Chaz Bono Moves Out
It must have been tough living under the same roof for the couple of months between the time Chaz Bono and his girlfriend broke up but having to wait for their television episode to air. It must have even been tougher having to do a little press for the episode which featured Chaz asking Jennifer Elia to marry him. Now it is all over though and Chaz is moving out. It still sucks to split right before the holidays. I think from Thanksgiving Day through New Years there should be no splitting up. I think this is especially true if there are children involved. Just suck it up and make nice for six weeks. I wonder if all that holiday stress leads to people splitting during that six week stretch and that if it was a different time of the year everything would be fine. Not saying that Chaz and Jennifer can be fixed because that is just not going to happen. There has been some crazy stuff that has happened inside that house.