Friday, December 16, 2011

Parents Making Out With Their Kids At A Pep Rally

I just think the most disturbing part is how much the parents were into it. Do you see the mom who put her son's hands on her butt?


  1. Really? That any parent can do that speaks horribly of them as both caregivers and human beings.

  2. Was that sousped to be funny because that was wrong. Those Parents are far more creepy then someone who has a hello kitty shirt.

  3. OMG. There are no words.

  4. Anonymous11:50 AM

    Ew. Tasteless to the extreme.

  5. What the eff? This is a thing? A planned event in front of other people? This is sooo disturbing.

  6. Anonymous12:10 PM


  7. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Who in the HELL would think this was a good idea?

    Something like this sort of happened at my high school. They blindfolded some football players, have female relatives kiss them on the cheek. It was awkward. And this was 100X worse. :-(

  8. I am afraid to play this video. Actual making out?! I don't understand the context...and I don't know if want to... :(

  9. I'm not even going to watch this. Our world just continues to get sicker and sicker.

  10. Just the thought is disturbing. Can't watch

  11. I don't think I can think I can even watch this video. How creepy!

  12. Me too, won't watch. It's disgusting.

  13. I kept thinking I must be reading the headline wrong...and thought he must mean that two parents were making out alongside their kids. I thought there is no way that a parent was making out with their child (except Dina Lohan). I'm very confused and disturbed.

  14. Oh and I won't watch either.

  15. What are we coming to as a society where this kind of thing is not only happening, but being portrayed as NORMAL FUN?????
    OMG!! Hubby keeps saying America is on fire - looks like he's right :(

  16. this is repulsive and borderline incestuous. shame on those parents, SHAME. i will do a lot of crazy things to make people laugh, but that would NEVER EVER be one of them. you know, i'm removing the borderline, and i am just going to go ahead and say IS incestuous. shame!

  17. Am I missing something? Is incest trendy now? Between Dexter and Boardwalk Empire I'm really sick of seeing people make put with their immediate relatives, even their on-screen relatives. Just no.

  18. Yup...the normalization of incest...followed by the normalization of snuff, bestiality and pedophilia.

    These are the four horsemen, my friends.

  19. Oh this is disgusting, saw reports of that guy with his mother on Fear Factor, and just yuck.

    Would rather watch Whoopy Goldberg fart on screen:

  20. We are experiencing the decadence that Rome did. Right before it fell.

  21. They did this at my high school in 1990... lined up the basketball players with the cheerleaders, presumably blindfolded everyone, but really just the bball guys, then there was to be a twizzler eating contest, two people per twizzler, kiss when you meet.

    The moms were all swapped in while the guys thought it was some sort of musical chairs decision as to who they were paired up with. It was a lot more innocent though... just a smooch, then the guys were asked (while blindfolded) about their kiss and blindfolds removed afterward. THAT was pretty funny, this was fairly disgusting. Ewww. Full on making out with your parent??

  22. I am NOT pressing play on this one!

  23. this made me ill.

  24. I just don't understand. These parents wanted to full on make out with their kids and it's a school event. How embarrassing for the kids, not to mention violating.

  25. So we live in a time where it's "cool" to try and shock everyone. I was over it after the Brittany/Madonna kiss, to be honest. I couldn't watch the whole thing. That was really unfair to the kids.

  26. @Mooshki: The details are fuzzy, but I remember a child genius a while back who committed suicide in despair over the inevitable fall of America, which he forecast would happen here just as it did in ancient Rome. Anybody else remember this?

  27. Those first two dads look FAR too comfortable with kissing their daughters like that. Completely creepy, disgusting, and wrong.

  28. Actually, not to get political on your ass, but since Bush's "Axes of Evil", theories were abound with comparing the fall of America to the fall of the Roman Empire.

    Some were basing their studies on obesity that seemed to point to overindulgence, in comparison to Roman "vomitoriums" (where people got together and ate, and would than go to vomit, and continue eating and drinking). Also there is religious fanaticism; in the US anything looking a bit Muslim after 9/11 was attacked and prosecuted. The fall of the Roman Empire lays on the prosecution of the Christians, and how the Roman Gods expected certain behavior, etc. And finally, the dissolution of democracy. How one party was gaining momentum basing their popularity on scare tactics, and threatening eternal damnation.

    So yeah, when I see the extent of college "hazings", and what happens in the army at times, I wonder if brother killing brother isn't a sign of the end of what the US used to represent.

  29. We did this at our high school, but the football players were blindfolded and paired up with each other. WAY funny, especially when several of the turned out to be gay later in life.

  30. I am extremely ashamed to say this happened in Rosemount .. about 10 miles south of where yours truly lives in the Southern Twin Cities (Minneapolis-Saint Paul, MN). Just disgusting ..

    Rosemount principal apologizes for parent-on-student kissing prank .. too little, too late and I hope everyone involved gets canned.

  31. W.T.F


    So effed up.

  32. I seriously thought I was going to throw up. That's disgusting. Those parents are seriously messed up.

  33. I'm really glad that I'm not the only one who was too creeped out by the headline to press play.

  34. My eyes need to unsee that.

    Forget firing the principal, the parents need to be fired!

