Well, if Sinead O'Connor was using her most recent marriage for some publicity for her career, she certainly got her wish. She has not been in the news this much in years. Today she announced the end of her 18 day old marriage citing the fact that sometimes if you love someone you need to set them free. She also discussed reasons which included people close to her husband who pressured him to not be with Sinead. One her website, Sinead said, "Within 3 hours of the ceremony being over the marriage was kyboshed by the behaviour of certain people in my husband's life. And also by a bit of a wild ride i took us on looking for a bit of a smoke of weed for me wedding night as I don't drink. My husband was enormously wounded and very badly effected by that experience and also by the attitude of those close to him toward our marriage. It became apparent to me that if he were to stay with me he would be losing too much to bear. A woman wants to be a joy to her husband. So.. U love someone? Set them free."
That Sinead... Isn't she in love with the Catholic Church and has Jesus or Mary tattooed on her chest?
ReplyDeleteOh yeah, the "Catholic" Sanctity of marriage at its best! Leave it to straight "religious" people to mock it publicly, yet support their "Church" (who supported their mocking of "marriage") AGAINST gay marriage.
Hey, I'd almost rather have the blatant hypocrisy than hear that Maria is considering staying with Ahhhhnold because of her religious beliefs. RUN, MARIA, RUN!!!
ReplyDeleteI think one could possibly overstate the extent to which Sinead O'Connor is a normative Catholic or represents Catholic people in general. I'm just saying.
ReplyDeleteWasn't it just a few months ago that she either tweeted or placed an ad on Craigslist looking for a guy, stating all the things she loves/loves to do. Then suddenly she's getting married? Somehow, I don't think this is all on him.
ReplyDeleteSinead is part of an independent Catholic group, she was ordained a priest. Don't we all remember when she ripped up the photo of the Pope on SNL? I'm a Catholic who believes in gay marriage and equality for all. I have my own mind and I use it, the same as my other hypocritical Catholic friends. You don't need to lump us all together
ReplyDeleteI really think Sinead is bipolar and needs some heavy meds. Also remember when she said she was a lesbian? This was right about the time women were coming out so there was a trend so to speak. She's a total nutcase in my opinion.
ReplyDeleteWord, Barton Fink.
ReplyDeleteAnd great post, ajg74!
i'm not interested in what church she may or may not love, but i am interested in that she seek out help. my heart breaks for this woman...she's all over the place. one minute she loves god and the (whatever/whichever) church, the next minute she slams it, then she's a lesbian and then she's not...while there's nothing wrong in a life journey that includes questioning faith and sexuality, i do think there's a lot more at play here. she seems really unstable, and ita w/ Sherry that she might be bipolar. it's heartbreaking b/c that has to be a nightmare for her children.
ReplyDeletelike most people who crave the limelight tho (as her twitter has proven over the past yr)...she may be far more interested in that than in her mental health and physical well-being.
I am with chopchop - word Barton Fink & ajg74...
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ReplyDeleteSo he didn't approve of her smoking weed? He didn't know she liked to do that prior to the marriage?
ReplyDelete@ajg74 - my apologies. Please understand that I have brothers, sisters, cousins, best friends, that still to this day cannot get married to the person they love, because of state laws, backed by misplaced religious beliefs. I did not mean to put all Catholics in the same boat, at all.
ReplyDeleteI agree Mooshki! Run Maria run!! Surely that's only gossip and cannot be true. I mean, if he's doing the help then he's doing much more. No good can come from a reconciliation. I'm sure of it.
ReplyDeleteShe's nuts and the family couldn't hang. This would be me if I ever entertained the idea of marriage, which I never will. I'm dying alone.
ReplyDeleteShe does indeed appear a bit insane.
ReplyDeleteBut hey, it's more ammo to demolish for once and for all the ridiculous notion that marriage is between one man and one woman and lasts forever.
It just feels that way. (Tip your waiter.)
@Rita: It's unclear if your brothers want to marry each other or they want to marry your sisters. Either way, I think that's still frowned upon.
