Another Mission Impossible premiere last night. When Katie is facing the cameras it is all smiles but

when she thinks they can't see, it is a whole other world. She looks thrilled doesn't she?

Robin Thicke looks thrilled to be married to Paula Patton and I think the feeling is probably mutual.

I have to say that it took me a moment to recognize Jennifer Morrison.

Have you missed Josh Holloway in the photos?

Kate Middleton in velvet. Really, can you do much better than that.

Meanwhile, the Queen took the train to get to her holiday destination. She said the food sucked and someone kept kicking the back of her seat.

Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell show off Goldie's fur in Aspen.

Nicole Kidman looks pretty good in this photo. Still not sure who Sunday Rose looks like.
Sunday Rose looks very much like Keith and probably a little like her bio mama/egg donor.
ReplyDeleteDibbs on Josh before Maja steals him and locks him up with Manganiello!
ReplyDeleteIs that an x-rated picture of Paula Patton?
ReplyDeletePlease look at the crotch area and tell me if I'm seeing things or not.
And yeah, Patton and Thick are one hot couple. That look on Katie's face is priceless!
ReplyDeleteEnty, you must put this face up every time you talk about Tommy or Katie from now on. Just like the other priceless Kim K! face.
Patty, I thought the same thing. It looks like a near miss. An inch more and there would have been a crotch shot.
ReplyDeleteIt's the feathery thingies from her dress. Optical illusion.
ReplyDeleteThicke was interviewed in NPR on Sunday, and it sounds like he adores his wife. It was a really cute, and the rest of the interview was fun, too.
ReplyDeleteNicole does look good there. I Like her outfit.
ReplyDeleteI think Sunday looks like a mixture of the two.
Yes to the Josh pics please! YUM
Suck it up signed the contract now live with it.
ReplyDeleteOT but did anyone see that Debra Messing and her husband have split? I can't wait to see Entya post on that subject.
ReplyDeleteGoldie and Kurt look like Muppets! Kate looks beautiful, where were all the preggo rumors last night?? ;)
ReplyDeleteWhen Goldie Hawn smiles, it looks like she's about to cry.
ReplyDeleteI love the Queen. And I love that she has someone to shlep her handbag.
ReplyDeleteThat Katie face is very telling and HILARIOUS. Yep, Enty, please use that one for any story about her from now on!
ReplyDeleteWhat is it about Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell. They always look like they'd be a blast to hang out with.
ReplyDeleteI think that Sunday Rose looks a LOT like her papa.
ReplyDeleteMommaBear, I agree. They briefly lived in Huntsville, AL, while Wyatt was playing hockey there. They attended a generals' dinner -- Redstone Arsenal army base is there -- and everyone said they couldn't have been more fun, down-to-earth, and gracious. I liked hearing that. :-)
What happened to Goldie's face? I never thought that I would see a person who's literally able to smile from one ear to the other.
ReplyDeleteDamn Rita, that was fast! *L*
ReplyDeleteI can't help it but I love Goldie Hawn. I think she reminds me of one of my mom's friends from my childhood.
And yeah, I had to do a double take on Paula Patton's crotch. I know it's her thighs and those tassel things on her dress, but it really does look like a huge vagina under there.
MommaBear I was going to write the same thing, hey, let's go to Kurt and Goldie's and say what's up kids? friend lived near goldie and kurt in aspen. she said he's a very nice guy. goldie's a perfect bitch.
ReplyDeleteOMG....that face Katie makes is the exact one I make when my frenemy tries to be nice to me. But I do it to her face and say ugly things to her.
ReplyDeleteSawyer! (Sniffles.) I miss LOST.
ReplyDeleteLove Kurt and Goldie! I admit, one of my favorite movies is Miracle, and Kurt Russell magnificent in it.
ReplyDeleteLove that Kate Middleton, too. She is a beauty.
The pic of Katie is hilarious. I feel like you never see genuine emotion like that from celebs. Glad someone caught it on camera.
In some photos Sunday Rose looks exactly like Nicole. Pre-Plastic Surgery Nicole, though.
ReplyDeleteWhy when I looked at Kurt Russell did I immediately think of that mask from the "Saw" movies?
Kate in velvet between two extremely hot guys, looking like she's having a blast :) How fun would it be to switch places with HER!!!
Thank you for Josh Holloway :)
Kate Middleton is just too gorg! I love her.
ReplyDeleteTruly the PP and RT picture is so open for ridicule. OMG..The more I think about it the funnier it becomes.
A posting on another site pointed out that Kate's dress is nearly identical to one Princess Di wore 30 years ago (30 years!!) I hope it is the same dress, if only because it would drive Camilla bonkers to see a second generation *wearing* that dress! Bwahahahaa!
ReplyDelete(I think Di wore it right before she announced her pregnancy w/Will and she was developing a bosom -- the decolletage was rather scandalous. Poor girl.
Weezy, was it the same dress as when she danced with Travolta?
ReplyDelete@weezy and califblondy, Diana wore the dress at her first public appearence with Charles, at the time it was considered scandalous because she showed her cleavage. It was in 1981, before the wedding and they meet Princess Grace that night.
ReplyDelete@NYCgirl I miss Lost so much, there has been nothing since that comes close
Josh Holloway replaced Chris Meloni for me. And I miss lost just for him..... mmmmmm
ReplyDeleteThe dresses are similar but def different.
I love Paula's dress (minus the faux XL vagina thing Maja spoke of)!
Did Jennifer Morrison do something to her face or is it just really bad make up job? She looks like one of those [old lady] apple dolls.
ReplyDelete^^Oh Terri, lol. Perfect analogy. What's the saying, "the woman who marries for money, earns every penny", i think. yeah, can imagine thinly veiled insults at home between these 2, with big plastic smiles on their faces.
ReplyDeleteThat is Paula's 'thunt' you are gazing at. Nothing pornographic.
ReplyDeleteJosh Holloway on the red carpet!
Does that mean he's in the movie?
I can't imagine Tommygirl allowing him to share celluloid space with him!
Skeeball-- there'll never be anything like LOST again.