Friday, December 02, 2011

Is Salman Rushdie Sexual Napalm?

I watch Top Chef every week. Everytime I watch the show I ask myself how Salman Rushdie ever managed to be with Padma Lakshmi. I put it down to Padma just having a thing for old guys. I mean her boyfriend who just died was even older than Salman. But after Padma, Salman ran through a string of women in their 30's even though he is 64, and now a woman in her 20's is saying that Salman broke her heart and that he was un-chivalrous. Seriously, I know the guy is an author and he probably has a few bucks, but he is not gorgeous so I figure he must just have some kind of charm that is like a magnet. Do any of you find him sexy? The woman above is Devorah Rose who is doing the complaining about Salman. They met over the summer and went on a date or two and Devorah says they had a romance and Salman says they did not. He did write on her Facebook that he had a great time on their date and that she looked "hottt." Yes, the acclaimed author went with the three ttt ending to hot. So what is it about Salman? Is it the fact he had a bounty on his head? Is that still active by the way? Do you collect if you kill him? I know he was in hiding for a few years so maybe that improved his game. Maybe he worked on pickup lines those years in hiding.


  1. He's brilliant, informed, has had an interesting life, and is surely a great conversationalist. To many of us, a big mind is far sexier than a toolbag with a pretty face and bulging biceps.

  2. Everything trollslayer wrote. He isn't much to look at, but in real life, he is probably extremely charming, attentive, and a great conversationalist. I'd go on a date with him just to hear what he has to say. I bet by the end of the evening he would be as attractive as brad Pitt in my eyes.

  3. any man brilliant enough to write Midnight's Children is sexy as hell.

  4. He's a genius, that's pretty sexy.

  5. Some men (and women) are just sexy. It transends looks. I had a roommate who was not particularly pretty or had a great body but she would walk in a room and guys would just pant. She had an extremely hot latin live-in boyfriend for 7 years who was 16 years younger than her. She isn't rich either. She just had this thing about her. I worked with a guy one time who could walk up behind you and just say "hey" and it would make you almost orgasm. Some people just have it. (kinda miss that guy come to think of it *sigh*)

  6. All of the above, plus Devorah Rose is a namedropping starfucker.

  7. He doesn't do anything for me but what everyone else has already said. Some people just have "it" and smart is always sexy. And money and power.

  8. Ever read "The Satanic Verses"?

    That's why Islamist has put a price on his head. A fascinating read. Especially After 9/11.

    Met him once in NYC. Thought him to be kindly grandpa. But Padma is like those gorgeous French actresses that you often see with older, uglier men. I don't understand the fascination, and am uncomfortable with the thought of those too-beautiful women looking to sleep with a father figure. Whatever it is, I found it oddly tacky on his part to deny a romance with a lady.

    Maybe because he already has another lady in his life, and felt obligated to publicly deny a fling. But honestly, how GOP-ey of him to deny then be caught by today's social media in a lie:)

    Even the greatest fall, when faced with your strength, Oh mighty Facebook!

  9. @Rita, haha about FB, yes everyone's douchery becomes public.

    If you have ever read him, you'd know why. The man writes deliciously.

  10. I bet he has The Voice. Does anyone know? Rita??

  11. Everything trollslayer said...

  12. Enty. From one LA Lawyer to another, find Stuart Markowitz and ask him for instructions on the "Venus Butterfly" That Iranian Sensation is Rushdie's secret on how he pulls all of the young babes.

  13. Agreeing with all the above. Salman Rushdie's lived an interesting life, is witty, intelligent, probably is a fantastic conversationalist, could probably charm the pants off anyone, and appreciates the freedoms he's got in the Western world while also holding up a mirror to its follies.

    Hell, I'd sleep with him in a heartbeat if he approached me and my heart's devoted to another. That's how tight Mr. Rushdie's game is. In fact, if I were ever given a Celebrity Five list, he'd be on it.

  14. Is sexual napalm like sexual chocolate?

    Also @Rita - love "GOP-ey" as a descriptor. Ha!

  15. Kelly, Napalm: An aluminum soap of various fatty acids that when mixed with gasoline makes a firm jelly used in some bombs and in flamethrowers.

    Douchey John Mayer had used it first to describe Jessica Simpson in the boudoir. Meaning, she is combustible in bed.

    Ol' Sal, sexual Napalm?

  16. If someone had told me in April 2010 that Salman Rushdie and Devorah Rose would hook up within the year, I probably would have shot myself.

