Another day, another dead animal for Goldie Hawn.

Looks like Honor better stay off the internet or she will know what she is getting for Christmas from Santa/Jessica Alba.

Justin Bieber looks like a 10 year old kid in his dad's hockey clothes while standing next to Dion Phaneuf, but

give him a stick and a puck and the Canadian in Justin shows up in a hurry. That is pretty good form.

Jennifer Love Hewitt wins the baggiest clothes of the day award. It had previously been held by Mary Kate Olsen for a record 1,118 days.

Jason Statham on his way to pick up groceries.

Kate Bosworth all glammed up to get gas.
Yuck! Kate Bosworth has some SERIOUS stick legs!!!
ReplyDelete*says the woman with some nice meaty gams ;)*
ReplyDeleteKate Bosworth's legs are atrocious.
ReplyDeleteLol Chrissy, right there with ya! But ther legs are SCARY skinny
ReplyDeleteKate's legs are scaring me.
ReplyDeleteOMG--those're some bad-looking legs there, Kate. Sheesh!
ReplyDeletekate should run inside the station and get a big bag of cheetos. jesus, girl.
ReplyDeleteWtf happened to Kate?? Jason Statham looks like he's gonna film a movie in the grocery He looks like he's all about business.
ReplyDeleteHollywood must be a trip for heterosexual women slim pickens for men. That's why they stay drunk, high maybe.
Ok, I'm glad I wasn't the only one coming here to only comment about how gross Kate Bosworth's legs look.
ReplyDeletethat picture of Kate Bosworth literally made me laugh out loud,she looks so miserable!
ReplyDeleteGoldie looks like a fish.
ReplyDeleteIs Goldie wearing real fur? Can you tell?
ReplyDeleteWow JLove, you are never fully dressed without a smile. Must be her Words with Friends score.
ReplyDeletewhy do the paps follow Jessica Alba? what does she do? Yet,there are pics of her everyday.
ReplyDeletealba has made a new career out of "being a mom". it kind of surprises me, but both her and nicole richie seem to have reinvented themselves post baby.
ReplyDeleteon kate's legs, shes wearing leggings! man, is her whole body that stick like?
Kate is scary skinny. Is there a blind about her doing drugs to be so skinny?
ReplyDeleteAnd she was so pretty and healthy during the Blue Crush phase.
ReplyDeleteJust popping in to agree with everyone about Kate's scary-skinny legs. Not attractive.
ReplyDeleteAm I the only Kate Bosworth fan around? I think she looks great.
ReplyDeleteI heard Jason Statham was yelling at his gf in a store yesterday, wonder how recent that pic of him is. Maybe he just saw Transformers 3.
ReplyDeleteKate Bosworth has more in common with the gas hose than to a human being.
Kate has been seriously (ana) thin after Blue Crush. Weren't there people really worried about her a while back. Then she put on some weight and it looks like she's lost it again.
ReplyDeleteYes, Goldie loves her real fur. They are serious hunters on their ranch.
Goldie Hawn deserves the same fate the original owners of that fur got. Or worse. She is a waste of fucking oxygen.
ReplyDeleteKate Bosworth is obviously anorexic. So, no, I absolutely disagree with you, Cancan. She looks horrible.
I thought Kate Bosworth had been looking better recently but maybe I am misremembering. She did used to be an anorexic and it clearly looks like she has a problem again.
ReplyDeleteI was just watching Win a Date with Tad Hamilton the other day and she looks great in that movie. I can understand being a fan but in no way does she look good.
I'm more offended by JLH's outfit. The nasty hat, tattered looking jacket and huge jeans are wretched. I hate seeing coats like that without a scarf. Reminds me of Joey on the first season of Friends or Judd Nelson in the Breakfast Club.
ReplyDeleteBosworth, those legs are hideous. Gain some fucking weight back. Shit!
ReplyDeleteGoldie sucks for wearing fur.
I'd love to hit Bieber with a hockey stick.
Alba seems like a great Mom.
I've never sniffed gas while high on cocaine. So that makes stick-figure Kate Bosworth the person most likely to be able to explain what that high feels like. Her skeletal Auschwitz hand clutching the gas nozzle is a chilling sight, all jokes aside.
ReplyDeleteIsn't it possible that she is just a naturally skinny person? I have some friends who are that thin without trying and some of them are struggling to put on weight. I have no idea if Kate is one of them or not (I only see her from time to time in random photos). And no, I am def not one of those people... :)
