My Christmas Wish To Andy Cohen
First of all, Mazel to you and your new job. I think it is pretty great that you will be hosting Watch What Happens Live five days a week and think it is genius that you are doing it Sunday through Thursday. The last thing you want to be doing is working on a Friday and Saturday night and you managed to avoid it.
Kudos also to that whole Millionaire Matchmaker Reunion thing which was a great idea. I don't think we need to see it after every season like with the Housewives, but it was fun to reminisce, so thanks for that.
Speaking of Housewives, I would like to talk to you about my Christmas wish to you. Yes, I know you are Jewish, so if you would like to think of this as a holiday wish we can go with that. I am flexible. If you help me with this I will help you with your Christmas wish, which judging by the first part of the Matchmaker reunion show probably involves you and Madison and some whipped cream. Am I right or am I right? I like to say that last part sometimes. It is from Groundhog Day. Can you believe in America we have an annual movie tradition that involves a day about the a groundhog forecasting the weather and that it is actually a great movie?
Anyway, you made me lose my train of thought. Oh, as the former head of programming at Bravo you might be interested to know that despite my love for your network I do not watch it on Thursday nights. I divide my television viewing between your mother network NBC and also WE. I love the Braxtons. Just can't help it. I love that whole crazy family. I won't go into details right now, but feel to drop me a line and I will churn out a few thousand words about how good the show is.
I noticed that on the Real Housewives that you only have African American women on the Atlanta version of the show. Why is that? I'm not saying you are like Food Network or anything who just added their first African American person but remains a lily white bastion of a network, but it would be nice to see some more color on the Housewives and I have a suggestion.
Tamar Braxton on RH-Beverly Hills. You have to admit I just made you smile didn't I Andy? Come on, it is like that inside joke you share with Matthew Broderick. Can you imagine Tamar on Real Housewives. Imagine it Andy. Teaching Lisa Vanderpump how to dance. Calling everyone dot com. She would be the only truly honest person on the show. Taylor yells at Tamar? It would only happen once. Taylor then would never utter an unkind word or raise her voice in front of Tamar again. Can you imagine the conflict? It would be heaven ratings wise. I promise. Plus, Tamar is qualified. She has as much money, if not more than your cast. Of course, I think my dog has more money than Taylor at this point. How is she doing it? Smoke and mirrors? Tamar also thinks of herself first which seems to be a requisite for admission. Oh, she spends a ridiculous amount of money on clothes, has only worn sneakers in one episode and they probably cost a fortune. She has huge pieces of expensive jewelry so can compete with Adrienne and Lisa. She is attractive and outgoing and probably has had some work done. Plus as a bonus to you this holiday season, I don't think she is addicted to any prescription pills or smokes crystal meth. It is a win/win.
Thanks for listening Andy and I hope you have a great holiday season and good luck on the show.