  17. Yet another agreeing that super smart men are sexy. Add to that that he's no doubt sophisticated and funny too, and yeah, hot hott hottt (ha).

  18. After his book was released & a bounty was put on his head, he moved to an estate in CedarHill, in the Ottawa area. This is an exclusive part of Ottawa, Ontario. His house was firebombed about 5 months later. The whole estate was gutted. It stayed that way for 2 years. I remember driving by the house all of the time because I would be visiting clients in that area. To this day, no on e has been charged for the firebomb. He was not in the home at the time.

  19. Ugh, it bothers me that a "sexual napalm", a term John Douchebag Mayer invented when indiscreetly describing his former lover has now entered the general lexicon.

    Anyway, with regards to this guy, everyone's already said it. Intelligence is HOT and charisma is charisma. I wish I could say I'm surprised that he doesn't seem to be interested in women who are on the same level as him intellectually, but I guess I'm really not.

  20. Which says a lot about his ego RQ!

  21. Totally agree, RQ. It saddens me every time I see a really smart guy with a girl who is all beauty, no brains. We intellectual gals need love too!

  22. That headline made me throw up in my mouth a little.

    Yes, intelligence, wit, having an interesting life, etc., is sexy, but Salman Rushdie is a total douchebag, and that is NOT HOT. Have you ever heard about the way this guy treats the women he gets involved with? He's a total dick and has the emotional maturity of a 12-year-old when it comes to romantic relationships. Sure, he's very talented and brilliant in many ways--and he knows it. He's a class-A narcissist. That to me makes him ugly. I don't know what women see in him. To me he's ugly on the outside, ugly on the inside. Great writer, sure, but not a great person. Fuck him.

  23. Oh, and I'm glad RQ, Seachica, and Rita brought up the fact that Rushdie seems only interested in gorgeous, much younger women who are unlikely to be his intellectual match. What does that tell you about him? It tells me that he's a shallow A-hole who is more interested in using his prestige and fame to bed hot chicks who would never give him the time of day if he was, say, a plumber than he is in finding a meaningful relationship with an evenly-matched partner. In other words, he's emotionally immature, shallow, and insecure.

    Don't get me wrong, I don't begrudge the guy for enjoying the spoils of his fame. But he's been doing this for years now. Wouldn't an emotionally mature, grounded person get tired of that after a while? I think they would.

    OK, rant over. I just can't stand this guy and it really bugs me that people admire him. And I hate being reminded that men can get away with appallingly childish behavior as long as they're "brilliant" and successful, whereas if a brilliant and/or successful woman isn't young, thin and gorgeous, well...

    Oh, wait, I said "rant over," didn't I? Sorry. Salman Rushdie is a complete A-hole. That is all. :)

  24. shiny special one, your words are more brilliantly written than Salman Rusdhies and I heart you. I was wondering when someone was going to say it, because being a great writer doesn't mean you ended world hunger; disease or brokered world peace nor does it give you carte blanche to being a golden asshole.

  25. shiny special one, your words are more brilliantly written than Salman Rusdhies and I heart you. I was wondering when someone was going to say it, because being a great writer doesn't mean you ended world hunger; disease or brokered world peace nor does it give you carte blanche to being a golden asshole.

  26. I like Haroun and the Sea of Stories, but that is about it for me. As others have stated, he is just douche-bag who uses his fame to sleep with women. There is nothing here to see.

  27. Rushdie wasn't ALWAYS interested in women who are gorgeous, young, and beneath him intellectually. I graduated from USC with a degree in Creative Writing, and my senior year advanced fiction professor was his first wife--the one who spent years in hiding with him after the fatwa was issued. She is an author, also--brilliant, genius, charismatic, and captivating. She's also in her mid 60's and not exactly an incredible beauty, but her personality makes her someone you gravitate toward :)

  28. @carleerne
    Don't tell me-Rushdie left your former prof for a much younger woman.

  29. What trollslayer said, but I personally do not find him at all attractive. And everything shiny_special_one wrote kind of makes me feel repulsed by him.

  30. Agree with shiny_special_one, brilliant he may be, but he does seem to not have outgrown his adolescent doucheyness. That being said, I agree that there are some people who transcend what "should" be sexy, I just don't necessarily think he's one of them.

    Interesting though, how Enty couldn't see why anyone would find him attractive, and 15 women responded vehemently that personality can trump looks. I don't know that men are as forgiving as we are....

    And finally, hottt? Dealbreaker!
