So often there are so many horror stories about professional athletes that I thought I would bring you a good one. Would you be willing to give up your entire salary for a year to help someone else? Braylon Edwards did. Back in 2005 when Braylon Edwards was a rookie in Cleveland, he offered 100 kids the chance to earn $10,000 scholarships if they graduated high school and met other conditions. 79 of the 100 did just that which is costing Braylon $790,000. This year was the make good year and Braylon made less than $790K for the season after taxes but it did not stop him from fulfilling his promise to those 8th grade kids, many of whom said they would not have been able to afford to go to school if not for Braylon.
Excellent story. Cleveland has a terrible graduation rate. More should follow Braylon's lead.
ReplyDeleteSexy AND philanthropic?! YOWZA
He is f-cking gorgeous to boot! Wow, and I thought Epps was hot.
ReplyDeleteWay to go Braylon, hope you keep up the good work. And doesn't Braylon just roll in your mouth lusciously?
My new crush!
Thanks for sharing this, Enty. Will see if he has a Facebook page and give him props.
ReplyDeleteFeeling especially proud right now to be a Michigan Wolverine!
ReplyDeleteThat's amazing! What a great guy. This reminds me of The Office episode where Michael Scott does something similar but the results aren't the same. It's nice to know not all athletes are jerks.
ReplyDeleteI immediately thought the same thing.
DeleteNow THIS is a story that should have more publicity!!! What a great guy (and very nice looking too!)
ReplyDelete@Wendall - good idea - I'll look for a Facebook page for him also!
wow. talk about paying it forward. What a guy. Brings a tear to my eye!!
ReplyDeleteDid a little checking - he has a Facebook page and his own website - BraylonEdwards.com if anyone's interested.
ReplyDeleteHe was one hell of a football player in college... he holds tons of records (especially from his senior year, which happened to be my sophomore year). Not that I ever met him, but he was definitely a big man on campus!
ReplyDeleteTo to nitpick, but I wish he'd do something similar for kids in detroit, since that's where he's from and they could use it too.
*Not to nitpick
ReplyDeleteRose, I thought of "Scott's Tots" too. Nice to see someone really doing some good. That is a kindness that will pay dividends over and over again.
ReplyDeleteOh Susan, I am SO interested!
ReplyDeleteAnd people wonder why I still wear his Browns jersey to football games! He and his former teammate Josh Cribbs both have given back so much to the Cleveland-area community.
ReplyDeleteThis is nice to read. And, well, he's nice to look at. I die.
ReplyDeleteEnty thanks for bringing us this story. Warms my heart. What a sexy guy!!
ReplyDeleteHe has a new fan.
ReplyDeleteThere are some really nice Green Bay Packers that do a lot of charity work. Off the top of my head: Greg Jennings, Donald Driver, Aaron Rodgers, James Jones, Jordy Nelson, Jermichael Finley, Charles Woodson...
Ugh - I'm a huge Browns fan and didn't like this guy b/c he kept dropping the ball - now I read this and feel like a turd for ever yelling at him on the tv. Hangs head in shame.
ReplyDeleteThat was just what I needed this morning:-) That was my sunshine on this gray day...
ReplyDeleteHe is f-cking gorgeous to boot! Wow, and I thought Epps was hot.
ReplyDeleteWay to go Braylon, hope you keep up the good work. And doesn't Braylon just roll in your mouth lusciously?
Get me a ticket to San Francisco and I can get you an answer on that.
Seriously, though, what a great thing to do.
Some more info:
ReplyDeleteIn addition to the $10, 000, the 79 students were provided with laptops and other supplies to help them out when they arrived on campus.
"I'm supposed to give people a chance like I was given a chance," Edwards said.
The article mentioned, these students live in an area where the graduation rate is 50%. Now some of these kids are going to Cornell and Harvard!
Talk about paying it forward! Bravo!
enty if you dont mind id like to share this with my peeps! i went to school with james sanders who played on the patriots and is doing some charity work in our town as well. dont know the deets but this is a good story to share and tell!
ReplyDeletethanks in advance! happy Hanukah!
@Vicky you FIEND! Almost swallowed my tongue on that one, LMAO!!! Yay VickMeister.
ReplyDeleteExcellent...I think I'm in love.
ReplyDeleteLike others I totally thought about the Office. Such a great story, and as other have pointed out... Nice. Very, very, nice.
