It's Hard Enough To Find Organ Donors
I believe in organ donation. I don't know if anyone will actually be able to use any of my organs when I die, but I want medical professionals to have that option. With the exception of a very used liver and probably a bad heart, the rest is up for grabs. Hey, and I even have some extra fat to share. Despite massive efforts over the years by organizations, organ donation is still not done by the majority of people. I am not sure why, but it is the case. Now, the CDC wants to make it even more difficult for people to donate organs. They are proposing that if you have sex with more than one person in a year, that their organs should not be used. You have to be out of your mind. If you have sex with someone in January and a different person in November they are basically saying your organs are not good enough. Why? They think if you have sex with more than one person in a year that you are at risk for life threatening infections. Umm, has the CDC ever heard of this thing called a condom. It's latex, and I'm sure they have seen pictures. The CDC says it is to protect the people getting the donations. Yeah if you are on a waiting list for a liver and your doctor says you would have got one but it turns out the person had sex with two people last year so no liver transplant and now you are going to die, do you think that person is going to be happy?