Life & Style Says Britney Is Pregnant - Kind Of
First of all, I think it needs to be made clear that as long as Britney Spears' dad is in charge of Britney's life there are not going to be more kids in Britney's future. It is kind of strange that he is probably in charge of her birth control decisions, not that she is necessarily having sex with Jason Trawick. Don't forget that he was the subject of several rumors that he has some girlfriends on the side that I don't think were ever denied. Anyway, Life & Style did an engagement announcement issue and tried to take that as far as they could possibly go and imply that Britney is pregnant and wants a baby girl. If you read it more closely and not just the big words that jump out and are ten times bigger than the other words you realize that they are talking about it in the future tense. They just don't want you to figure it out until after you get it home from the store.