Friday, December 02, 2011

Ed O'Neil Is Up For Married With Children Reunion

With the exception of Arrested Development and I am starting to worry if that is a good idea, I am against reunion shows because they never work out very well. I think though that a Married With Children reunion would be great. It never really had much of a story line so you can pick up with them anywhere at anytime and I think everyone would feel right at home. Ed O'Neil was asked by E! if he would be willing to have a reunion and he said he would be up for it if everyone else would do it. I think that despite Christina Applegate and Katey Sagal having their own shows that they would be willing. I think they loved it and would not shy away from it. Make it happen.


  1. Yes please! It would be brilliant to have the cast back together.

    And hey, didn't Clooney make an appearance on that show, way back then? He can also make a cameo.

  2. I think this could/would be hilarious if done right.

    The neighbours used to crack me up.

  3. This would be so cool. They could even do something shocking as Kelly being a CEO of big company. Dumb girl makes good and takes care of her family.

  4. the NEIGHBORS! That's right! Super-uptight Marcy(?) and whatshisface... I forgot about them. I remember watching it a lot.

    I wish Enty would explain why he's worried about the AD reunion. I'm stoked for it. I never get tired of watching that show even though I've memorized a ton of the dialogue.

  5. Someone, make this happen! @Borg Queen has a great idea - Kelly is CEO of a big company, and Bud is selling shoes.

    Or Kelly comes out and is a carbon copy of Katey Sagal's character, married to someone just like Ed O'Neil's character. Bud is a well known director of porn movies but still doesn't get any action.

  6. I'd love to see what happened to Steve, Marcy's first husband. Ted McGinley's character should be gone - Marcy would have traded in for a younger boytoy by now. :)

  7. Anonymous10:40 AM

    And Al has discovered Viagara.

  8. They were all fantastic together, yes make it happen !

  9. I would love to see that.

    I with Enty; I'm ambivalent on the AD reunion. It's an awesome idea in theory, but there's going to be so much build-up and high expectation that I don't know if it can live up to the hype. Also, a few years will have passed. Actors and their style can change (even if it's subtle). Will the chemistry and humor translate the same? I'm a little worried that it'll taint my feelings on the show.

    On the other hand, it could rock (e.g., the Seinfeld reunion on Larry Sanders).

  10. i never got into the show, but i love me some katey segal...i'd love to see it happen just for a chance to see her...she's fab.

  11. They should do it as a one off thing - like a Thanksgiving episode or something.

  12. Love Ed O'Neil. I think it would be great.

  13. Anonymous1:45 PM

    I would LOVE to see this. MWC was a staple for me on Sunday nights. And definitely bring Steve back. He came back for one episode and the crowd lost its collective mind, they were cheering so loud.

    What I love the most about MWC is that no one from the show tries to disown it. They haven't gotten too big for it. They speak well of their cast-mates and actually support each other. I find that amazing, screwy as Hollywood can be.

  14. I'm not sure Christina would be willing. The guy that plays Bud would, he enjoys being referred to as Bud and sometimes talks about being on the show or posts quotes on Twitter. On the other hand, Christina at one point put a pretty nasty message on Twitter telling people to please remember Kelly was a fictional person. She never speaks about it other than saying something like "My TV dad just won an award!" if Ed wins something. But she seems a little uptight about it all.

  15. Only if Kurt Sutter writes and directs.

  16. But would you replicate the horrible production values as well? That shit stank with a capital S, but boy did I love it.

  17. Anonymous3:01 PM

    Yes, the more horrible, the better!

  18. Yes, please. I think Bud would still be living at home.

  19. Only if they bring back both of Marcy's husbands!

  20. @EmEyeKay -- "the NEIGHBORS! That's right! Super-uptight Marcy(?) and whatshisface... I forgot about them. I remember watching it a lot."

    That would be Steve...and later Jefferson D'arcy -- which made Marcy "Marcy D'arcy." Please don't ask me how I still remember that.

    My favorite all-time episode of MWC is My Dinner with Anthrax, BTW. If they can somehow reprise that one, I'm SOLD.

  21. I think AD doing 8-9 TV episodes before the movie will give it a much better shot of doing it right. They can flesh out where everyone has been and set up a new arc without taking up the first hour of a movie trying to explain everyone.

  22. Aw. My late father adored this show. He would've totally been on board with this reunion. Me, I don't think Christina Applegate wants to put so much distance between her and this show that she would never do it. I just think too many people in the past confused her with Kelly Bundy, so she's very cautious to present herself as the polar opposite. But would she do a reunion? Heck yeah. Same with Katey Sagal and David Faustino. And the actress who played Marcy would do it, I'm sure. I'm blanking on her name right now (LOL ageing), but I know she came out of the closet sometime around the later seasons of the show, and I think I remember the other cast members being very supportive of her. So yeah, this needs to happen.
