It turns out that Taylor Armstrong did not file for divorce from Russell Armstrong for abusing her or hitting her but rather in an attempt to stay on the television show. Producers were tired of Russell Armstrong threatening to sue them for airing footage of the domestic abuse allegations without any real proof and Bravo decided to pull the plug on the couple for any future seasons. Well, Taylor could not have that. I mean the woman needs fame. So, she filed for divorce. That way she keeps that nice and steady Bravo paycheck and she can look like the victim. Then, one month later Russell killed himself so Taylor could really look like the victim and say whatever she wanted to say about the guy.
This is sad. She needs serious help.
ReplyDeleteMerry Christmas Enty & all CDAN readers. Can't wait till reveal day ... that's Christmas to me!
ReplyDeleteBTW Taylor, go away!
May she never have a day of peace. I hope that every time she lays her head to sleep that she is haunted by him.
ReplyDeleteI am so tired of this crazy woman...
ReplyDeleteSame to you @Diane!
ReplyDeleteI cannot wrap my head around how a person can be so empty inside.
I guess fame can be like a drug. This is sad. We'll never know this for sure, but he might still be alive if it weren't for the show.
ReplyDelete@Moosefan - ditto!
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone remember "The Grifters"? That is what this "person" is - an good, old-fashioned con-artist, always looking for the next pay-out.
ReplyDeleteI thought the guy was a knob and they were an ill-fitting couple, but I can't help but feel bad for him. What it must be like knowing your "life" partner is only with you for money. Taylor is pathetic.
ReplyDeleteWow..How does Bravo find these people over and over again? Certainly they don't get a patient list from a psych because clearly no one has worked on thei issues at all.
ReplyDeleteOkay maybe, just maybe she said it was for the show, because she was afraid of what he would do?
ReplyDeleteI don't watch these shows, but from an abusive standpoint, maybe that was the 'excuse' she told him?
ReplyDeleteThere are only a few people I reserve the term 'hate' for and this Shana, aka,Taylor is on that list. Did you all read the account of her and her husband (the departed Shark eyes) grifting? She is knee deep in lies in every aspect of her life. May she and Kim and Paris feel the full effect of karma in 2012!
ReplyDeleteFinally a post about RHBH! Thank you, Enty.
ReplyDeleteThis bitch is awful. I totally don't believe she was abused. I feel awful for thinking that, but this chick just seems like such a liar.
The last epi was insane. It's about time the other housewives caught onto Taylor's shenanigans.
I feel terrible that Russell offed himself. Obviously, the guy had major problemos.
Bravo executives are going to burn in hell for airing this shit. And I'll be right along side them since I watch. Hee.
This season is such a Debbie Downer. Makes me long for Jersey. I watched a few minutes of Atlanta yesterday. Looks like the fame and fortune has gone straight to Nene's hips, I mean head.
I'm sorry Russell decided to take his own life and won't be there to watch his 3 children grow up, but that was his choice. Nothing will excuse the fact that he was abusive. What if Taylor hadn't filed and gotten away from him? How do we know that this wouldn't have resulted in 3 deaths instead of 1? Desperate people do desperate things. Overall, these children are without their father for the holidays. I'll choose to focus my prayers on their well being.
ReplyDeleteEVERYONE needs to take a look at the Stoopid Houswives website. The webmaster has done an amazing job doing lots of research on Shana/Taylor, including many statements with Russel's ex wives about his supposed 'abuse' history.
ReplyDeleteNone of this makes any sense. If anyone has actually watched the show, from day 1 her behavior does not speak of a woman suffering abuse. She lashes out at other women, makes threats of violence, puts herself on display wearing skimpy clothes (which I doubt a controlling abusive husband would allow), she displays NO bruises, and fawns over male attention (Kennedy's 2nd bday party- anyone remember her running into the arms of the laborer who found the chairs? or the chippendale guy?). None of her abuse timelines pan out be it from her supposed "broken jaw" to her black eye.
I'm not trying to start a domestic violence backlash on this board- I'm aware that each incident is unique so the things I've mentioned do not have merit on their own (e.g. just cuz there's no bruises doesn't mean there's no abuse) however, the collective mass of information together puts together a picture that clearly doesn't demonstrate what is supposedly occurring.
Anyone see the last episode? Where Taylor & Russell are asked to leave and Taylor doesn't miss a beat, but poor Russell looks snowballed? Like what the hell is going on. "If what I was told is true...". Come on people, consider the possibility-- if someone had accused YOU of being abusive and it wasn't true, wouldn't you fight to clear the air while your character is being defamed on national tv?
Granted, no one will ever really know the truth but I'm sorry, something is seriously fishy here and the more I keep watching the more I'm increasingly disgusted with Bravo, the media, and her fellow housewives complicity.
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ReplyDeleteTaylor is awful but that mean Russell wasn't abusive.
ReplyDeleteFor the people who don't believe it, why would he have admitted it if he hadn't abused Taylor?
^i asked the same question on the Stoopid Housewives blog (HighPriestess, I've been reading that one awhile). She said Russell only admitted to pushing her, once. That's not excusable, but also doesn't make him a wife beater.