Tuesday, December 06, 2011

David Burtka Gets A Job With E!

Apparently being the partner of Neil Patrick Harris has some perks other than a 24 hour reel of Harold & Kumar running throughout the house and a doorbell that yells, "Doogie" when pushed. The Hollywood Reporter is reporting that David Burtka has been signed to a talent deal by E!. He will cover red carpets and other odd jobs and will allow the network to always have first dibs on NPH and also first dibs on any reality show David can talk NPH into doing.


  1. Knew something was coming after NPH was a guest on Watch What Happens with Andy Cohen this last time recently. There was a lot of odd glances and such. Probably just in my head, but I can see Andy having a crush on NPH the way he's gushed over him previously, and offered him a job as a way of flirting.

  2. ?? I thought he had a "real," non-performing type of career...?

  3. I'm surprised David Burtka doesn't get more acting gigs. He was very funny as Lily's ex on How I Met Your Mother.

  4. I've never really looked at him - he's cute! Very cute!

  5. It's not what you know, It's who you know...

  6. He quit acting to become a chef. Guess working 14 hours in a kitchen isn't as glamorous as he thought it would be. Yup, acting is much easier in a way.

  7. You know, this is the first time I've looked at him closely, and I actually think he kind of resembles NPH! Same jaw or something...
    'Course people tell me my fiance and I look like brother and sister. Ew.

  8. You guys are right, he and Neil could be brothers. Same face, different coloring.

  9. The resemblance is in the smile.

  10. Seems like the bi-coastal living was getting too hard for them and he's becoming more West Coast focused while someone manages the catering biz in NYC. Guess he'll be selling that soon.

  11. Good for him! I think he's cute & liked him on HIMYM.

  12. He's adorable. Good for him.

  13. These things happen, ya see. He's very easy on the eyes. If he does a better job at red carpet interviews than the majority of E! reporters, I say fantastic.
