Lowe's Pulls Ads From American Muslim
In full disclosure, I want to say that I only watched bits and pieces of American Muslim the other night on television. I flipped over to it during commercials and from what I saw, I found it to be interesting just because there has never really been a show quite like it that I have seen. Apparently some groups complained about the show and that "it hides the clear and present danger to American liberties." Really? To me it looked like a reality show. Lowe's apparently bowed to pressure though and pulled their ads from the show. They said that it just did not fit in with their programming style. Do they advertise on Sister Wives? Jersey Shore? People find those shows offensive and I have often believed that the cast on Jersey Shore has an agenda of trying to spread GTL and smushing to people all over the world. This can't be allowed to happen. A whole planet of Snooki?