Well it is an almost Jonas Brothers reunion with Joe and Nick out yesterday in Beverly Hills.
Jude Law has not been pictured without his hat since October. He even wore it on Graham Norton this week.
Also sporting a hat yesterday to cover his new bald head is Matthew M.
Apparently the Kardashians can still afford to go private.
Yesterday they all flew to Vegas where they were mobbed by fans. Apparently people still like them.
Reader Photo #1
Reader Photo #2
Reader Photo #3
Renee Zellweger gets some help staying out of the rain yesterday.
Even Suri does not get everything she wants at toy stores.

Reader #1, you look so familiar to me! Or do you remind me of someone?
ReplyDeleteJude Law must have got plugs.
ReplyDeleteMore gorgeous readers today, wow!
ReplyDeleteI'm shocked someone maybe told Suri no!
And what's up w/ the beanie trend for dudes now? The Jonas', Jude, Matthew are all wearing them.
ReplyDeleteI was shocked, too, Reno. I thought the "amazing" Suri got her way 100% of the time. Of course, Katie did wind up buying the little brat stuffed animals and candy at the store, according to what I read on the Daily Mail.
ReplyDeleteI can't even imagine how much of a snot that kid must be.
The beanie trend = the getting older and balding trend. I guess Rogaine is holding out on red carpet endorsement payments.
ReplyDeleteJude has gotten plugs in the past, I think. He's probably getting new ones.
ReplyDeleteNo, I won't be submitting a photo any time soon. Can't compete against other readers. It'll be like bringing a knife to a gun fight!
Hello Readers! Love the one with the stash and sombrero: Makes wanna have a margarita! Olé!
ReplyDeleteThe beanie is for the bald spots, and Jude has been balding ungracefully.
Hey, how come the Jonas Brothers are wearing the same shirt, didn't they look at each other, and go dude, let's uncoordinate?
wow! someone said "NO" to Suri? It is probably the first time she has ever heard the word spoken to her.
ReplyDeleteJuse is BAAAAAAAAAAAAALD. Face it man, it is okay.
Readers today and every day you are all so beautiful i am rapidly developing a complex!
ReplyDeleteYa, I guess that no one on this site has ever seen a 5 year old child crying in public. I know I haven't. Nope, not me.
ReplyDeleteLay off of Suri. So she has weird/rich parents that probably buy her a lot of stuff. But just because she's chased by the paprazzi constantly and they happen to take a photo of her when she is upset, don't assume it is because she is a brat.
I guess that makes all young children who cry in public "spoiled brats" as well.
Courtney looks strange. I actually thought she was quite pretty but now she's getting that weird Kim K plastic surgery face. :s
ReplyDeleteThat "temper tantrum" of Suri's is nothing compared to what I have seen! She's just crying, like a normal little girl. I hate the fact that she got lollipops etc because she was crying, not good parenting. Feel bad for her.
ReplyDeleteWhy is Matthew bald, for a movie?
Love the reader pics today!
Call me crazy, but I think Khloe is becoming the prettiest sister.....
ReplyDeleteReaders= gorgeous!!
Suri looks a normal kid for me (she dislikes paps,she has dolls...)except for her shoes
ReplyDeleteWow @ Readers pics
ReplyDeleteActually Suri does get everything she wants. After this tantrum pic she was photographed with new toys and a giant sucker. Well, two giant suckers, if you count Katie.
ReplyDeleteFirst picture I have seen of Matthew M since that BI a while back with the actor and his significant other doing coke. He was a popular guess. Doesn't he look a little skinnier than usual? *L*
ReplyDelete(snort) Nice one, Cancan.
ReplyDeleteI think the reason so many of us are calling Suri a brat is because, well, she is a brat. She's spoiled rotten, by her parents' own admission. Of course kids have tantrums and meltdowns, and that's normal. But we're saying that it's shocking to see Suri have one in public because her parents kowtow to her EVERY whim. It's pretty easy to go through life with a smile on your face when everything ALWAYS goes your way!