ReplyDelete*Obviously, meant roll off your tongue.
ReplyDeleteWow, that is fantastic! It is so great to see pro athletes and others whom kids look up to paying it forward and being really stand-up guys in their communities. And I agree with everyone else -- he is hella hot!
ReplyDeleteMaybe he will stop getting caught on Belle Isle at 3:45 am with his special male friend. Or driving while drunk.
ReplyDeleteI have no idea who this guy is, but I like his style.
ReplyDeleteAnd I'm glad I wasn't the only one who instantly thought of "Scott's Tots" *L*
Thanks for posting something positive..the media loves to post anything negative about my race...but there are so many positive people doing positive things but you only mostly hear about the negative.
ReplyDeleteAmy in MI - I'll give you the driving while drunk thing, but what he's doing with other guys is absolutely none of our business and if he actually is gay, your comment is pretty ignorant.
ReplyDeleteAwesome! Very touching story.
ReplyDeleteLOVE this!
ReplyDeleteThank you for giving these children hope. Your a wonderful man & I only wish health & happiness to you for the rest of your life. Cheers.
ReplyDelete@Rose..That was the first thing I thought of too except Michael didn't think anyone would graduate and then he couldn't pay. At least this guy held up his end of the bargain. These are kind of people that truly need to be idolized.
ReplyDeleteBraylon is a pretty wonderful guy all the way around, I think.
ReplyDeleteVicky, you crack me up!
ReplyDeleteBravo Braylon! What an inspiring story!
ReplyDeletePlease give this man all the media attention in the world and please shun Michael Vick.
ReplyDeleteOMG...I didn't read it at first because I was checking him out. Imagine my delight when I read the story and realized that he does good deeds, too.
ReplyDeleteI don't know if he's gay, if he's driven drunk or if he's found in seedy locales but I will say that we've all had moments where we didn't shine. Bless him for his kindness and follow-thru. If the rest is true, I do wish him the best with finding a meaningful relationship (straight/gay/whatev) & if he has drinking issues that they get worked out.
Nice to see the 1% do something so kind and selfless!
Did I mention that he is FINE? Ayah!!
ReplyDeleteGood on Braylon for keeping his promise. A lot of good will come out of his helping these kids.
ReplyDeleteA lot of athletes are good and decent. It's too bad that all the bad stuff gets publicized over great stuff like this.
And YOWZA! That's a great pic of Braylon *Homer Simpson drools*
He does good while looking good too!!!! yummy
ReplyDeleteWhat a wonderful thing to do. Thank you for posting this uplifiting story.
ReplyDeleteAlso proud to be a Wolverine at this point. I read this story earlier today, and think it's awesome what he's doing for all these kids.
ReplyDeleteCleveland has suffered as much as Detroit over the past 30-40 years economically and socially but was just a little smaller to start with. There are so many people that just need either a little encouragement or a bit of financial aid to get to where they can make an impact. Braylon is showing he's one that will help others to get there. There are many pro athletes that have their charitable causes, but how many pay out more than they're making to keep a promise? Love you Braylon, wish you would have come to the Cardinals, but wish you luck with Michigan alum Harbaugh in San Fran!
@Jasmine - WORD!!
ReplyDeleteThis is very uplifting to read ESPECIALLY about an athlete.
Add me to the Greek chorus of applause for this guy. And from what I read, this isn't just a handout. These kids had to work for it. So yaay for the kids and good for them.
ReplyDeleteOh, and for the record, even if this guy does have a "special male friend", what's wrong with that, and why try and use it to make this guy seem as if he is a bad person? Oh I see what you mean. They are trying to infer that this guy is a pedophile. Yeah, that is pretty ignorant.
This is a good holiday post. I like this one. Hot guy does good. More of this please - for the holidays!
ReplyDeleteWhat a selfless, beautiful, sexy looking man. God is he's hot!!! Why can't there be more men like him on this earth.
ReplyDeleteWow! Good for him!
ReplyDeleteI'm so mad that this hasn't been more widely publicized. Granted, I hate football. I was at Michigan when this guy was playing and I've never even heard of him--that's how much I avoid football. But, and this is a big but, I've heard all sorts of horrible stories about football players over the years. Not just Michael Vick, but domestic violence, drug use, weapons charges, sexual assault. Jesus, I've heard two in the past week. Why isn't this a national news story!?