Mindy McCready And Her Son Found Hiding In Arkansas
Last night, U.S. Marshals raided a house in Heber Springs, Arkansas and found Mindy McCready and her son Zander hiding in a closet. No charges have been filed against Mindy as of yet and her son was placed with Arkansas Child Protective Services until he can be reunited with his maternal grandmother. I always like when people go the hiding in the closet route. Do you think the police are just going to walk right by the closets without checking? That perhaps you can hide behind enough clothes that you won't be seen? Oh, and I am sure that hiding in a closet and having the police storm the home was a wonderful experience for the 5 year old kid. Who puts their kids through this? And now she is going to have twins? Police had been staking out the house in Heber Springs because it belongs to Mindy's alleged boyfriend. That is not the same thing as saying the father of Mindy's soon to be born children.