Saturday, December 03, 2011

Taylor Armstrong Book Deal Is Official

Shortly after the death of Russell Armstrong, I told you that Taylor Armstrong was working on a book deal which would include all her "abuse" photos. I put abuse in quotes because I still don't know if I believe her. You know that I am such a hater of domestic violence and that I will constantly bring it up if someone does something like that. It just seems though that there are doubts not only from her cast mates on Real Housewives, but also because of the pictures people saw before which were supposedly the result of plastic surgery and not abuse.

Well, Taylor's book is now official and will be out in February which means Taylor will be making the rounds talking smack about Russell again all for the sake of money. Oh, and because her story is pretty boring on its own she throws in other celebrity abuse situations and talks about them and gives advice. Seriously? I can't stand this person. I am sorry if she was abused, but the only reason she is writing about it is to make money. Full stop. She will say she is a single mom raising her kid and needs to make a buck. Fine. Just make sure that what you are saying about the girl's father is true. Oh, and if you need money so badly, stop throwing parties for 250 people.


  1. I'm with you, Enty. I have just read too many negative things about this women to 100% believe her claims. Her entire life post high school has been a lie.

  2. As a survivor of domestic violence I can say. It all signs are obvious. I never had a bruise on my face, I had them on other parts of my body where clothes would easily hide them. It really infuriates me how some ppl still think a person is a victim of domestic violence if hey have a bruise on their face or black eye. The ignorance of the rhbh who just cause they don't see it doesn't mean that it didn't happen. Emotional abuse financial abuse don't leave physical scars.
    So what if Taylor doesn't display "typical " bruises victims get good a hiding their bruises. Don't even get me started on pols comments on why didn't she leave.
    Domestic violence comes in all forms. And people need to remember that.

  3. Great picture of Taylor!

    Most of the housewives try to get a book deal. I don't find autobiographies and memoirs particularly interesting because I go in assuming there's not a lot of truth going on in them.

    What will be interesting is the reactions to this book from Taylor's aquaintances and soon to be ex-friends.

  4. Yes, but will anybody care enough to read it is the bigger question.

  5. Anonymous10:43 AM

    I'm not going to weigh in on the domestic violence issue because I haven't paid any attention to these people.

    I just don't know how anyone can even listen to any of these people from this show. Their faces are so destroyed by plastic surgery that all I can focus on is their poor decision making and delusionalness (delusionality ??).

  6. @emailchallenged- I agree.

    When the other housewives called her out on her abuse and all sorta ganged up on her and questioned why couldnt they see a bruise or why would she stay if she were being abused I just gasped- how ignorant was that?

    Saying all that I am not completly convinced that all Taylor is saying is true, and I also dont know if her motives regarding writing this book are all that good.

    But I keeep thinking about last epidsode's RHBH when Russell sorta of icily snapped at Dana during Kennedy's bday when he wanted something to happen with the horse and Dana objected. He was quite mean in a weirdly controlling angry way that was out of proportion with the situation. He has always struck me as very careful in terms of what he says/does and how he appears around others. And that tight control SCREAMS abusive to me.

  7. Anonymous10:48 AM

    I have never seen this woman on anything other than a gossip column and I still hate her. I'm tired of duck-lipped people. And I don't know why, but I just have the feeling she is somehow at least partly responsible for her husband's suicide. I have no facts, just a feeling. At the very least she is profiting from it.

  8. *Batterer, I meant

  9. Enty, I'm not sure why you don't believe her. Along with other posts about his restraining order against an old pregnant girlfriend for beating her, you posted a confirmation from Russell:

    [In the new issue of Kneepads, Taylor Armstrong says she was physically and verbally abused by her soon to be ex. She says that Russell Armstrong would call her names, shoved her, pulled her hair, grabbed her and threw things at her. When Kneepads contacted Russell, the only thing he denied was the hair pulling. He blames the show. I blame him.]

    Abuse happens to all types of people as well. Taylor obviously brought her own toxic dysfunction into the relationship but that doesn't protect her from being abused. It doesn't mean she wasn't in some way abusive to him.

  10. Also this book is a horrible idea. His kids will already be able to read about what kind of man Russell was but she doesn't need to throw it in their faces. Let them hold on to the few positive memories they have. It's not like anyone will read it.

  11. You can't believe anything that comes out of a mouth that looks like that.

  12. She looks like she was in a very bad car wreck with no seat belt or air bag, skidded down the asphalt on her face, then received cut-rate back-alley reconstructive surgery.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. True Little Miss, but I believed her husband when he admitted to the abuse because generally abusers deny it. Russell got caught and it seems like Taylor had some proof so him admitting it and blaming the show instead of himself is pathetic but believable.

    Also,it makes me suspicious that Enty can't remember what he posts when it was the first thing I thought of.

