Thursday, December 01, 2011

Courtney Love Wants To Be Lindsay Lohan's Sobriety Coach

In an interview with Details Magazine, Courtney Love says that she wants to be Lindsay Lohan's sobriety coach. First of all, I thought you had to actually be sober to be a sobriety coach. It does not make a lot of sense for someone to call their coach wanting a drink or to use drugs and hear their sober coach whacked out of their mind on something. Courtney Love as a sobriety coach? If we are going by experience then I think Courtney clearly has a lot of experience in drugs and booze and would certainly be knowledgeable about the effects, but she is also just as likely to want to join you than stop you. Is Courtney Love really trying to convince people she is sober and drug free?


Rita said...

Ah, this is where "the blind leading the blind appears", but more like dumb leading dumber.

Sue Ellen Mishkey said...

Yeah, and maybe Russell Brand can be her chastity coach.

*eye roll*

Rita said...

*meant to say applies, not appears.

surfer said...

I think Courtney is the one who needs a sobriety coach.

chopchop said...

I think she's addicted to prescription drugs, which many people (falsely) don't consider to be drug addiction because a doctor (or two) has them on the meds.

parissucksliterally said...

I can't even comment on this it is so fucking ridiculous.

Susan said...

What a lunatic.

MISCH said...

Can you imagine those two together, crawling home as the sun rises stumbling trying to get the key in the door....YES I CAN SEE IT ALL NOW.

Anonymous said...

Not like I'm defending LL but it does kind of suck that people will use a name just to get attention. At least that's how I read Courtney Love's comments.

RocketQueen said...

"First of all, I thought you had to actually be sober to be a sobriety coach."
Nothing more to say.

Maja With a J said...

Well, in Courtney's defense, she HAS gotten sober several times in the past. She just can't do any coaching on how to REMAIN sober...*L*

HighPriestess420 said...

Yeah she's sober and I'm a billionaire. There was a 3 or 4 part interview w/ her a few months ago and she proclaims she's sober then rambles off a list of prescription drugs she's on and mentions she did cocaine a week prior at a fashion show.

Anonymous said...

@Anita_mark - that's all she ever does. Just start noticing when you read interviews with her, she's always name-dropping and trying to make herself relevant. She is on my Loathe List.

canadachick said...

makes sense to me :)

Anonymous said...

@Brendalove, I'm going to look for that. Kelly Osbourne is good for that as well.

__-__=__ said...

And she should counsel Dina on how to be a good mother too!


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