have found out? Taylor could have called them and told them or called their mother and she could have told them. I think it is pretty cold and heartless. Taylor would have been ticked off her daughter found out on the news. Apparently Taylor has not produced any kind of will or trust either so everyone is wondering if there is any money and who it goes to. If she has not produced one by this point then there probably is none or she is screwed over in it. The mother of Russell's other children also thinks Taylor is hiding away all the valuables. I could see that.