  15. One of my sisters-in-law divorced her abusive husband when their only child was a baby. He held her down when their daughter was crying and wouldn't let her go to her. Having written that, the daughter is now 17 years old, and because my sister-in-law never brought charges against him, he has been in both their lives. He has never stopped trying to control his ex. He is creepy as all hell. I saw it come out once with how he spoke to me, I was right about something and he was wrong. I thought try anything on me and you will see the inside of a police station and jail.

  16. I forgot that Russell did admit the abuse. Ok, so maybe that did happen, but I wouldn't believe anything else she said. They scammed a lot of people out of a lot of money, I just don't think that should be forgotten.

  17. I agree. Their scamming shouldn't be forgotten, Taylor should be accountable for her actions. I was just making the point that all types, even scummy people, get abused and that Russell admitted beating her. There is no reason to not believe her in that aspect.

  18. how can she see herself in pictures and think that mouth looks anything but freakish! i can't take anyone seriously with a mouth that looks to be drawn on w/ a crayon by a 5 year old.

  19. I can never get my mind around the fact that this trout-lipped creature and her frog-faced husband (may he rest in peace) invested money in rehab clinics in the hopes of MAKING MONEY FROM PEOPLE'S DRUG ADDICTION and other issues. I mean, even by today's soulless standards of greed, that's pretty bad.

  20. On the first season of the show he gave off the abuse vibe, and Taylor who grew up in a domestic violent household is/was in charge of a charity for battered women. It sort of made sense but then it didn't because of the major creepy factor of Russell.

    The show is hugely edited, so I do not know if more was said etc., I am glad though that Camille brought it up since Taylor had been talking to all of the girls about it, so nobody knew what to think.

    Nobody deserves to be battered, or beaten emotionally or physically.

    I did hear a rumor that she will not be on next season and that she was fired.

  21. Russell's business partner also committed suicide, I think it was one or two weeks after.

  22. You know that I am such a hater of domestic violence and that I will constantly bring it up if someone does something like that.

    LMAO, Enty. The hell you do.

    The thing is that we don't know what Taylor tells the other women on RHOBH. Camille brought up the broken jaw and the others said that they never see bruises on her. That doesn't necessarily have to mean that they're oblivious to the fact that many abusers hit the victim in places where bruises can easily be covered by clothes, but that Taylor herself might have told them that she was hit in the face or on her arm and the women are confused when they don't see bruises there.

    And the broken jaw must have happened after they got to know each other for RHOBH. I guess that when you tell somebody that you had a broken jaw, even if it was already a month ago, people will be confused or suspicious if they don't see anything.

    I guess that a lot Taylor said didn't add up and that's why the women have problems to believe her.
    Maybe she exaggerated the abuse which she'd experienced to get even more sympathy. So a slap in the face became a broken jaw etc.

  23. Sooo, I've been reading other blogs this weekend about this and I can't seem to find where Russell admitted to all the things she is alleging he did to her. I did see a quote where he admitting to pushing her one time. This housewife blog also said that Taylor herself was abusive to Russell, at times. There was a story about her choking him...anyhoo, doesn't make it right in either scenario that they both were apparently physical with each other.

    And Bravo is certainly going to edit things to make them look like they are not the bad guys in this situation. Who wants blood on their hands? Bravo gets a cut of Taylor's book sales, too.

    I'm sure more will come out, eventually.

  24. Ditto figgy and rose. That is all.

  25. Lelaina, here is the article Enty referenced in the post I was talking about.,,20513539,00.html

    Whether he broke her jaw or just pushed her around and gave her a black eye, it's still abuse.

  26. Blogger Rose said...

    Also this book is a horrible idea. His kids will already be able to read about what kind of man Russell was but she doesn't need to throw it in their faces. Let them hold on to the few positive memories they have.

    ^^ This. It makes me sick that this woman is using supposed abuse by a man who's not here to defend himself as a way to make money. I fucking hate that this woman even gets coverage on this or any other site. I will never comment again regarding this woman.

  27. @it's me - That link is broken.

    I just want to preface what I'm about to say by saying that I in NO WAY think any form of abuse is alright, no matter what the situation is.

    I tried to bring up all the points that you guys (Rose, etc.) mentioned on this Housewife blog I read from time to time. I was completely chewed out by the author for even questioning what she'd been blogging about for 6 months.

    The girl that writes this blog (supposedly) gets all this inside info from other cast, family members, etc. She told me that the only thing Russell ever admitted to in an interview was that he'd pushed her once during an argument.

    She said everything else Taylor was putting out there was false. She said all this stuff was going to come out eventually. The blogger has (supposedly) had conversations with Russell's family, who (obviously) don't believe he actually ever physically touched her & are trying to bring out how they think she was physical towards him.

    Everything this blogger is saying could be wrong. So could Enty. You can't believe everything you read in People or any blog and certainly not what every reality star might say.

    All I'm saying is, NO ONE really knows the truth just because you see snippets of someone's life for an hour a week. The ONLY people that know what happened are Taylor and Russell and Russell is dead.