Also - and you should know that I am the first to complain about fussing children in public, because I am a horrible, HORRIBLE person - do we know Suri threw a tantrum because she didn't get something she wanted? Maybe she fell or something.
ReplyDeleteBeth you said it, that was my first thought.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteWhat Texshan said
ReplyDeleteI agree that Khloe looks the best. I don't do the Kardashians, but for some reason I'm rooting for her and her hubby to stay together. They just seem like a cute couple. Enough of that.
ReplyDeleteCan you imagine how entitled Suri must feel after reading about how entitled Tom Cruise is via the COS? I'm not fit to judge, but every time I see Suri, I imagine her as being a heinous spoiled brat. Having said that, she'll probably grow up to be very sweet and down to earth.
MM looks pretty good for a raging cokehead, if the blind is indeed about him.
Maja, you aren't as bad as I am. I've told hell-raising kids who obviously have nothing wrong with them to shut their pieholes. I've also told (apparently deaf) moms of snotty, loud children in stores that everyone hates them and their rugrat. Needless to say, I am not a kid person.
ReplyDeleteActually, I am basing my "Suri never gets told no" thing on the Scientology belief that children should be treated as adults and are free to make all of their own choices and decisions. Because that ALWAYS turns out well.
@Cancan: Good one!
ReplyDeleteAnother wicked person here - that photo of Suri made my day. The look in Katies eyes was priceless.
ReplyDeleteI should mention I am very compassionate when it comes to beaten children and tired kids whose parents insist on dragging them to the mall but Suri's body language doesn't imply she has been beaten or she is tired.
Texshan: I think I love you! I once told a screamng child in KMart (when I was 13!) to: "Shut up kid, you're a brat!" Mom had wandered off for some redlight special I reckon..The kid actually stopped crying.
ReplyDeleteCheck out Renee's shoes. Her pants stop well above her ankles and she's wearing what looks like flat ankle boots. Hideous and unflattering.
ReplyDeleteSherry, 9 times out of 10, when I say something to the kid they shut up. I think they are just shocked that an adult actually called them out on their shit. The kids almost always react better than the parents do. Most of them are so "my precious snowflake can do no wrong" that they act as if you tried to kidnap their little brat if you even speak to them.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteBeautiful readers!
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone else think that Kobe will start dating Kim K. next? That would piss Vanessa off for sure.
ReplyDeleteKasey Anderson
You better watch out, you better not cry, better not pout, I'm telling you why: you're 11 years old and you have an iPhone, you little shit.
11 Dec via web
k! 1) look at the reader photos, 2)look at the kardashian photos. Answer the question: which photos look better?
ReplyDeleteWHY are those kardashian women photographed all the time. and TERRIBLE legs, all of them.
@EmEyeKay Maybe we know each other. Do you live in Los Angeles?
ReplyDeleteCommenters have made my day!!!
I didn't realize that Kris Jenner is as tall as Khloe. It makes me rethink the rumors that Khloe has a different father than Kim and Kourtney.
Interesting that Matthew M. has finally come out of hiding after that BI...
Readers photo- stunning, beautiful, real people, my eyes were glued to the screen
ReplyDeleteSuri- Gave me a laugh
I doubt Katie has started to tell Suri "no." The store was probably sold out of what Suri wanted.
ReplyDeleteKids throw tantrums, my issue isn't with that, the problem is that she ended up getting her way. I saw the full photo series at the last couple feature a very proud/happy Suri waltzing out to the car with a bag. My daughter can attest to the fact we would have been out of the door as fast as that tantrum started. I don't care if it's a huge inconvenience, the lesson they learn is worth it.
ReplyDeleteI was wondering the same thing about the BI and MM...
AND has anyone ever seen that much spark between Renee Z and a man???? Call me crazy but I'm sensing sparks...
Hi Readers!
ReplyDeleteAww, I think Suri's cute! And if she's a brat, let's trash Katie/Tom for their poor parenting skills, not the five year old. :)