Monday, December 12, 2011

Khloe Kardashian Says Lamar Odom Trade Is God's Plan

I have always imagined God up in heaven somewhere playing fantasy football or whatever sport is in season right then and when God needs a little advantage and to beat the angels in their league, God makes a trade happen or causes a fumble or whatever is necessary. It is why God is unbeaten in any sports event for the past thousand years. The only loss was when God was trying to work on the whole Black Plague thing one weekend and so missed a jousting tournament and lost $50 to one of the archangels.

So, it is no wonder that Khloe says Lamar being traded is all God's plan. I'm sure God has nothing better to do than trade a Kardashian husband. If God was really interested, then God would have probably canceled the show by now. God is supposed to be all loving right? When is the last time Khloe Kardashian went to church? Her christening maybe? So, why is she invoking God's name? I really don't mind when people say what she says, but I do prefer that they have some kind of base and are not just throwing it out there to say because they think it is the right thing to say or to pick up more followers.


  1. Well, Enty, there are plenty of people who go to church every Sunday, sit on the deacon board, have worn-out bibles, and still have no faith in God. My pastor called those folks out yesterday. And you have people who know nothing about church and have far more faith in God (as well as more understanding of what He can do in your life). The three wise men are examples of the latter.

    So, honestly, the fact that Khloe hasn't walked into a church for some time means absolutely nothing except that she hasn't been in church for some time.

  2. Perhaps God's plan will include canceling all Kardashian TV shows.

  3. Khloe is probably re-evaluating her life right now in light of her mom alluding in her book that Khloe was fathered by another man. She is the only one in that family with the balls to stand up to her mom and her famewhore ways. The move couldn't have been better timing. Khloe can move away from the rest of her famewhore family and live a real life.

  4. Clearly after the recent Pujols deal to the Angels, God is a baseball fan, not basketball. Go Halos!

  5. People have a tendency to use the term "God's plan" when things are out of one's ability to control events and kindly attempt to find a silver lining to a situation. Can't condemn her for holding hope in the face of uncertainty.

  6. This post is so lame.

    Shouldn't you also criticize people who stand at the Oscar podium and thank God? Or the musicians who mention God in their album liner notes? How about football players who win the Heisman and attribute that to some kind of divine providence?

    Or, why not concentrate on Courtney Stodden, whose tweets alternate between quoting Scripture and alliterative descriptions of how much she wants to ride Santa's yulelog?

    Many people want to think that there's a higher power guiding their lives. Khloe's no more audacious or incorrect than anyone else who thinks God takes a special interest in them.

  7. Anonymous7:10 AM

    No one seems to be commenting on how stupid this bitch looks messing with her phone while her husband gives her a piggy back ride. Idiot.

  8. Seachica, don't bring up the Pujols trade! As a Cardinals fan, it's still a fresh wound :(

  9. I hope it is G-d's plan to have the entire K clan fall off a cliff.

  10. Fuck the Lakers. Koby is a big piece of shit who ruined the team along with that giant oaf Shaq. I don't care if they won, the spirit of the team has been gone since 2001. I say; BRING BACK VAN EXEL! I know that's not possible due to his knee, but man, I miss that dude.

  11. i was going to say something but trollslayer said it far better. i concur.

  12. Anonymous8:57 AM

    God's plan = que sera, sera. Just a figure of speech, really. Don't read too much into it.

    I agree with Borg Queen. This will be the first time that Khloe is truly away from her family--and that's a good thing, IMO. She really is the only Kardashian that can see past her own nose and realize that other people exist. Moving to Dallas may be a good change for Khloe. I hope so. I must admit, reading interviews from her makes me like her a LITTLE.

  13. I sure hope God has bigger things to worry about than who's winning the big game on Sunday. (I'm looking at you, Tim Tebow.)

  14. @mama Mia -- I bet she's playing Words With Friends!

  15. @Seachica

    Be good to Vernon for all of us in Toronto, will ya? He might not be the best offensively, but he can pull a ball out of the sky and save a homerun or two.

    Congrats on Pujols, btw. That is quite the boon to the Angels.

  16. Chopchop - I completely agree!

  17. Anonymous10:34 AM

    ChopChop and Linnea, I don't think that Tebow has ever said that God cares if the Broncos win or lose. He has said that he prays for everyone to play to the best of their ability, that they demonstrate good sportsmanship, and that they play a safe game. When he thanks God after a game, he is thanking Him for that happening.

    Also, I hate the Lakers. And Albert Pujols. Or, as we call him in my house, "Poohole."

  18. @Texshan

    Rangers, or Astros?

  19. Borg Queen, what did Kris right in her book? I thought she's always insisted on Khloe being a Kardashian. I remember Khloe taking a paternity test to see if her Mom really was related to her and it made no sense.

  20. @Rose - in Kris' book she claims to have had an affair as her marriage to Robert Kardashian was ending (or the affair ended the marriage or something like that). The timing of the affair is about 1 year before Khloe's birth so that's where the "another father" speculation comes from. However, I though Rob was the youngest? So Kris & Robert Sr must have worked things out after Kris' affair for Junior to come along - don't believe anyone has every speculated that HE is not a legit K.

  21. I'd like to see Khloe punch Kourtney in the vajajay, give her mom a right cross to the face and then punch Kim right inthenose to shut her whiny cakehole.
    And also right a tell all about how the whole family made a deal with Satan.

  22. So what. She is accepting it. Good for her. Please move out of the spotlight. Lamar makes enough $ playing ball, you don't need more that what you have. Concentrate on a family and loving eachother as you are. Show everyone that you are real by not showing anyone at all. Stay out of publicity and live a loving life.

  23. Anonymous3:06 PM

    Sue Ellen, the 'Stros, all the way. Worked for them back in the mid-90s in the front office. They may suck, but they are MY sucky team.

  24. May I ask how you went about getting that job?

  25. I've actually seen them drop the G word in a few other tweets.

    Why is she wearing a purple velour tracksuit with no shoes while he is in a suit?

  26. Anonymous10:10 AM

    Sue Ellen, I have a degree in journalism and took classes in sports reporting and public/media relations in college. My father worked for the owner of the Astros (at the company where the owner made all of his money), and he introduced me to the owner at a company picnic. When I graduated, I contacted the owner and asked if I could intern with the Astros. I did, and that led to a job. It was a lot of fun but also a lot of hard work. People think that working in pro sports is glamorous, but it REALLY isn't.

  27. So a combo of education and knowing someone.

    The reason I ask is that I am looking to work for the Blue Jays, but don't know how to get the ball rolling. I don't know anyone/anyone who knows anyone in that organization, although I am flush with NHL contacts.

    Anyway, thanks for letting me know

  28. Can God's plan include dropping a house on Mama Pimp Jenner?
