Monday, December 19, 2011

Justin Bieber Never Believed In Santa Claus - What Do You Think?

Justin Bieber gave an interview to AOL Music and in the interview says that he never believed in Santa Claus. I know there are many parents out there who do the same thing Justin's mom did because they don't want to lie to their kids. I personally did not mind being lied to as a kid and still remember the day my mom told me there was no Santa Claus.

Justin said that "My mom always told me there wasn't a Santa. This was her logic: She thought if I grew up knowing about Santa then finding out he wasn't real, that it would be like she was lying to me. And then when she told me about God, I maybe wouldn't believe her."

I think believing in God and believing in Santa are two totally different things, but I am not going to get mad at a parent for being honest with their child, it just would not be my choice. What do you think? What is your Santa experience? Do you agree with what Justin's mom did?


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