Friday, December 23, 2011

Four For Friday

This seemingly perfect celebrity couple has just a few flaws. The husband is a very good looking B+ singer with a dad who used to be famous back in the day. The wife is a B- list actress who seems to be everywhere these days. They always seem so happy with each other but that does not mean the husband is not tempted to stray. At a recent party, the singer got really drunk and started hitting on a beauty pageant winner. I mean really hitting on her and even invited her to go back to his hotel room where he would have probably passed out drunk, but he did invite her. One of the singer's crew found out about it and dragged the singer away from his conquest and got him as far as the foyer of the singer's hotel room where the singer fell down and passed out and could not be moved. I guess the apple does not fall far from the tree.


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