Jim Carrey has a new girlfriend and she is a Russian student named Anastasia Vitkina. She is the ex of one of Jim Carrey's friends. In my opinion, Jim is walking on very thin ice. It is really tough to date someone who is the ex of one of your friends. The chances of the relationship working are probably much less than a friendship is worth. You always have to wonder in these situations whether your significant other liked the person they are dating now while the two of you were dating. Did they have an affair while you were dating? These are very tricky questions. Have you had this happen to you? Have you done it before? Do you still have your friend?
I don't think Jim cares about anything except for what makes Jim happy.
ReplyDeleteHe can buy all the freinds he wants, losing one is not a big deal.
He seems pretty lost after Jenny took off. I don't think anyone is going to make him very happy for long.
I went out with two guys who were friends - two separate dates - in one day. During the day I went wine tasting with my ex-boyfriend (we ended up getting back together); that night I went on a dinner date with his friend (who I'd met through my ex). It was the pinnacle of my dating career :)
ReplyDeleteI read somewhere else that she is in her late 30s, which would be awesome for Carrey to date someone closer to his age. And this is Hollywood. His friend probably doesn't even remember he "dated" that woman!
I am dating my friend's ex. I didn't know him at the time. We met once they had already broken up. Its not really weird at all.
ReplyDeleteNever date friends of ex's. No good can come of it. Unless it is the pinnacle of your dating career! Seriously though, that is my motto and I stand by it. I value my friends very much. Yes, they do want to date me. Yes, we have the conversation and yes, I still have them as friends. I do not do it.
ReplyDeletean ex boyfriend who I had broken up with went out w/my friend. we had all been friends together. she thought it was just a friends outing. he tried to kiss her at the end of the 'date.' she was grossed out. so was I. I think he was just trying to get back at me.
ReplyDeletenot exciting, but its all I got. in general I think its a bad idea. but, I'm sure some very happy marriages have come of it, so maybe we shouldn't judge.
Her hair!!!! The horror!!!! She needs conditioner so badly.
ReplyDeleteMy friend dated my ex (who turned out to be a real a**hole). She knew everything that happened between us because we were close friends, all hung out together AND he TOLD her he was only dating me to get close to her. Good friend that she was, she never told me this. When I found out about that, she promised she'd never betray me and date him. She said she hated him for what he did to me and how he treated me. HA! A week later, they started dating. Needless to say, I cut both those losers out of my life and don't regret it to this day. She had the nerve to be mad at me because I was upset by what she'd done.
ReplyDeleteThis story actually surprised me. Jim Carrey has a friend?
ReplyDeleteI am married to a good friend's ex. We all went to college together and they dated for a couple of years. I never thought of him as anything more than my friend's boyfriend. After college they broke up and she went off with another guy and had two kids. A year after her last kid was born, I re-connected her ex and we hit it off. I spoke to her and she laughed and said have at it... We got married 8 years ago. So, I don't think it's weird and it hasn't affected our friendship at all. We still talk about once a month and see each other from time to time...
ReplyDeleteJim Carrey doesn't seem to be the most stable dude around so I think all of his relationships are doomed anyway.
ReplyDeleteOnce in college, I dated a guy who had gone on one date with a friend of mine the previous year. We didn't think it was a big deal but she stopped speaking to me. When our relationship ended a year later, he stirred up drama among all of my friends, including her. The whole thing was NOT worth it.
I see nothing wrong with this. Why forgo a chance at real love for a "policy"??
ReplyDeleteWasn't the rumor that Jenny left Jim because he went off his meds? Seems to me that's probably on the money, considering his bizarre behavior since their split.
ReplyDeletePersonally, I don't think it's a good idea to get involved with the friend of an ex. I've seen other friends do it and it usually wrecks the friendship, even though the affairs don't last.
I don't want to be Debbie Downer, but roughly half of all marriages end in divorce and the failure rate for affairs is even higher. Risking a good friendship for something that likely won't even work out is crazy, IMO.
Jim Carrey's new piece looks like she's suffering from consumption and/or anorexia.
I dont care WHO he's dating- because it isnt Jenny McCarthy.
ReplyDeleteThose two went together like jam and peanut butter.
That breakup was one of the saddest I've seen in Hollywood- if only because those two goofballs seems perfectly matched in terms of comedy, ego, with a little manicness thrown in.
Sad they didnt work out.
And yeah, this new gf DOES look like she's suffering from the bobbleheads aka an ED. bleck.
@Jasmine - loved how he treated her son! She said during an interview that the moment they met, it's like they were meant to be together.
ReplyDeleteYeah, I dont get why they broke up. It musta been some kind of deal breaker thing. It makes sense that it would be Jim going off meds or something to that affect. She seemed to be the first one to move on and that screams falling out of love with someone due to a breaking point in the relationship. But I dunno. Sometimes I feel like people, especially celebs, dont give relationships enough of a chance. We tend to focus so much on the short period of passion that when our faults and idiosyncrasy are revealed in the light of day, after the honeymoon period is over and sex isnt enough, people look at those faults as deal breakers when they were really there all along and can be worked with. sigh. Sometimes I feel strangely old fashioned when it comes to relationships in this modern, throw away world.
