Monday, December 26, 2011

Matthew McConaughey Pops The Question

Matthew McConaughey's photo just asked camila to marry me, merry Christmas

Matthew McConaughey and Camila Alves have been together so long that you forget they are actually not married. They even have two kids together, 418,000 topless workouts and 4,218 bongo drum sessions with nudity and pot being optional. On Christmas Day, Matthew decided to skip all the presents except for asking Camila to marry him. It was either that or try and make a run to the gas station for some 2.00 chocolate.


  1. Her mother must be breathing a sigh of relief...

  2. Good for him (and her) I hope they have a long happy life together. :)

  3. Why? They were so happy together being un-married. Why?

    Oh hell, wish them the best. Hope the marriage lasts at least as long as their dating period.

    Side eye Kim Krapashian.

  4. She's not putting much into that kiss. She must be worried about the lipstick, I can relate.

    Oh hell, what happened to his hair?

    Weren't they the popular guess to a really bad blind?

    Other than wishes.

  5. I always hope that any couple who goes for the forever marriage makes it. They have darling kids together.

    But, isn't this the main couple for the blind that he did pot, maybe coke in the past and she introduced him to her weight management drug heroin?????

    I hope we got it wrong.

  6. ^^That's the blind I was thinking of, Del Riser, and how the kids were pushed off to nannies and ignored.

  7. ^Yep, they were the top guess.

    SIX MORE DAYS TO GO BEFORE THE REVEALS!!!! Hope Enty's going to be in a very giving mood! Maybe we can start Fedexing him bacon to his house?

  8. i still think they're the couple from that blind item. in recent pictures of him i've seen, he looks sweaty and thin. and he's been keeping his shirt on. can't be a good sign.

  9. He's so creepy. I've always thought so.

  10. oh, camila, you effing moron.

  11. Yes, but did he take his shirt off? Isn't that what he does when the moment arises? Which is pretty much any moment? Was there a pot-addled bongo serenade to go with the proposal? Was the ring made of platinum or hemp?

    So many questions. The mind wonders.

  12. I thought she was his beard.

  13. im 100% against holiday (especially xmas) proposals.

  14. i'm just in shock he spent all that money growing his hair or plugs and now he goes and shaves it all off?

  15. @feraltart. It's hard to explain. I'm a wedding planner and 95% of my broken engagements are Christmas or valentine day engagements. I've seen too many guys use it as a way to skip having to buy a present. They figure give her a ring its easy and what she wants but the intention isn't as pure. To me its just like combining a bday/Xmas present when people have birthdays close to Xmas. It's kind of a cop out. I just think proposals should be on a regular day so it becomes special to the couple. Not a national holiday. I hate new years eve weddings for the same reason.

  16. I guess I have issues, but marriage seems to ruin things. I have never, ever seen a single marriage work for more than 7 years. Oh well, who am I not to be happy for them if they feel this is what they want to do?

  17. agree w Mad Lyb. I prescribe to the the if it ain't broke don't fix it way of life.

    Though I can see wanting to be married to the father of your kids but once they're both old enough to walk I think the point is kinda moot. You're together with multiple children and have made it work sans marriage so far...don't mess with it.

  18. as long as she is NOT on Shear Genius again i could care less-good luck

  19. I argree with Unknown: as long as she is NOT on Shear Genius again I could care less-good luck!

    One other thing; go natural, man...screw the fake hair!

  20. hottest woman in hollyweird. he scored LARGE

  21. YES!!!! BNL1016 it's like you can read my mind!! I agree 100000% I've always said this and have advised others to make the proposal it's own special holiday. It's a once in a lifetime event after all, why not make it special? Ugh, I HATE the proposal holiday combos.
