Last month I told you that Howard Stern was really close to signing on to be a judge on America's Got Talent. The only sticking point was whether the show would agree to move to New York so Howard could continue to do his radio show. Guess he did not want to move to Los Angeles because then he would have to wake up even earlier everyday to do his show.
During the past month though, Howard kept denying he was interested and other names started popping up. TMZ is reporting though that Howard has signed on the dotted line and that the show will move to New York City. I think the censors now have their work cut out for them. Howard does a whole lot of judging on his radio show, but not necessarily of the PG variety. Plus he has been on satellite radio now where he can say and do whatever he wants that it might take some time for him to get comfortable. This is either going to work out very well or he is going to be stiff and awkward and a horrible one year experiment.
I think he'll do ok, he's a smart dude, he will adjust.
ReplyDeleteOh and forgot to add, I might actually watch this show for the first time ever with him.
ReplyDeleteI know Stern isn't everyone's cup of tea. He can be too abrasive at times. But he's a sharp guy and very funny. I think he'll adjust. This job gives him the chance to get back in front of the mainstream majority and promote himself. I don't see him messing it up.
ReplyDeleteI agree, Jessica. I've never watched it, but I'll tune in to see him.
ReplyDeleteI kinda like him but I personally can see the "awkward horrible one year experiment" thing.
ReplyDeleteI'm in the minority I guess. I cannot STOMACH that man. I watch every year but this summer I guess I'll have more free time than normal. Meh
ReplyDeleteWell, my husband will be watching this for the first time ever.
ReplyDeleteI'm a fan of Howard, and he will do a great job.
ReplyDeleteregarding his ability to be television-appropriate, he'll be fine. He worked on terrestrial radio for a long time, and he doesn't really swear that much on his satellite radio show. The man's a professional.
ReplyDeleteNotameangirl, i agree did not watch before will not watch now. Only watched when Brandy was on.
ReplyDeleteClapped and cheered in my car when I head him announce this this morning. Can't wait. People have such a misconception about him, seriously.
ReplyDeleteStill believe Howard Stern belongs on late-night TV. Never watched America's got Talent, don't think I will, but Howard judging others without swearing must be a tad painful.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Rita - Stern probably should have a late night TV show.
ReplyDeletePersonally, I think his ship has sailed. I just view him as a dirty old man who's been doing the same ole' schtick for decades. I know he has his fans, but I'm totally meh on him.
I suppose this is a smart move for AGT. But isn't it a family show? Obviously the show is going for a ratings boost, and this will no doubt bring it.
I feel so out of touch with what's popular: Howard Stern, Twitter, Glee, vampires, Justin Bieber. I'm so old. Hee.
I think people who have such a problem with Howard either have never listened to his show, or haven't listened in quite some time. I listen to his radio show every day and it's nothing like it used to be. He's in his 50's now, and has tamed quite a bit.
ReplyDeleteHuge fan, he judges all the shows on his radio show and is quick and to the point.
ReplyDeleteThis is whole "he will curse" is BS and lame. He hardly curses now and he didn't curse the last 30 yearss he was on terristrial (sp?) radio. He knows how to handle himself.
He doesn't get paid hundreds of millions of dollars for being "shocking" he gets paid becuase he is fascinating to listen to and is the only one of his kind.
It is going to be awesome!
I'm not the hugest Stern fan but if it means he's replacing Howie Mandel, I'm all in.
ReplyDeleteStern can't be any worse than JBlow on AI.
ReplyDeleteHe should replace Leno stat!
ReplyDeleteI don't listen to his radio show but I watch AGT and I think he will be good--it had gotten very "sweet" since the Hoff left and Howie took his place. Pierce was clearly bored to tears this season ....Howard will bring some new energy and balance to the judging panel. Wonder if Sharon will follow the show to NYC.
ReplyDeleteHoward Stern is a consummate professional, and a very intelligent and well-spoken person. He doesn't resort to vulgar language just for shock value, and I think he'll do a great job. He's passionate and opinionated, not unlike Simon Cowell, and I will absolutely watch this crap if he's on it. Wow he is going to be a busy man with this and the radio show on his plate. Good for him.
ReplyDeleteI have a love/hate relationship with Stern. I love him for his wit and humor and brutal honesty but hate how he treats women like sex objects. I used to watch this...but got bored...I just might tune in!