Thursday, December 15, 2011

Justin Biel Or Justin Timberlake?

Yesterday a video of Justin Biel was released to the internet which showed him trashing Justin Timberlake and his lack of promotion for the tequila company Justin Timberlake owns and where Justin Biel worked until a few weeks ago. He basically said the company is going under and that it is Timberlake's fault. Later yesterday the company said the video was part of a viral marketing campaign that was supposed to begin later this month but was released without permission. Late last night Justin Timberlake said the video was a joke. The tequila is out front in the video. It is funnier than most people could come up with spontaneously, but the part I don't get is why he left the company. Plus he posted the video to his own personal Facebook page and not the company. What do you think? Joke or not? If it is, then he is a better actor than Jessica? Who got the looks in the Biel family?


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