Sinead O'Connor Ends Marriage After 18 Days
Well, if Sinead O'Connor was using her most recent marriage for some publicity for her career, she certainly got her wish. She has not been in the news this much in years. Today she announced the end of her 18 day old marriage citing the fact that sometimes if you love someone you need to set them free. She also discussed reasons which included people close to her husband who pressured him to not be with Sinead. One her website, Sinead said, "Within 3 hours of the ceremony being over the marriage was kyboshed by the behaviour of certain people in my husband's life. And also by a bit of a wild ride i took us on looking for a bit of a smoke of weed for me wedding night as I don't drink. My husband was enormously wounded and very badly effected by that experience and also by the attitude of those close to him toward our marriage. It became apparent to me that if he were to stay with me he would be losing too much to bear. A woman wants to be a joy to her husband. So.. U love someone? Set them free."