She's a resident of Plant Crazy so I'm not surprised. She isn't known for her stability.
ReplyDelete@Rita. I know nobody was trying to be rude, I just get worked up sometimes & can't help myself :). Anyways, your other posts seriously always have me busting a gut!
ReplyDeleteMoosh- cannot BELIEVE Maria is considering staying with Arnold- when I heard this I got so pissed off!
ReplyDeleteUsing religion as an excuse to blanket your own weaknesses regarding getting out of this relationship are lame. While I dont believe in organized religions at least some of the time it seems religion has been used to make people feel at peace or like part of sometimes bigger than they are- the way Maria is using her religion seems oppressive and toxic.
As for Sinead, I actually read the lengthier statement Michael K posted of what she released and I have to say, I sort of get it. I think she may be loco but she seems like a senstive empathetic person who understood what being married to a celeb entails, and that for many people, this burden can be too much. I dont put her in the same category as Kim K here, sorry.
*something bigger than they are
ReplyDeleteI thought she was a lesbian too. I remember when she said she needed a man last summer and then this marriage. She needs some serious mental help.
ReplyDeleteI'm with Jasmine. She's a little loco but I wouldn't qualify her as bat shit crazy. Reading her blogs is actually entertaining and she has a good solid voice. She just wants what a lot of people want.. Love. Her methods may not be the healthiest, however. She seems like the star of her own show and I think it would take a whole lotta man ( or woman ) to deal with that type of personality.
ReplyDeleteThat being said, I wish her the best! She seems like a riot to hang out with:)
I thought Sinead was an Ethopian Orthodox priestess, hence the Lion of Judah tattoo on her arm.
ReplyDeleteI get where she is coming from and sympathize with her plight. I find her to be a totally truthful & honest with her feelings type of woman, and it could be why some find her to be "unhinged."
I hope she finds happiness, and a partner to adore her. She's a mom, she deserves more than just some love.
Shes been behaving impulsively all her life. This is no exception.
ReplyDeleteShe was advertising for a sex starved cuddly man 4 months ago and insisted that he be buff and hairy. Stubble was not negotiable.
He was her 4th husband.
Knowing virtually nothing about this woman and never having really liked her, I think I will diagnose her with borderline personality disorder.
I'm gonna say this one time and one time only, then never read this shit gossip board again.
ReplyDeleteAs much as I've seen on this site for years, I've yet to not have a visceral reaction to two things:
Gays can't marry but so and so can, and just generally trashing Brad PItt and Angie Jolie.
Well, fuck your reveals, my limit is reached.
As a black person, if you read OUR history and not just the history of gays or other foreigners/people considered outcasts from society...A LOT OF PEOPLE COULDN'T GET MARRIED FOR A LONGER TIME THAN YOUR BITCHING INDICATES.
Your constant grinding on this gays getting married subject has grown tiring and ridiculous.
I have gay relatives and friends too, and since I figure I'm twice your age? Twice as longer.
Bitching here won't help.
Try your fucking congressman.
Happy fucking Holidays you hypocrites...I gave you every possible chance to redeem this shit board.
Oh my god.
Little by little, the Kardashians, the Hiltons, the whoevers who garner attention have overrun every fucking board I'm on.
At 55, I must be too old for this shit.
Happy New Year.
^Who was that?
ReplyDeleteYou may say you're 55, but you sure are throwing a temper tantrum like a 12 year old.
Don't know how my supporting gay marriage has anything to do with... being un-supportive of society outcasts?
Good luck honey, your frayed nerves indicate a deep need for some quite, and medication.
I'm shocked. I was hoping it would last at least 20 days. :(
ReplyDeleteAnd I don't see how the gays can possibly do worse than this. I mean, really. It's like some heteros are purposely fucking up marriage so the gays get the upper hand.
ReplyDeleteSomeone needs to have her kids removed from her custody. Seriously. It's akin to child abuse to leave them in the custody of this lunatic.