No One Is Going To The Movies Anymore
Even though ticket prices keep increasing every year and box office revenue tends to edge up every year because of the increases, 2011 saw fewer people at the movies than at any time since 1995. That is a huge drop. That is me losing 200 pounds huge. I go to less movies than I used to and I blame the fact that unless it some huge spectacular that will look its best on the big screen, I know I only have to wait about a month and it will be on DVD for a fraction of the cost and even my tiny television in the basement is advanced enough now where things almost look just as good at home. I hate paying almost $20 for a ticket to go to the movie. Yes, it is really like $16, but there is parking which in Los Angeles you usually have to pay for. There is also gas and traffic and then you are not just buying a ticket. Who goes into a movie with nothing? Even with my acknowledged smuggling skills as it relates to outside food and booze, I usually buy a large drink which is another $6. To make it worth my while, I feel like the movie needs to be action and needs to be close to two hours long. This is why I am always so shocked that kids movies do so well. They usually run about 75 minutes long. That is like 30 cents a minute for one ticket. Multiply that by a family of three or four and you are paying like a $1.00 a minute. For that kind of money, I could spend it on this gorgeous bacon sex line which charges .99 cents a minute. Oh, to hear them talk about bacon and hear the sounds of it popping in the frying pan. Much better than Cars 14.