Saturday, December 17, 2011

Chaz Bono Leaving His Girlfriend

Honestly right now I am barely functioning. Very little sleep and massive amounts of drinking. One of these years, the 400th holiday party in a month is probably going to make me go sober. Anyway, I know last month I talked about Chaz leaving his girlfriend even though he popped the question but for the life of me I don't remember if I did so here or in a blind item. Whatever the case, The Enquirer confirms what I said that Chaz has left and is already looking for someone else. Good luck with that. I think Chaz is pretty lucky to have someone who has stuck by him through all of this. To let go of that might come back to bite you. Oh, and Jennifer Elia, if you are in the mood for another 300 pound guy who looks bad in a suit, just give me a call.


  1. Yeah, this was a long time coming

  2. Maybe he can get with Vanessa Bryant.

  3. 40ish, obese and sans penis does not make for a good pickup line. Better hope for wealth or the fame factor to kick in.

  4. Anonymous9:47 AM

    I wonder what he's thinking. Very unattractive and obviously has a lot of issues to deal with. I was under the impression that she wasn't very happy anyway, and didn't find him attractive as a man. But she has stuck by him through a lot of shit. I wonder if he'll find anyone else willing to do that. Maybe Kim Kardashian. He can still pee, right?

  5. Chaz was so sweet when he was Chastity. His girlfriend went through a lot of really dramatic adjustments with her SO that most people would not be able to handle. I think this could possibly be a case in point where male hormones might be blamed a little for the "douche effect".

  6. kim was not peed on. get your porn straight.

  7. Sorry he repels me, I know it sounds terrible but I can't look at him.

  8. I'm not sure what is going on w/Chaz. I think there are some deeper issues, but I have no idea what those might be. Just a gut feeling.

  9. It seemed that the relationship was doomed to fail once Chastity became Chaz. Didn't they start out as a couple because they were both gay women? And then if one becomes a man, and the other isn't into men, how are they going to remain together?

  10. Chaz will wind up becoming a gay man.

  11. massive stupidity and shallowness in these comments. sheesh.

  12. MadLyb makes a good point about the hormones.

  13. i think this is all about keeping that reality show going and Chaz out and about having dates and telling women that yes he is a man but he still has a vagina.

    Will be compelling stuff, zzzzzz

  14. Didn't he undergo the below the belt surgery? I think you have to in order to legally become a man, which he did.

  15. Anonymous2:32 PM

    I wish I could comment yay or nay. It's all just a little too....weird

  16. She dodged a bullett. Chaz is just too volatile for me & his most recent statement about not standing to hear women speak tells me the testosterone has done a number on patience whatsoever. I view him as someone who will be no happier having had the surgery than he was prior.

    ****Grace I believe he said he'd not be doing "the bottom surgery" as the technology sucks. So basically he's just a woman with a huge clit (thank you testosterone) & no boobs.

  17. She seemed miserable in the second documentary on OWN---when he gave her a ring she looked embarrassed and like a deer in the headlights.

    He made a huge issue of her still drinking while he is sober--but I think a lot of the drinking was due to the stress of living with him through this transition and being in the spotlight all the time. She did not sign up for where they ended up and I think she was stuck.

    She just graduated--hope she can move on and find some way to be happy with herself.

    Having seen both of the documentaries and a lot of his interviews, I think Chaz has a lot more work to do to be comfortable in his own skin and doing that in the spotlight may be difficult.

  18. I can't imagine it was or is easy being a child of someone like Cher. Everyone you ever will meet will be comparing you to your mother. And Cher is a pretty hard act to follow. It has to be a fairly bad blow to your ego. No wonder Chaz has issues.

  19. Well, while not unsurprising, it is still sad.

    Chaz just seems to me to be extremely lost and searching. He just seems like he didn't have a very good childhood - Cher was kind of all over the place when Chaz was growing up and Sonny was busy with his new family.

    Then there was the affair with her Cher's friend, Joan- which I actually find more akin to child sexual abuse than anything else. Joan was 23 years older and died when Chaz was 23 or 24 after a 6 year relationship. That math is scary as hell and seriously messed up.

    Chaz needs to not be with anyone for awhile and really do some work with a good therapist to heal himself, because he is not a happy, well adjusted person. Hell, his comments about women are just off the hook. It is like he is subscribing to some stereotypical idea of what a "man" is with his misogyny.

    I hope Jennifer will be alright. Given her struggles with addiction, I hope she will stay safe and sober and find a good woman to share her life with. She really seems to deserve nothing else after all she has been through.

  20. Oh geez .. Car54. I didn't see that second documentary. I think the reason Chaz was freaking about her drinking is Jennifer is .. or was .. a recovering alcoholic and I think also had an issue with drugs. So that was a bad sign right there.

  21. I think Chaz is just a mountain of personal problems and his ex is LUCKY! I called this a long time ago because the girlfriend looked miserable on the Big O last May.

  22. @Grace no, you don't have to have the surgery to legally become a man. A judge signed off on his gender as a man. So he is a man. The only surgery he had was breast removal. He still has a vagina. Chaz lived as a man for years. So what makes a man, how they live and act or genitalia?

  23. Is it just me or is Enty only able to write about female to male trans people with a modicum of respect? If this was a trans woman, the "he's" and "man" would be flying off the page.

  24. cincinnatikate said...

    "kim was not peed on. get your porn straight."

    Yeah, she was, but she made them edit that part out for the version that was for sale. More proof that she was in on it from the beginning. The golden shower scene is out there on the web.

  25. I too always wondered why she would want to be with him, since she's a *lesbian* and that implies wanting to be with a *woman*...?

    I also wonder whether he had a hysterectomy? I'd think that as a man, having a period now would suck doubly. Or does the testosterone stop menstruation?
