The Kardashians Know Better Than A Human Rights Organization
See if you can follow this line of thinking by the Kardashians. Yesterday Star reports about slave labor working 84 hours a week making $1 an hour making clothes for the Kardashian line. The Kardashians come out and say they are taking the allegations very seriously but they did not know and did know where their clothes were made, etc. Then, because the allegations do not concern their Sears line of clothes they just come out and deny they did anything wrong at all and that everything is perfect. Not so fast. Did they even bother to read the report? China Labor Watch is a well respected human rights organization devoted to exposing China's clothing and apparel industry. One of the biggest offenders they found was Bebe which the Kardashians used for a huge branded line of clothing last year which also included handbags and jewelry. A photo above shows Kim in an outfit made by slave labor.
The piece-rate wage system employed at the factory all but requires workers to work ‘overtime’ to support themselves.
This system does not even provide extra pay per unit made during overtime hours, which would seem to be in clear violation of labor laws.
As a result of the piece-rate wage system, workers often work 12 hours a day, 6 days a week. Some workers even work 15 to 16 hours a day. Investigators saw these workers start work at 8 a.m. and finish it at 11:30 p.m.
Salaries are not calculated with a base wage.
To me, this is slave labor. To the Kardashians it is the way to make a profit. You know what Kim Kardashian should do for her next charitable trip instead of attending fashion shows in Haiti? She should head over to this same factory and work there one week. One full week with the same requirements as the workers at the same pay. If she does that and still says there is nothing wrong with the system, then I will apologize and be nice to her for a year. She won't though. None of them will. They just close their eyes and smell the money.