ReplyDelete@Jasmine - Nah, not old fashioned, but still a believer in True Love.
ReplyDeleteAt least these two didn't get married. Also, his second wife (that actress in dumb and dumber) did say at one time that she couldn't handle his mood swings, his downs were very very blue. I too wish he'd get back with Jenny. They looked so perfect together, like a true family.
Maybe they're on a break, and will get back together? Maybe there is a pot of gold at the end of my blind-colored rainbow?
it sucks on all sides. i have done it and had it done to me. it hurts both ways. i feel like a dirt clod for having dated my friend's ex. i was young then but that really is no excuse. it speaks to my inate moral fiber, specifically lack thereof. friends trump lovers. i loathe the f-wads who dated someone i loved. ouch. jim carrey most likely feels entitled to do whatever he wants to do. whatever, dude.
ReplyDeleteI really believe it depends upon the length of time you've been broken up. As in KLM's case it was apparently years in the past and her friend had obviously moved on.
ReplyDeleteI had an acquaintance date my ex immediately after we broke up and it hurt. The worst part was where she was dissing me to everyone like my back was hurting her knife. I never made a scene but I did pull her aside and told her what was on my mind.
My ex ended up stealing her car and running off with another girl while she was in basic training. Hee hee...Karma paid her a visit and I got to see it happen.
Count me in re:Jenny.
ReplyDeleteWhen they got together, I was like "Of course!!!"
They made so much sense as a couple.
I hope regardless that Jim can get his mental illness to a manageable state and FINALLY be happy & in love.
I LOVED jim and jenny!!! I've had a weird thing for him since I was young... I have a weakness for funny men.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, re: dating exes, I have a lg group of male friends and one girl in particular started hanging around, she was the bestie of one the guys girlfriends. Anyway, within a year she had dated 3 or 4 of the guys and slept with 2 or 3 others. It was obvious she was a skank but what really confused me was why the other guys would go for it! They all swapped stories. Boys think with the wrong head...
I think he should get together with Lauren Holly. Im dating myself arent I.
ReplyDeleteIf a friend wanted to date someone I went out with a couple of times I would be fine with it. If a friend wanted to date someone I was in a serious relationship with for a long time, I would have a problem with it.
One of my friends married my ex boyfriend. I hadn't really liked him so I didn't mind. Turned out, she wound up not liking him much either.
I don't fully agree. My current boyfriend and I met when I was dating his asshole friend. He never wanted to be serious, treated me like crap, and unceremoniously dumped me for no reason. His friend was my shoulder to cry on and although my ex was initially (understandably) upset, we have all managed to put the past aside and move on. So in short, the heart wants what the heart wants and sometimes it can work.
ReplyDeleteJim's new piece needs bangs. And a sammich
ReplyDelete@ Rita - I read on another blog jims new girl was in her 30's too. Everyone was saying how nice it was he was dating someone closer to his age. That was before her identity was revealed though, and honestly I think people thought that based on her 'look'. I do think she's a hard looking 24! No Courtney Stodden but..
ReplyDeleteRegarding ex's - I dated an exes friend .. A few years after our break up we met and fell in love and ended up engaged. Didn't make it to the alter though. Now ten years later I'm flying to Hawaii to hang out with the first ex who recently moved there. As friends but.. Anything could happen. The guys are still friends and I'm still friends with both of them and have been for years. I don't make it a habit to date an exes friend , however, given the right circumstances and mature conversation these scenarios don't have to be outright painful or scandalous . Sometimes shit happens and you just hope you have a gold plated shit scooper
^LOL at "Gold plated shit scooper"!
ReplyDeleteMy husband pulled the old roommate 'switcheroo' with my HS friend and I. To be fair, my roommate had 'dated' most of the men she/he worked with, and her ex had wanted to date me the whole time anyway!
ReplyDeleteSo, yes, I have dated a friend's ex, but I married him, we've been together 13 years, AND my friend and I are still close.
Roommate switcheroo success!
So.... Was married to an ass; his best friend and I were tight and the best friend saw how my hubby treated me. When I left my husband (one year into an I'll-advised marriage, the best grind took my side. So did most of e social circle. Long story short ... Am married to the best friend (who also happens to be my best friend). We've been together for 14 years. It shook some of his friends that he "broke e bro code" ... But he sys I'm worth it, nd I'm not going to argue. All of our friends came around. I don't see my ex anymore, but he moved on and I understand he's happy.
ReplyDeleteSo ... I'm not in a position to judge, but in my experience it's not always wrong . At least, I wouldn't have it any other way.
if she's a student, isn't she kind of young for him? like 20 years younger? i've heard he as lots of mental health issues. maybe dating someone he doesn't know is just TOO much, so he dates women he already knows.
ReplyDeleteIt's never happened to me, but I think it's entirely dependent on how long/serious the friend was with the person and how much time has passed since they broke up.
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