Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Lindsay Lohan Wants You To Think She Is All Noble

Dina Lohan or Lindsay Lohan's publicist is reporting through TMZ that Lindsay Lohan has received all kinds of offers to host New Years Eve parties but has turned them all down because she does not think a check is worth people thinking she is a party girl. Huh? Please. The only reason Lindsay Lohan is not hosting a party somewhere New Years Eve is because the check was not large enough. If someone offered her as much as Kim Kardashian was making, Lindsay would be the first one to stick a beer pong in the champagne fountain and start shouting that everyone should meet in the lobby and streak down the Strip. If you are going to be noble, one does not broadcast it so people can comment on how noble you are. You just let the moment pass and let people realize for themselves.


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