ReplyDeleteI hope that everyone who's opposed to fur shuns leather as well.
ReplyDeletelinnea, go look at pics of her when she was in "Blue Crush". That is NOT her normal weight. She had a fantastic bod then. Athletic, with the right amount of curves.
ReplyDeleteI love skinny, but she is so skinny I wouldn't even want to look like her. That is when you KNOW you are too skinny! :)
You are right - a completely different person. I take it back.
ReplyDeleteFiggy fur farmers are horribly cruel to the animals. They like the skin to be as whole as possible so they don't slit the throat but instead will club them, stomp on them etc so the skin remains intact. Often this means the animal is not actually dead when the skinning starts. I watched a video that is burned in to my memory of some type of fox being thrown against the ground by its legs before it gets skinned while still alive. The video ends zooming in on the animal with no skin and you can see it blinking before convulsing and dying. Horrific. Most fur comes from countries where animal cruelty means nothing.
ReplyDeleteAs far as I know leather comes from slaughter houses? Where they have an instrest in killing the animal quickly because if the cow gets scared it can make the meat tough.
Sorry for the long post! :P
Her skeletal Auschwitz hand
ReplyDeleteAre you fucking kidding me, you dumbass?
if the cow gets scared it can make the meat tough.
ReplyDeleteThat made me laugh. Sorry.
Mina, no need to call him names. Yes, it was a poor choice of words. Barton Fink is usually a very sensitive person with a perfectly sharp (albeit socially conscious) tongue.
ReplyDeleteGuys, can we all agree to stop comparing all anorexic/bulimia/coke fiends to work camp survivors?
ps. I think Kate looks like a pissed off cat when they've been forced to take a bath.
Carry on.
I think on moral grounds that if you are opposed to fur you simply don't wear any animal not matter how humanely we might think it was killed. Personally I find faux fur annoying too because it represents and there is a good chance it could send the wrong message if someone does not know it's fake. My life though.
ReplyDeleteon the KB tip- while I do think in her case stuff points to an eating disorder/drug use or some hybrid thereof, there ARE actually people who are really skinny without those things. I know because I used to be one of them. While I was in high school, college and right after, I can't tell you how many people asked me if I was anorexic or used adderal or coke. I am 5 foot 8, was an athlete through high school and college (lacrosse), and didn't break 100 pounds until I was about 24. I just had a fing crazy metabolism. I mean I would literally eat like a pig, and also drink Ensure (to keep muscle mass!), and drink a lot of alcohol too, and I couldn't gain a pound to save my life. I got lots of comments to my face that were downright mean, especially about my legs, where I could not seem to put on any muscle mass at all especially calfs. So... I'm not saying this is Kate's deal because clearly her body looked different before. Just like my body looks different now that my metabolism is normal. But it is possible to be really really skinny and not anorexic or a drug user, I know from experience! But I still don't think it's particularly attractive-- not in her case, and not in mine either when I look back at photos.
ReplyDeleteI'm more offended by Kates hair than her legs. Know what a brush is for Kate?
ReplyDeleteI think her leggings are making her legs look much thinner, leggings are not meant to be worn by those with very plump or very skinny legs.
So only vegans are allowed to object to fur? To me it is not a black and white issue, but I realise that to many it is (my parents are fanatic vegans). But its your life as you say. For me how an animal is treated IS important even though I dont morally have a problem with eating meat/wearing leather which is why I only buy free range meat and eggs. In my area shops are stocking more and more free range products so public opinion is changing. Isnt it better that people give a f at all? Veganism is to extreme for many.